Chapter 7

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Jungkook's POV

"Or... let's just eat! I'm hungry!" Momo-noona said.

"You are always hungry!" Nayeon-noona teased and she received a death glare from Momo-noona.

"Let's go to the dinning room" Jin-hyung suggested.

"Okay" Momo-noona said.

I sat beside Jihyo and V-hyung.

"After this, let's play outside" Jin-hyung said.

"Ne!" We all said.

After the delicious meal, we went outside. We played outside.

"What will we play?" I ask.

"How about wedding! I'm the bride while Jungkook is the groom" Jennie said.

"No! I'm sick of it" I said and she roll her eyes.

"Hmm... How about... tag or hide and seek" Chanyeol said.

"Great! Let's play tag first then, hide and seek!" Suga-hyung said.

We played happily and time to play hide and seek. I went to Jihyo because all of my friends are bad at hiding.

"Where are you hiding Jihyo?" I asked.

"Hmm, let's hide inside the house. Besides, there is no rule to go inside the house. Let's just eat there" she said and smiled. Woah! She is smart.

"Great idea! Let's go?" I ask and she nodded. We went inside and eat.

30 minutes later

It has been 30 minutes but they haven't found us. But, my friends are many. That's because I am friendly😏

After we eat, they just came inside.

"Woah! We are looking everywhere for you two" Suho-hyung said.

"Well, there is no rules so, we get inside and eat" I said.

"Let me guess, Jihyo think of this" Jimin-hyung said.

"Well, yeah" I said.

"How did you know?" Jennie asked.

"She is smart" he replied.

"Let's play another game" Xuimin-hyung requested.

"What kind of game?" Sana-noona asked.

"Well, I'm getting tired of running" Jisoo said.

"Same here!" Baekhyun-hyung said.

"Me too" Chen-hyung said.

"Me three" Tzuyu said.

"How about... Truth or Dare?" Hoseok-hyung asked.

"Okay! Everybody form a triangle formation! I'll get a water bottle" Jin-hyung said.

Jimin POV

"I'm back! Let's start to play" Jin-hyung said and placed the bottle in the middle. I am beside Jihyo and Mina. Rosé was beside Jihyo.

"Let's start!" Taehyung said as he spin the bottle.

Everyone watched it while I keep staring on Mina. I don't know why do I keep on staring at her. Her eyes sparkle.

I didn't even notice that the bottle pointed to me. I didn't notice because I am staring at Mina.

"Jimin! Truth or Dare? Wait, do you like Mina?" Chen-hyung said.

"Ooo~" everybody teased but not my sister, Jihyo. She is just smiling at me.

"Finally! Another couple to add on my BangTwice ship" Tzuyu said.

"Your crazy, Tzuyu" Mina said.

"Not like your crazy for Jimin" Tzuyu said.

"Back to the question, Truth or Dare?" Jisoo asked me.

"Truth" I said.

"Is someone from this room or this place you like, or do you have a crush on someone on someone here? Say the truth! Liars go to hell" Suga-hyung asked.

"Good question hyung" V said as he had an hi five with him.

"We all know that it's Mina" Dahyun said.

"Yeah! Just admit it" Rosé said.

"Shut up!" I said and she pouted.

"Okay! I do have a little crush on Mina. In fact, she is my first crush! She is the first person to capture my heart" I confessed.

I look at her and her eyes widened and she is blushing. That mean she like me, right?

"Oppa! Your too young for that! Just wait for Mina when it comes to the right time to marry her" Jihyo said.

"Aish!" I said.

"Let's go back to the game" Mina said and she spin the bottle. It landed on Dahyun.

"Truth or Dare?" We all asked.

"Truth!" She said.

"The same question of Jimin! Do you like som-" Baekyun got cutted off by Dahyun.

"Yeah yeah! I know!" She said.

"So, who is it?" Jungkook asked.

"It is...." She started.

"Who?" Rosé asked.

"DO-oppa" she said. Our eyes widened.

"Jinja?" Jin-hyung said.

"I think it's time to clean your ears" she said.

"Hmph" Hyung said and spin the bottle again.

Jungkook's POV

We are all shocked of all the truth. The truths is all about telling their crushes. If we choose dare, it will lead us to punishment from our parents. I hope it will not land on me.

I keep praying for it but I was unlucky. It landed to me.

"Jungkook! Truth or Da-" I cutted Momo-noona.

"If I say dare, I will have a punishment from my parents. If I say truth, you will know my crush" I explained. The boys smirked.

"So, you like a girl from here?" Suga-hyung smirked.

"No, no, n-" they cutted me off.

"Come on Jungkook! Just say it" V-hyung said.

"We all know that it's me" Jennie said.

"Wrong it's Jihyo!" I said and covered my mouth after I realized what I say.

"Ooo~" They teased.

"Just promise me that you will not hurt our sister" Jimin-hyung said.

"Hyung!" I said.

"What?" He said. I didn't even fight him because I am a kind boy😏

"Hmm... What time is it?" Chen-hyung asked.

"3:47 pm" Jisoo answered as she red it on her watch.

"Let's go home now. Our parents might be waiting for us" Hoseok-hyung said.

"Wait, I'll ask my parents to bring you home" Jin-hyung said.

"Okay" we all said in unison and he leave. Few minutes later and he came back.

"Okay get in the van from outside" Jin-hyung said.

"Kajja" I said.

To be continued...

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