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Dom's pov-

"shit shit shit shit, what the hell do I do mate?! I just kinda admitted my feelings to her. Its my fuckin' fault for opening my mouth last night." I say franticly, pacing around my room while Michael sits on my couch.

"Maybe that's not such a bad thing mate. Maybe this is just the beginning to something beautiful. For fuck sakes, I think it's time for you to get a girl man. And I wouldn't let this one go."

"She probably thinks I'm insane for falling for her this fucking soon."

"But that's what's so special about this man. Love at first sight, first touch. Now get ready for this date, you're gonna fuckin' crush it!"

Millie's pov-

I'll pick you up around 6:30 pm love, see ya then xx

Words can never describe the feeling in my stomach right now. It's full of nerves but also excitement. Butterflies? That's so cliche; why not extreme waves of the ocean trying to escape the shore. My poetic ass needs to stop.

"Okay bitchhh, I'm here to help you get your life together." Hearing Venus open my bedroom door while she has makeup bags in hand.

Venus puts my hair up in a simple half bun as the rest of my straight, short hair is down. I was never really good with hair. I get out Venus' makeup palettes and begin to do a rose gold look on my eyes. With a hint of glitter here and there. The final touch being a rustic matte lipstick.

Heading over to my closet and picking out an outfit I was yet to wear since I bought it a few weeks ago.

"Vene, does this look fine?"

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"Vene, does this look fine?"

"oh my fucking god, IT'S MORE THAN FINE!! You look fuckin' stunning. Dom is going to be drooling over you hun."

Laughing at her little remark, I hug her with an empathetic smile.

"You okay Mills?"

"Yeah, just a bit nervous about this date. Nothing has came to realization yet that I've been with my absolute idol. My fucking fan account is probably so confused as to where I've been. I feel bad because Dom probably feels weirded out n' shit about me having that account ugh, gotta delete the thing."

"I wouldn't stress yourself out so much about it Mills. It seems like he really likes you. And I understand if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed , who wouldn't if they were in your position?! Keep your head up, there is nothing to worry about. Now go get your fine ass downstairs!"

This is exactly why I'm glad I have a best friend like her in my life. To forever support me and make me feel confident when I don't.

Looking at the time to see it's 6:28, I hear a knock on the door. Opening to see Dom. I can't help but to admire him and his outfit. With his silver chain on his cut off black pants. This sick design on the side of his pants with safety pins. And his creepers that only look good on him. His fashion sense makes him stand out like a god.

"You look fucking gorgeous love." Dom now looking me up and down with that adorable smile on his face.

Before I could say anything, Venus came down the stairs. "Take care of my best friend and bring her back in one piece, ya hear me Dom. Or I'll have to call Mikey on your ass and that won't be pretty."

"Wait are you and Michael a thing now?!"
I ask with a confused expression.

"Story time for another day kiddos." Venus says, rushing Dom & I out the door.

"Welp that confirms it."

"Dom where are we headed?" I ask this being confused as to where we are.

We've been singing the Arctic Monkeys in the car the entire time. Dom would occasionally put his hand on my thigh. Another way to make my heart go wild.

"Somewhere that means a lot to me." Dom parks his car and I notice a sign on a grey bridge lit up. 'I love you will you marry me?'

Now being dark out due to the fact it's 7:00 pm, but I don't mind. We both get out of the car and Dom unexpectedly takes my hand in his. Walking side by side. I can't help but to notice the coldness of his rings touching my fingers. Just the simple act of affection brings my whole world happiness.

We sit down next to the nearest tree. Dom has set out a warm blanket for us to sit on. He puts his arm around me so my head in now in the crook of his neck.

"I used to come here all the time when my heart was broken. I'd sit next to this tree just to admire the sad lit up sign. I thought it was a metaphor for my life at the time since I had to face reality."

"Why do you think that?" I ask him as I'm playing with the chain dangling from his pants.

He joins his hand with mine again.

"People used to tell me all the time I wouldn't make it in the music industry. There was a point in my life where I gave up for a bit because I believed what they fuckin' said. Some of my most powerful songs were written here when I felt the most broken. When I felt like my world was tumbling down like a fuckin' meteor."

"I always knew you were gonna make it big love. It's sad to think that you didn't think your music wasn't 'good enough' as people supposed. You're making a difference in this fucked up world. This is only the beginning."
I look up to face him, looking deep into his eyes. He fixes a strand of my hair and puts it behind my ear.

"I haven't been here in awhile, I think that's because I haven't felt broken or lost anymore. It's true Mills ... I've fallen so fucking hard for you and I can't hide it. It's only been about 4 days since I've known you, but this feelings is stronger than ever. You're so fucking different from the others!"

I sit up a bit to face Dom directly.

"But I'm a fan Dom, if the Black Hearts Club would find out they would have a meltdown."
I look down at the blanket so eye contact is lost.

"You're not a fan though, you're apart of the Black Hearts Club. You're my supporter, and you're more than that to me. You're much more than some ordinary 'fan' who fucking follows me on instagram or someone who streams my music. You're my fucking air and I live off of you."

He lifts up my chin so I'm looking into his deep, emerald eyes again.

"Maybe coming here was a sign that this bridge is no longer a metaphor of sadness or heartbreak, it's a sign telling me that I'm no longer broken because of you. You've fixed me. Fuck the music labels telling me I can't date a supporter. Millie, I've fallen so fucking hard for you and your beautiful ways, be mine and I'll be yours."

His green eyes searching into mine waiting for a response. I can't help to look at the way his lips form. A light shade of perfect pink.

"I'm all yours then."

He touches my face ever so lightly and deepens into the kiss. Full of bliss.

WELL ... What do you guys think lol?! I'm sorry that I've been behind on uploading chapters again. But hopefully this chapter will make up for it. Thanks for 7k, I love ya guys so fucking much!! Remember to vote and save this story to your library if ya want. Keep up with me on my fan account @/yungbluddominic on insta :) 🖤

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