Chapter 16

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Jihyo's POV

I wake up in a room with Jungkook. Jungkook's parents are here. Even my parents and unnie and oppa.

"Jihyo-ahh! Your already awake. Here! Eat this" eomma said. She gave me a slice of bread with butter. I ate it.

"I'm sorry" I said. They all look at me. I gave them a weak smile but then a tear rolled on my cheeks.

"Jihyo! It's not your fault" Rosé-unnie said. She came to me and patted my back.

"It is! I called him but I didn't realize that he is still driving. I should think first" I said. Unnie hug me while I was crying. She is rubbing my back.

"Jihyo-ahh! That's just an accident" Mrs. Jeon said. I broke the hug with unnie and look at Jungkook. Jungkook-ahh! I wish you are awake now.

"Jihyo! Don't think that it is your fault why Jungkook got into this. Okay? This is not your fa-" Jimin-oppa said. He was about to say that it is not my fault but I interrupted.

"It's not my fault? If it's not mine, then who?" I said. Rosé-unnie was going to hold my hand but I pushed it away.

"I think I'm a bad girlfriend to him. I might break up with him. That a good idea. Right?" I said. Tears are falling every second. I'm trying to calm myself but I it just hurts.

"Jihyo! Do you think Jungkook will be happy if he wake up without his girlfriend already?" Oppa asked. What choice do I have? If I didn't break up with him, he might get into an accident again.

"Jihyo! Please don't give up with our son. He really loves you. I know you love him but please! Don't sacrifice your love for him. Nothing can stop your love. I promise" Mr. Jeon said. I nodded at them gave them my weak smile.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. And unnie, oppa, eomma and appa" I thanked them. I'm really thankful that they are here to cheer me up.

"You know that we're always here for you" appa said and smiled. I'm trying my best to smile but all I give is just a small one.

"I'll just go outside" I said and they all nodded. I did what just I said and sat on the chair beside Jungkook's room.

"Jihyo-ahh!" A familiar voice called my name. I look at the direction from where the sound came from. It's Chanyeol-oppa.

"What are you doing here oppa?" I asked. He noticed my eyes where all red and puffy. He just stared at my eyes.

"Did you cry?" He asked. I shooked my head. He sigh and stand.

"Is your sister here?" He asked. I nodded and I pointed him the door. He knock at the door and went in. I just stay here outside.

"Jihyo-ahh!" The door open revealing eomma. I stood up and focus to what is she going to say.

"Jihyo-ahh! You need a check up" she said. I nodded and go to her.

"Honey! I mean in U.S." she said. I'm going back to U.S?! All of the sudden! Why?

"Eomma! Can't the doctors here can heal me?" I asked. I'm getting teary already. I can't help it.

She shooked her head. There it is. My tears had escape. This can't be happening. Jungkook needs me.

"How about Jungkook eomma?" I asked. She wiped my tears and holds my hand tightly.

"We are just going to be quick there. I promise" she said. I just sigh and nodded.

We went to the house and eomma started packing. She have many luggage with her so I help her. Why it has to be this many? We are just quick. Right?

2 years later

It has been two years. Why am I still here?! Has Jungkook waked up already?! Eomma didn't even take me to the doctor to have a check up.

I want to go back. I miss Korea. I miss appa. I miss unnie. I miss oppa. I kiss my friends. And I kiss the most important person in my life.

I miss you Jungkook

Shin Hye's POV

I'm planning to have 5 years with Jihyo. I hope she forgot Jungkook.

Our company, Park Company, and the Jeon company, are enemies now. We decided to break Jungkook and Jihyo up.

We planned this while Jihyo is outside that time. Mrs. Jeon texted me and said that Jungkook had wake up but he has amnesia. I think it's time to go back to Korea.

"Jihyo-ahh! We're going back to Korea" I said. The arrange marriage have gone very wrong. I think Jihyo had forgotten about him.

"Okay eomma" she said in a very sad tone. I wish she really have forgot about him. Or I wish that Jihyo don't have any feelings for Jungkook.

Jihyo's POV

After the we rode the plane, we went back to our house where appa, unnie and oppa are.

"Welcome back again, Jihyo" she said as she hugged me so tight. Oppa also did the same.

"I miss you unnie and appa. By the way, where is Jungkook?" I asked. Nobody answered. But appa and eomma are whispering to each other.

"I taught you did it already?" Appa whispered, which I can hear. Eomma did what?

"I did! I taught she already forgot about him" eomma whispered back. I got so angry but my eyes got watery.

"You let me forget about him?!" I shouted. Why does they need to do this to me?

"Look Jihy-" eomma said. But because of that I am so angry, I push her away and interrupted her.

"Eomma! Jungkook is the first person who I love and loves me back. He is like my everything" I said. I walked out and go to my room. Unnie followed me.

"Jihyo" she called me. She offered a hug. I accept it and cried on her arms.

"Unnie! Why does the world has to be so cruel?" I sobbed on her arms. She rubbed my back and comfort me.

"Look Jihyo! Eomma and appa will explain everything once you talk with them" she said. I can't even talk to them. They hurted me. Did Jungkook forget me already?

To be continued...

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