Chapter 9

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Jihyo's POV

"Jimin, can you get my phone upstairs" appa said.

"Ne!" He replied. Jimin-oppa went upstairs and find it. We heard a crash upstairs.

"I'll help him" I said.

"Okay" appa said.

I went upstairs.

"What's all the noise about?" I asked.

"All the bags of appa fall down and I pick it up" Jimin-oppa expalined.

"Ahh! Let's find the phone" I said. We started looking for everywhere but nothing.

"Where is that phone?" I asked.

"I don't know that's why we are looking for it" Jimin-oppa said.

"*Sigh*" Let's just go downstairs and tell appa that it's not here" I said.

"Okay" he said and we go downstairs.

"Appa! It's not there" Jimin-oppa said.

"Yeah! Appa just remembered that it's on his pocket" Rosé-unnie said.

"What?!" I said.

"Hehe, mianhae" appa said.

"Now seat and let's call your eomma" appa said.

"Ne!" Me and Jimin-oppa said.

Jihyo:Eomma! Where are you know?

Guy:Your eomma is safe with me

Rosé:Your not eomma! Where is eomma?

Guy:Turn on your camera

I turn in the camera and we saw eomma tied up on a chair with a tape on her mouth.

Jihyo, Jimin, Rosé:Eomma!


Guy:Is your eomma in danger? Go here with 1 million dollars and we will give you your precious eomma

Appa:Don't hurt her okay?

Guy:If you did not go here. And by the way, don't call the police. If you call a police, I'll shoot her. Bye

Call Ended

"Appa *sob* is eomma gonna be okay?" I asked.

"Ne! Eomma will be alright. Stay here tommorow and don't follow me" appa said.

"Appa! We want to come with you" Rosé said.

"I'll call a police and just stay with the police inside the police car" appa said.

"Ne!" Jimin-oppa said.

Next Day

Our problem is eomma. Will eomma got shot? We have money because appa and eomma owns the most successful company in South Korea.

We are now in front of a warehouse.

Seo Joon's POV

I'm now inside the warehouse. I'm holding a 1 million dollars inside a bag.

"Drop the bag now" the guy said. I did what the guy said.

"Now, where my wife?" I asked.

"She is up, up, up there" he said and he is pointing to the top. There is another guy with my wife. He is pointing his gun to Shin Hye's head.

Letters (Jihyo and Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now