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Millie's pov-

Sun peaking through my sheer curtains, I stretch and get out of my comfy bed sheets. Getting up to playing more Arctic Monkeys on my record player, I think back to the following events yesterday. How the fuck can a simple girl like me be this lucky? I've never met an artist that means the absolute world to me before.

I instantly put on some random clothes and brush my hair. Grabbing my car keys like a maniac and sprinting out the door. I prefer to tell my best friend in person rather than over the phone. I wanna see her reaction!

Soon arriving up to her driveway, I walk up her doorsteps and twist the door handle without a care.

"YA BITCHH IS HERE AND SHE'S GOT SOME GREAT NEWS!"  I scream through the house since I don't know where she's located.

"Thanks for just WALKING IN WITHOUT A WARNING! I thought an intruder was gonna kidnap me or some shit, love ya lots."        Venus walks out of the kitchen and into the living room where I'm at.

"So what's the tea sis? You seem really upbeat which is quite unusual knowing you." Venus questions. I don't blame her for being confused about my excitement lol. I only ever get hyped about things like a new album release or concert tickets.

"You might wanna sit down for this...you're not gonna fuckin' believe a word that comes out of my mouth."

Soon enough I'm explaining to her how I met the one and only Yungblud. How it was a shocking once in a life time experience.


"THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I SAID! What are the odds I'd meet Dom? I finally got to thank him face to face. It's so fucking insane and it still doesn't feel real."

My phone begins to start ringing in my back pocket. Turning the screen over, I look to see it's Dom calling me. My heart starts to flutter.

"Oh I also forgot to tell you that Dom slipped his number in my bag too..."  I tell Venus really fast before answering Dom's call. Her jaw drops.

-phone call-
Dom: good morning Mills!
Me: morning Dom, have any dreams about Alex Turner?
Dom: no, I fookin' wish bahhh! But I did have a wicked nightmare about Michael beating the shit out of me with his drum sticks. Hella weird. Besides that, I was just calling to see if you wanted to come to our show tonight.
Dom: who the fuck is that?
Me: umm...just my friend Venus.
Dom: sick! Bring her along, it'll be a fookin' insane night! I'll let my manager Alex know so you guys can be in front row and come back stage after.
Me: okay!! Can't wait! And don't make fun of me just because I know all the words to your songs...what time does the show start?"
Dom: 7pm love, see ya then!
-phone call ended-

"You should've called me last night right away! But it's all good, we get to see your man preform live!"

"He's not my man Venus, we just casually talk now I guess."

"Oh so it's casual for someone to slip their number, and it's casual to invite a fan to their own concert? OKAY WHATEVER YOU SAY MILLS! I just know there's something up with that boy."

"Let's get ready before we miss the damn show because of our bullshit rants." I tell Venus as we head up to her room. It's 5pm so we have about 2 hours to get ready.

"Shit, I don't have any clothes, I'm gonna have to borrow yours."

Venus obviously being fine with me wearing her clothes. Lucky enough, we share the same sizes. Searching through her closet and I find the perfect piece! Venus's style sense is a little different than mine, but she went through a "phase" as she likes to call it. So she has some edgy pieces left from the past years. I immediately put on the outfit, and look at myself in the mirror:

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