Chapter 13

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Jimin's POV

Gosh! Highschool life is so hard. I completely understand nothing. At lunch, I'll not eat and just go to the library to study.

I'm just waiting for the bell to ring so that I can go to the library. Only a minute and its lunch time.

3, 2, 1 Ringgg!

I straightly go to the library with my books. I find a table to sit on and the one that is quiet enough.

Mina's POV

"Aish! Let's just eat our food" Chanyeol-oppa said. I look around to look for Jimin but nope. He is not here.

"Hey guys. Where is Jimin-oppa?" I asked and they didn't speak. I waited for their answer and unnie spoke up.

"We taught he was with you" Nayeon-unnie said. I gave them a confuse face.

"I taught he is with you guys" I said. I'm starting to get worried. What if he is cheating.

"Try calling him" Lisa suggested. They nodded and say 'yeah'. I sigh and called him. He didn't even answer the call.

I stood up form my seat which made everyone's attention on me. I roam around the school just to look for him. I look at the garden, the rooftop but he isn't there.

There is only one place I haven't search. The library. I know he wasn't there because he doesn't like reading.

"*Sigh* I wish that he could be here" I said to myself. I enter the library and look for him. The library is big though.

Finally! I saw him to there at the table. He seemed to be studying. Well that's new. But, he looks to be struggling at what he is doing.

I was about to come near him but a girl came near him. Not just any girl but, Seulgi.

"May I help you?" She asked. Jimin put down his pen schooled his head.

"My girlfriend will be here to help me" he said. I somehow smiled like a jerk.

"You mean Mina? Where is she now? I noticed that you are still here a while ago" she said and rolled her eyes. Is she stalking him?

"Well, she's uhmm... Sh-" he stuttered but I came near him. I sat beside him and make a fake smile at Seulgi.

"I'm here!" I said. Jimin's eyes widened but he just go with the flow.

"Yeah so... you may leave us now" he said. Seulgi leave with her eyes getting watery. But, we don't care.

"Yah! You made us worried. You are not there to take lunch and you are not responding to my calls" I said. I turn away and crossed my arms.

"Sorry! But I'm studying here. The problem is, I can't do this" he said as he twisted me to make me face him.

"I'll teach you" I said. He smiled so brightly and gave me his notebook and pen.

I teach him all he wants to learn. After that explanations, he seemed to understand it. He must be listening to his girlfriend only and not to the teacher.

I felt so sleepy so I put my arms at the table and put my head in top of it until I fell asleep.

Jimin's POV

Mina is a good teacher than the teacher here in this school. I write everything all the solution on the paper and give it to Mina.

But, Mina is sleeping, peacefully. She's still beautiful even when she is sleeping.

I can't resist her. I lean my face closer to her. I want to kiss her so bad already. My lips was like 1 inch away from hers. I stop leaning and just moved away because she's starting to wake up.

"What are you doing?" She asked. She fixed her hair and bangs because it got messy while she is sleeping.

"Uhm... I'm just checking if how long are you sleeping" I stuttered. She checked on her breath and it seemed still fresh.

"Classes are going on! Let's go?" She said. I nodded and we stand up. We get my things, well, she gave it to me and I put it on my locker.

"Thank you, Minari~" I said before entering the house. She show her gummy smile and I smile. It's cute to see her smile.

"It's alright! That's what boyfriends and girlfriends are for, right?" She asked. I giggled before I answer her question.

"Right" I said. We both laugh and go inside the classroom. Thankfully, the teacher has not yet arrived.

"Where did you go, hyung?" Taehyung asked. I smirked at him.

"At the library" I said. He rolled his eyes playfully.

"C'mon! That's a lame joke" he said slapped my shoulder lightly.

"I really did" I said and raised my right hand and my other hand is in my chest.

"Then, prove it" Sana said. I rolled my eyes and turn to Mina.

"Minari!" I said. Mina nodded at Sana and Taehyung.

"Because she is your girlfriend" Taehyung said. This two is getting me a headache. If math give me headache, so does Taehyung and Sana.

"Then come with me in the CCTV room" I said and stood up grabbing Taehyung and Sana's wrist.

"Okay fine! We now believe" They said while trying to let go of my grip. I let go and sat again.

"So what are you doing in the library?" Sana asked. Really! Do she really need to ask this.

"Do you really need to ask that?" Mina chuckled. Good thing I have Mina by my side.

"Of course! He is too stubborn to study. This is his first time, if he ever study well right now" Taehyung explained.

"Aish!" I said and slapped my desk. They keep stopping their laugh and then, our teacher came.

"I wish that this would be easy" I prayed. I really really wish it would come true.

"Today, we are going to discuss about English" the teacher said. I sigh in relief. English is not bad, right?

Mina is good at English, she is smart and she was born in Texas.

RM-hyung is also good at English, he taught himself how to speak in English and he is smart.

To be continued...

Happy Jeongyeon Day!!!

We wish you all the best! We love you!(Especially RM😂✌️)

We wish you all the best! We love you!(Especially RM😂✌️)

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