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Spencer's POV

I was starting school the next day. Emily offered to show me around Rosewood High and I accepted. If I'm going to be friends with these girls I have to hang out with them more instead of being stuck to Hanna's side. We've went to the mall and had sleepovers, but I had to have a one on one with them at some point. "This our first class." Emily said, leading me to a room. We walked inside and everyone stared at me. "You must be the new student. I'm Mr. Fitz, welcome to English." The teacher said. He looked a bit young, but that's none of my business. I look around the room, thankful that the other girls are all in this class too. I find an empty seat next to Emily and pull out my binder.

At lunch, I got my food and walked into the middle of the cafeteria. I looked around and caught glimpse of Toby. He looked back at me smiled, waving me over. I started to walk towards his table. "Hey Spence!" I heard behind me. I turned slowly towards the table the girls were sitting at. Alison yelled for me to sit with them. I looked back at Toby, then the girls. Giving the girls an apologetic look, I turned back and sat with Toby.

"Hey Spencer." He greeted. I said a simple 'Hey' and began eating my food. As we ate, I heard loud taps coming towards our table. I turned and saw a girl with sunglasses tapping a stick, she was blind. She sat down next to Toby and greeted him. "Spencer, this is Jenna, my step sister." He introduced unenthusiastically. Jenna held her hand out and I shook it awkwardly. They must not have a good relationship.

     I looked back at the girls. They gave me sad faces and Alison just glared at me. She gestured for me to follow her and stood from her seat, going towards the exit. "Um...I'm gonna use the bathroom." I said, getting up from the table and following Alison. She took me to the girls bathroom and locked the door behind me. "What do you want?" I asked annoyed. "Why do you talk to him?" Alison asked, referring to Toby. "He's nice to me. I like him." I answered.

     Alison smirked and laughed a little. "You've got a crush?" She asked devilishly. "No...I-I don't like him like that." I lied. I did sort of have feeling for him. "Yeah, sure." Alison commented. Her demeanor changed and she looked at me maliciously. "I know you're texting Alex." She said. My body tensed. "Don't say a word." I told her. "If you don't tell them, I will. And you'll have a lot of questions to answer. You might just get someone fired." She said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I recognized Eddie's number from my mom's files. She's texting through his phone and if the board finds out, he'll lose his job." Alison said.

     "You wouldn't do that." I said. Eddie was like a father figure to us, he couldn't lose his job because of us. Of course Alison's mom was on the board at Radley so she could get him fired if she told. "Oh I would, watch me." She said, fishing her phone out from her pocket. I rush forward and rip the phone from her hands. "I'll do anything you want okay? Just don't tell anyone." I said, regretting that I couldn't stand up to her. She smirked as I handed back her phone and casually walked out the bathroom. I really hated her.

     "I'll snap her neck when I get out of here." My sister said. I had told her about my conversation with Alison. "Calm down. You don't want any of the nurses to hear you, you'll never get out." I warned. "Eddie will protect me." She said. I laughed a little at my sister's hope. She always trusted Eddie every since we were young. He used to read stories to us while we curled up on his lap. "Spence, I'm leaving tonight." Alex whispered. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "I'm getting out of here. I figured out how to open the window in my room. I'm gonna come see you." She said. "N-no! Alex they will find you!" I told her.

"I'm not arguing with you. I'm leaving tonight, then you, me, and Eddie can run away." Alex said. "Alex-" "I gotta go, it's lights out. See you soon." She interrupted, hanging up the phone before I could say anything. I laid down in bed and sighed, was I really going to run away with her? Did I even want to? I had made a life here, and I didn't know if I wanted to give that up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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