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Millie's pov-

Last night was so fucking incredible...
how his hands fit in mine ever so perfectly and how his lips tasted.

It's 6am and I haven't got out of bed. All those wonderful thoughts rolling through my mind like a movie. I can't believe I fucking kissed Dominic Harrison. And to even think that he's my fucking BOYFRIEND... shit this is insane.

For now, I have a writing assignment that is due at 11am. The company "MindMatter" that I work for, has been wanting me to write about some band "Arrested Youth."

After writing almost a 12 page assignment based on this new upcoming band, I've learned that Ian is the lead singer and actually has a great message to spread. "The Youth" is the fandom's name.

My phone vibrates.

"goodmorin love, I just woke up :)
Was wondering if ya wanted to maybe come to this party that's going on with a few mates of mine, I guess it's gonna be massive."

"I'd love to! The whole record store was talking about it a couple weeks ago lol."

"Great, I can't wait to show off my stunning girlfriend ;) I'll pick ya up around 7 xx"

What a smooth talker than man is.
I decided to call Venus and fill her in on the shocking news.

"Hey Mills!! How did the date go last night?! If Dominic fucked you over, I'll chase his ass down hunny."

"Calm ya tits Vene! It actually went so damn amazing, you don't even understand... he brought me to the beautiful Parkhill bridge and we sorta kissed and-"

"Millie Hale... what did I tell you about PROTECTION!"

"oh my fucking god... NO, that's not where I was going. I was gonna say that we're now in a relationship!"

"Oh, about god damn time. Michael and I have been at it for awhile now, little do you know BAHHH."

"Why are we such obvious human beings ... ?"

I decide to start getting ready for this party. Having no idea what to really wear, I just put this on and hope for the best:

Doing my makeup with my favorite rustic red lipstick, a dark brown/glitter shade of eyeshadow, and adding a glowing streak of highlighter

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Doing my makeup with my favorite rustic red lipstick, a dark brown/glitter shade of eyeshadow, and adding a glowing streak of highlighter. Spraying my setting spray to hear someone knocking downstairs. I run down, ready to go.

Opening the door to be faced with such a beautiful boy that I can finally call mine.

A sudden urge takes over me and I just hug him. I can't believe this is real life anymore.

"Look at you being all gorgeous and cute n shit. Let's get going before Adam gets pissed."

We let go of each other and I look up to him.
"Have I ever told you how pretty your face is? I'm weird, ignore me." Kinda regretting what just came out of my mouth.

"No need to ignore a beautiful angel that speaks her mind." Dom kisses my nose and we both walk out the door, hand in hand.

Arriving to the party shortly, cars are packed outside of multiple houses.

We get out of Adam's car and Dom suddenly pulls me by my waist. Damn, I'm really not used to this relationship stuff. His touch always gets to me though. I don't think I'll ever get used to this anytime soon.

We step foot into the mad rave house. The smell of alcohol is pure and you can feel the music. Dom and Adam find their friends as I'm dragged along.

"Mills, this is my mate Spencer, he's done a lot of photography for tour in the past. And Spencer, this is my girlfriend, Millie."
I shake Spencer's hand with a smile on my face, being interested in his work. But all I can focus on is Adam's face being completely shocked.

"YOU TWAT! You didn't even tell me you two were a thing! For fuck sakes. Then again Michael called it." Adam shrugs and walks off to wherever the fuck.

Wanting to dance and let loose, I pull Dom over to the middle of the living room.
"Do I wanna know" by the Arctic Monkeys is playing and all I can think about is how I met this beautiful man right in front of me at a record shop. What are the chances?

At this point, Dom and I are just dancing like a bunch of idiots, jumping around like no one is around. I think this is paradise. To feel like no one is watching your every move, while you're with the one person you care most about.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get us some drinks!"
I kinda shout to Dom since the music is blaring. He nods and let's go of my hand.

Walking over to the kitchen, I pour two beers in red cups. I drop my purse on the floor when picking up the cups from the table. Some random guy helps and I put the drinks back down.

"There you go miss... the name is Gerald, but you can call me G." The boy with the slicked back, brunette hair hands me my purse. I thank him and walk away with the beers I poured, wanting nothing to do with strangers of the night picking up chicks.

I take a chug of my drink and start to feel my body wanting to dance again. Meeting with Dom and him smirking with that face of his. His emerald eyes looking deep into mine as he takes a sip of his drink as well.

"Do me a favor and don't let that g-easy dude talk to you, he's bad news love. You're mine." Dom whispers in my ear and I kiss him to show him that I'm all his. He wasn't expecting that at all and that's what I like. To show him the unexpected.

My world begins to stop. What the fuck is going on? My body is slowing down, but my mind says otherwise. All I can do is collapse...

I'M SO SO SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER... please forgive me lol. What are your theories as to what happened to Millie though? I'd love to hear!! Btw, thanks for 9k reads! Remember to vote for this chapter and add this story to your library. Love you all and I'm happy to be back writing :)

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