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Millie's pov-

Fluttering my eyes open to pure daylight seeking through the glass windows in the living room, I realize I'm still on Dom's chest. Looking up to simply admire his soft skin and how he looks so peaceful while sleeping. He must be so tired from his long lasting tour.

Smiling from the thought of how I slept in his arms. Looking around the living room a bit, I notice that Michael and Adam are no longer on the couches. Being curious, I decide to carefully get up without waking Dom. He deserves to rest longer. Making my way to the kitchen.

I find a sticky note left on the counter top.
"Don't cuddle too much, we'll be back soon some point, as for now we're just getting caught up at our own places. - guitar hoe & wig bitch"

Their stupid remark makes me chuckle. I mean at least they own up to their names.

While Dom is still sleeping on the couch, I choose to look around in the kitchen till I find a skillet to cook breakfast. Dom has been way too kind to me, the least I can do is cook for him.

Searching for some bacon and eggs in the fridge, I spray pam on the skillet as I turn on the stove. Cracking four eggs onto the wide skillet, I work my wonderful chef skills (not) to its best abilities. The eggs soon becoming scrambled to my choice.

Placing the scrambled eggs onto two separate plates and taking out the bacon strips from the package. Thoughts starting to consume me, I begin to think back to what Dom said to me last night.

Oh shit... he told me he was falling for me. Was he just too tired to care what was coming out of his mouth? Did he think I was asleep at that point? BECAUSE I WAS TOO DAMN TIRED TO RESPOND PROPERLY MAN! Does he really fucking mean what he said?

Hearing the bacon sizzling, I know that's the signal to take it off the skillet. Now having full plates to serve, I hear shuffling from the couch. Knowing Dom has woken up.

"Mhm, the smell of crispy bacon is fucking life." Dom states as he gets up off the couch and walks over to the kitchen counter to sit down.

"You really didn't have to cook love, you could've woke me and I would've made you something."

"No it's completely fine! You've already done enough for me, so enjoy this in return." I tell him with a smile on my face.

"By the way, I'm sorry that I slept on you last night ahh. I'm gonna fucking kill Michael once I get my hands on him."  I say, laughing the awkwardness off.

"There's no need to feel sorry love. Just wanted to be a protector if ya get what I mean. Wasn't a bother at all!" Dom tells me as he takes a bite of his strip of bacon with a reassuring smile.

Eating the rest of our breakfast in silence. Dom thanks me once again for making him breakfast. Also complimenting my cooking skills as well. I didn't think it was that spectacular, but whatever the boy says.

Shooting Venus a text that I'm up and that she could meet me near the trolly around 1-2 pm.
Looking down at the pink fabric on me, I remember Dom lending me his hoodie. Makes me so damn happy for some fuckin' reason.

"So I've had time to think. We should get to know each other better since we've only met how many days ago? But for some reason it feels as though I've met you so fucking long ago." Dom and I are now sitting on the L shaped couch, facing each other. I completely agree with him.

"Let's do it! What do you wanna know about my 'glorious life'." I joke around with an idiotic smile appearing. He runs his hand through his hair. So fucking attractive.

"How about your passions? What's your career? What makes your face light up whenever you talk about it? I wanna know what makes you, you. Ya know what I mean love." He smiles so fucking cutely, if that's even a WORD?!

"Well I'm actually a photographer and journalist. I guess I kinda fell into the whole career thing when I was about 18. And now being 20 and fully working for different magazine companies. My work can be all over the place at times. I can be found in my room writing till 3 am about a specific article based on an upcoming band. Or I can be found around the city taking photographs for new artists at their own concerts. I guess that's how I sorta discovered you in a way. One of my assignments was to write about this 'new upcoming artist' who was currently in Doncaster which was you. This path truly makes me who I am, because without music I'd be so lost. I love to write about messages artists try to put out there. I love to physically be in a place full of excitement and adrenaline full of support. That's why I do what I do!"

Already knowing my face is glowing, I blush a little and give Dom the biggest smile.

"And that's what I wanted to see. Your face light up from the single thought of what makes you the happiest. I like that about you Mills. You can find something so unique out of something small. Makes me fucking happy."
He looks directly into my boring grey eyes.

Why does he care so much about me? I'm not used to this feeling.

"Now what about you Harrison? What makes your whole world picture perfect in your eyes?" I smirk, waiting for a response.

"I'd have to say my music at the moment. The Black Hearts Club is fucking insane man! Everyone is so supportive and loving, it's mind blowing. I feel confident to say that I'm happy where I'm at right now. Being off tour for the year and now having some time to write new music. Writing is also a way for me to escape my mind for a bit because things can get very fucking crowded in there. So expressing that into my music is a huge part of telling a piece of my story and thoughts." Having such a wide smile, all I can think to do is to just hug him.

"You're changing lives Dom. I'm just speaking the truth and I want you to hear me out. So many young people look up to you and feel less alone because of what your overall message is, I'm proud." He looks at me again and thanks me with that thick British accent of his. Always finds a way into my heart.

Dom has dropped me off near the trolly even though I told him I could walk there instead of him going out of his way and driving me. This man is too fucking kind for this world.

Now wearing my previous plaid pants from the night before, I still have Dom's pink hoodie on due to the slight breeze out.

Standing outside, waiting for Venus. I have the guts to ask him the question that's been burning deep inside of me.

"Random, but when you told me last night that you were 'falling for me', what did you exactly mean by that?"

"Shit, you heard me? Umm... you know I can't fucking lie to you."

The trolly suddenly pulls up and Venus walks out ready to leave with me. Not really paying attention to her presence since Dom just admitted that he thought I WAS FUCKING ASLEEP WHEN HE SAID THAT TO ME.

"I'll explain later Mills. It's a date tomorrow night, keep my hoodie." Being brought into a tight hug. This time feeling something more.
His warm touch brought me an overwhelming amount of happiness. I'm falling for him slowly, but surely.

WOAH THERE. Sorry it's been two fucking weeks without an upload. Stress has been a main problem in my life currently (tbh with you guys). So I hope you guys liked chapter 9!! Weird uploading on a Wednesday lol. It's thanksgiving break for me right now, so I have some spare time. Love ya all and thank you for getting this story to 5k! Remember to vote and add this story to your library!🖤

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