Chapter 1

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Author's POV

In this story, Jihyo and the others are 7 years old here. Except for their parents and maids, of course.

Jihyo's POV

Today, I had woken up by Jimin and Rosé. They always fight since I was born.

"HEY JIMIN! TAKE THAT BACK!!!" I heard Rosé yelled.

"Reach it first!" Jimin replied while he is waving Rosé's doll.

"Hey you two! Stop fighting!" I shouted at them.

"You heard Jihyo! Give it to me!" Rosé said at Jimin. But Jimin won't stop.

"Reach it first!" Jimin said while laughing.

"*Sigh* Whatever!" That only word came out from my mouth.

I saw one of the maids preparing breakfast. I wanted to help them. I just helped them because I want to.

"Let me help you." I said and smiled.

"No, ma'am! It's our work!" One of the maids said.

"Please! I told you to call me Jihyo. And first, I wanted to help you. It seems that's so many!" I said with a smile.

"Okay! Jihyo!" She said and smiled back. Her smile is wider than mine.

After that work, my eomma came down from upstairs. I ran to her and hugged her.

"Eomma! Eomma! Good morning!" I said while hugging her.

"Good morning Jihyo!" She replied and hugged me back. While she is hugging me, she heard Jimin and Rosé still fighting.

"*Sigh*" she said while rubbing her forehead.

"Eomma! Let me take care of it!" I said and smiled.

"Kamsahamnida Jihyo!" She said and smiled back. I let go of the hug.

"Hey you two! Eomma's head is hurting because of you two!" I whispered at them.

"It's that it! Okay! Here your doll Rosé" Jimin said while giving the doll to Rosé.

"Thank you!" She said before she get but Jimin waved it again up high.

"Argh! Fine! That's yours! Eomma will bought me another one!" Rosé said.

"Fine! This is yours! I'm not a gay to play with it!" Jimin said and gave the doll to Rosé.

"Hah! I know you will fall for it!" Rosé laughed.

"Whatever!" Jimin said and rolled his eyes.

"*Sigh*" I said and rolled my eyes too.

"Stop rolling your eyes you two!" Rosé shouted.

Shin Hye's POV

My head hurts because of Jimin and Rosé. They always fight. Good thing that I have Jihyo. Jihyo is like the oldest in the siblings. But, Jihyo is the youngest.

I can see her stoping them. Finally! Jimin and Rosé stopped. I can't hear them because they are too far from me. But, I can see them.

After that, Jihyo came to me and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Kamsahamnida Jihyo!" I said while hugging her tightly.

"Your always welcome, eomma. Eomma, I can't breathe!" Jihyo said like she is going to die.

"Mianhae" I replied and let go of the hug.

"BTW eomma, I want to help the children in the orphanage! I saw in the internet that I can help them." Jihyo said with a smile. I just can't say no to my daughter. Especially when your daughter is sweet, kind, smart and beautiful.

"Of course! There is an orphanage in South Korea. You can give them your old toys or old clothes!" I said and smiled back. She smile so widely. I think she is excited. But her smile faded. It became a frown.

"Why in South Korea?" She asked.

"Because there are many kids in the orphanage in South Korea. And plus, 3 years more, we are going to live there!" I said. I should be a surprise to them. But I'm just so talkative.

"Ehh? Oh okay! I would like to go in Korea!" Jihyo said and smile again.

Jihyo's POV

I am so happy that eomma will allow me to help the them. I thought, eomma will not allow me.

I started getting my old things. My dolls, my clothes, and my rubber shoes. There is only rubber shoes there. That's the rubber shoes that my aunt gave me. But, it's for boys. And I never use it.

After looking, I put it in a box and carry it downstairs. It is kinda heavy. But, one of the maids help me.

"Kamsahamnida" I said to the maid that had helped me. She winked at me.

"Just doing my job!" The maid said and left. I went to the dinning table since I am not yet eating breakfast. I get a slice of bread and eat it.

Jungkook's POV

There are only few children that are left in the orphanage. Many people are adopting children this year. But, luck is not with me.

Nobody wants to adopt me and my sister, Somi.

Next Day

"Jungkook! Jungkook! Wake up!" Eunwoo waked me up.

"Let me sleep more." I said and go back to sleep.

"There are toys, clothes and a pair of rubber shoes that someone has donated!" He said shaking me.

"Jinja?" I asked and he nooded. I quickly get out of the bed. I want a rubber shoes so badly. I want to join in the basketball team, but I don't have a pair of rubber shoes.

Today, I have a chance to have one. I will just use my money for important reasons.

"Jungkook! Come here! There are pair of rubber shoes here that I had saved for you! I know you want these" one of the workers said.

I quickly go to her with a smile. I get the rubber shoes from her hands and stared at it. It's still new. It's not broken, still shinny and it smells good.

"Kamsahamnida" I said. She smiled at me and I smiled back. Somi got a doll from the box. She wanted a doll once. She is saving money too.

I bet the one who donated that has a really big heart.

"Uhm... excuse me! May I ask who is the one who donated this!" I said with a smile.

"Ohh! She has the same age as you and she is rich, kind, beautiful and smart! She is from the Park company. But she was born in US. She is full Korea. Her name is Park Jihyo!" She said with a smile.

"Can I make a letter for her? To thanked her. I really appreciate this!" I said and smiled back.

"Sure!" She replied.

I quickly go to my room and get a paper and a ballpen. I started writing a letter.

To be continued...

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