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Millie's pov-

Staring blankly at my idol in-front of me in pure shock, I can't seem to find anything to say.

"You're Yungblud...Dominic Harrison."

"That's me love!" He smiles big and laughs in his adorable way.

How is this even fucking possible. I've always wondered how fans ran into their idols at grocery stores when I can't even find my mom in the damn grocery aisles!

"And what's your name?"

"I'm Millie, you can call me Mills if you want though." I tell Dom being a little bit awkward.

"That's quite unique, I like it." Dom tells me, as he plays with his hair.

I can start to feel my cheeks burning in a blushing manner. This always happens when someone compliments something about me, even just the simplest thing like this. Plus IT'S FUCKING DOM TELLING ME THIS SO YEAH.

"I don't really know what to say to you other than thank you for everything you've done for me. Your music is so powerful mann and-"
I soon get cut off by Dom.

"Why don't we talk more over a cup of tea, does that sound good?" Dom asks me, being so welcoming.

Nodding my head in agreement, I gather the vinyls I wanted to purchase and bring them up to the register. Getting out my wallet inside my black side purse.

"What good music taste you have there. The Arctic Monkeys are my favorite, Alex Turner makes my heart beat so fuckin' fast ahh!"
Dom expresses to me as he puts his hand onto his chest from the thought of Alex Turner.

"Your total is £25.99" Zane tells me while putting my new vinyls in bags as he eyes Dom & I developing into a conversation.
Thanking him and soon exiting out the record store, we both stand on the sidewalk.

"Lets go to the café just a block away, if that's okay with you?"

"Yep that's absolutely fine with me. I'm up for a latte because I'm THAT basic bitch." Laughing in my annoying way, Dom laughs along too.

Walking down a block; talking about the vinyls I just bought and other bands I listen to. We actually have a lot of music similarities surprisingly. Lots of rock & alternative.

Reaching the café, Dom opens the door for me and holds it while I walk in and I thank him. What a gentleman. He looks up at the menu looking for options.

I begin to take in his appearance. He's wearing his blue creepers paired with his well known pink socks. Black skinny jeans being cut off a tad bit at the ends and a simple black t-shirt. Also white, heart sunglasses sitting on his fluffy brunette hair. Very attractive, I won't lie.

"Umm...Millie, what do you want to order love?"


"Oh, I'd like an iced caramel latte please"
Getting out my wallet and pulling out £10 to pay for the both of us.

"Don't worry love, I got it. I offered to come here." Dom tells me, signaling that he didn't want me paying. Rejecting his offer, he still continues to hand his money to the cashier.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do that. I would've paid."

"It's no problem, really. Now enjoy your basic bitch latte." Dom jokes, while I laugh at his stupid remark.

Soon finding a place to sit after receiving our drinks. Choosing a seat right across from Dom to talk to him directly. Taking a few sips from my latte to try to ignore the fact I'm nervous as hell.

"I want to know what makes my music so powerful to you and what I've done to help you, as you said in the record shop. I like getting on a human level with my fans, so sitting down with you Mills makes me quite happy!"  Dom takes a couple sips from his warm tea waiting for my response with a lovely smile towards me. My heart flutters at the fact he nicknamed me.

"So I discovered your music in the beginning of June. I right away knew you were different from the others. Your voice; your music is so unique compared to these other artists out there. The message behind all your deep ass lyrics is what is so powerful to me. Not just to me, but thousands of others too. You're trying to change the perspective of things in this fucked up society which is what I love!"
I express to Dom, looking into his glistening green eyes while he takes in everything I said.

"I appreciate that so fuckin' much love. It's amazing to hear your guy's feedback on all the things I create and put out to the world. And you straight up telling me how powerful it is, makes me feel like I'm actually doing things right. Because half of the time I'm just saying what I think and hoping for the best. It's my opinions; my thoughts, but I don't expect everyone to understand or agree with me which is absolutely okay!"
Dom tells me while he smiles wide. I can tell how happy this fandom makes him.

"I also wanted to thank you for all you've done for me. You've helped me through my anxiety. Your wise words and strong lyrics is what helps me breathe steady when I need it the most. You've also boosted my confidence massively these past months. I used to doubt myself so much and finally I can see that my mindset is in such a great place now because of you; your impact. You did this. You've helped me grow as a person. I couldn't be thankful enough for that. I even got a tattoo dedicated to your wise words."
I lift up my hand and take off my emerald ring to expose my Black Hearts Club tattoo to show Dom. With his eyes going wide and his jaw dropping.

"No fuckin' way... I remember you now. You're yungbluddominic on instagram. I saw your post about your fresh tattoo!! I was so touched by your caption love. In a way, I'm incredibly proud of you. I'm also happy I'm able to help you in some way possible." Dom puts his hand on top of my tattooed hand. My heart races a little from the warm sensation.

"I know you're thankful for the things I've done to get you through things, but I'm thankful for your nonstop support in this fandom. It's so fuckin' insane what music can do to others. It's even more mental to me since I'm having this affect on fans. They're truly family, do you know what I mean?"
Dom tells me with so much passion. You can really tell he cares so much about this fandom and how they even have an impact on himself.

"Yeah, I understand. And I'm surprised you even remembered my post. But I agree strongly that this fandom can do so many amazing things. They're so welcoming and loving!"

We talk more about his upcoming music and the Black Hearts Club for awhile. Finishing up our drinks, I grab my bag filled with vinyls and we both head out of the café.

Wow, time flew by. It's 4 pm and beginning to get dark already. I didn't regret any second of it though, I don't think I ever could. This is something I'll never forget.

"Before we both go our separate ways, I just wanna thank you one last time. For taking the time out of your day to sit down and have an actual conversation with me. To be honest, I never thought I would ever be able to thank you face to face, but look what happened. The unexpected."  I tell Dom while looking down at the pavement outside the café. Then looking up at him and smiling.

"It's truly no problem love! It was great to meet you Mills." Dom brings me into a tight, warm hug. Closing my eyes and taking in the moment, I feel so complete.

Telling each other our goodbyes, I start to walk off but Dom grabs my arm to stop me.

"Look inside your vinyl bag love. Have a great rest of your night and get home safe." Dom unexpectedly says and we both walk our separate ways.

What is he talking about? I take a look inside my bag from the vinyl shop to see a small piece of paper. Unfolding it, I notice that it's a number.

His number.

I guess this isn't our separate ways after all. Maybe this is just the beginning?

It's almost 1 am and I'm tried af after writing this. I hope you guys liked chapter 4!! Leave your opinions in the comments, I'd love to hear them. Vote and or add this story to your library if you want to get updates for whenever I upload! (Also, as you can tell; I used my Instagram username as the fan account name BC I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO CALL IT lol)

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