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Dom's pov-

5 minutes ago Millie and I were letting loose and now she's on the fucking floor in my arms. This can't be happening, what the fuck is going on?! She's breathing but unresponsive.

"Next time, watch your girl instead of leaving her alone to get alcohol. I'm guessing she never goes to parties. She'll learn her lesson."
Gerald walks past me and smirks.


At this point, I was furious and Gerald was walking out the door. How could someone do such a cruel thing to an innocent girl for fuck sakes?! He can't fucking get away with this!

"ADAM, GET THAT DOUCHEBAG BEFORE HE LEAVES!" I yell immediately for my best mate since Mills is still in my arms. I'm crouching on the floor with all these thoughts running through my mind.

I blur out everyone's words and the music is not clear to my fuckin head. Adam runs after Gerald and I'm still sat with the girl I love, being hopelessly unconscious.

Millie's pov-

My eyes are heavy and I don't feel like moving. I awake to white bed sheets that aren't mine. Where the hell am I? Was I drunk last night?

I notice the guitars on the wall... Dom's house?I look down at my dress attire to see I have an Undergroundengland shirt on which is oversized and some random shorts on.

Wait, did Dom & I...there is no way it's only been a fucking week and a half of knowing him.

I can feel my head pounding. Dom walks in.

"Fucking great, thank god you're awake love. I was worried sick."

"What are you talking about Dom? And what the hell happened last night if you don't mind me asking, I'm so confused and I don't remember shit."

I sat up in bed and Dom sat on the edge being serious. His cologne made me a bit more calm as to what was to come out of his mouth.
I smudged the makeup underneath my eyes that felt very apparent. He put his hand on top of mine.

"You were drugged Mills. Gerald, he put a Rohypnol tablet in your drink when you weren't looking love. You took a sip and you were out..." He looked into my eyes with all sympathy.

"No this can't be real. Why does this fuckin happen to me! I'm such a fucking idiot for not paying attention!" I break down into tears. I can't hold back the pain and my stupid actions that have caused a terrible night.

Dom looks me in the eyes and holds my chin up.

"You cannot blame this on yourself Mills. He is an idiotic arsehole who decided to fuck up a girl's night. And I promise you this. He won't fuckin get away with it. Adam beat him up pretty bad last night and we'll have to report the case together. You're not going to be alone in this love."

Dom comes in closer and kisses me ever so gently. My remedy, my cure.

"Now wipe those tears away! We're gonna chill out here for the day and you're gonna get all my cuddles because you deserve more than the world."

I smirk like the dork I am.

"Your kisses make everything better by the way... pure magic you got there Harrison."

I go in for another kiss but he puts his finger against my lips before anything.
"Save it for the cuddles."

Dom gets me Tylenol to ease my headache. I collect blankets around Dom's somewhat messy house since he hasn't gotten the chance to clean after touring.

Laying on the couch finally to feel at peace in Dom's arms. He pulls me up so we're both collided. Now being on his chest with our legs intertwined.

"Thank you for saving me when no one else probably would." I tell him, looking up to him.

"I'm sorry that I didn't go with you to get drinks. Everything would've been fuckin okay if I simply went with you darling."

"No you can't blame yourself either Dom. The universe is like this for a reason. We're all destined to fall in ditches at any unexpected moment. With your love, nothing can be wrong. The pain stops. I don't know how to explain it, but you're my medicine."

Still looking up at him. He has the biggest smile as his emerald eyes glisten.

He moves me up so I'm close to his face. My heart can't handle this and I'll never get used to it honestly. He places his hand on my face so that his cold rings are apparent.

"I love you so fucking much, you'll never understand and I still can't comprehend the fact that a guy like you would fall for a fan like me."

"But you're not a fan to me. You're much more than that love. You're my fucking oxygen and my motivation. No one is truly a fan, they're family and now you're more than family, you're apart of my life."

Dom collides his lips with mine. We sit up a bit. Both of our eyes closed with feelings of bliss. Taste of vanilla and cherry. I can never get tired of it.

His hand still placed on my face and my hand in his brown locks. Gentle was the opposite of our ordinary kiss. All passion was relevant.

Coming up for air, all we do is stare into each other's eyes searching for something.

"Mills... I want you to wear this." Dom takes off one of his rings and shows it to me. It has a beautiful black heart gem and on the sides are angel wings.

"Dom, it's your ring, you bought it, keep it. You make it rock better than I ever would."

Dom lifts up my left hand and slides the ring on my finger.

Dom lifts up my left hand and slides the ring on my finger

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"See it looks beautiful on you. Take it as a token that I will always protect you through everything and anything. I promise to be by your side through every hard patch. No matter how fucking challenging it can be. I love you so so fucking much."

"You're so fucking good to me and I have no idea how to thank you in return. It must be fair though. I'll protect you at all costs as well. You have my heart."

Laying back on his chest in absolute peace. With my eyes closed and hearing his heart beat. I call this paradise.

I HOPE YAZ LIKED IT!! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Vote for this chapter and add it to your library if you want. Leave some comments because I always like hearing your opinions :)) 🖤

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