Chapter 17

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Jungkook's POV

My head still hurts. Years ago, I got into an accident. My mom said that I have a girlfriend from the Kim company. And it's Yeri.

Today, we are still dating and not yet getting married. Why did I fall for her? She is not even my ideal type.

And I am a doctor. While Yeri is also a doctor. My mom said that this is my dream job. All of the nurses and patients are inline with me. That's because I'm handsome😏

My friends are weird. They keep saying something that I can't remember. It keep my head hurts.

"Doctor Jeon! Your friends are there" the nurse said. My lips suddenly form a smile so I quickly go outside.

"Guys! What are you doing here?" I asked. They always go here but for nothing.

"We just wanted to visit our Golden Maknae" Jimin-hyung said. My mom don't want me to be friends with this small boy but why? He seemed to be nice. But my mom just agreed and she said to have one friend that named Park.

"Aww!" I said. We group hugged and just talk with nonsense.

"By the way, I heard Jihyo came back" Nayeon-noona said. I froze. Why does that so familiar to me?

"Noona! Remember!" Jimin-hyung said. Momo-noona slapped Nayeon-noona. Why are they like this?

"Wait! She seemed familiar to me but I can't remember" I said. Their eyes widened. Okay! They need a check-up. They are so weird today.

"You do?" Jin-hyung's asked. I keep massaging my head to let me remember.

"Yeah! Ahh! My head hurts" I said and gave up remembering. Their face became, weird.

Jimin's POV

Our friends want Jungkook to remember his past all by himself. Eomma might be angry.

We all taught Jungkook will remember Jihyo. I think that will never happen. I wish.

When we arrive home, Jihyo is still crying in her bedroom.

"Jihyo" I called her name and knock on her door.

"No one is here" she respond. Aish! What can I let her come in? Ohh! I know! Let's see if this works.

"It's about Jungk-" I said but she open the door.

"Come in" she said. I come in. Wow! I never have been at her bedroom but it's so tidy.

"Come with me tommorow. We will go see Jungkook. And by the way, if Jungkook ask you who are you, you say your Jung Jihyo, Hoseok-hyung's sister. Arasseo?" I said. She became silent. Does she know about this? Nope! She have clueless on her face.

"It's because Jungkook have amnesia and He is not allowed to meet a person with the name Park except for me. Jungkook's and Our company are rivals now but not for me and him" I explain. She nodded and smile. Finally! I can see her smile again.

"Be ready for tommorow" I said. She nodded and sleep. I kissed her forehead and turn off the lights.

I do my routine before going to bed. After, I go to our GC.

Bestest Friends(Without Junghyo)

Jiminnie:Guys! Jihyo will
go to Jungkook tommorow.
Act cool! And by the way, I
told her that she will be Jung
Jihyo, Hoseok-hyung's sister

Black Swan:I miss those
two already

Baby Tiger:Nado

Hopeful:Finally! I have
a sister!

Rosie:Remember, she is
still our sister. Don't
do anything stupid

Hopeful:Don't worry!
I'm loyal to Momo


Hopeful:Read it again

Bacon:You like her?


Jichu:Anyone else who
wants to confess?

Happy Virus:Me and Rosé
are dating since Jungkook got
into an accident


Rosie:Okay! Enough with
that confession thingy

Even Rosé is still online? Right! Namjoon-hyung made a group chat without Jungkook and Jihyo.

Next Day

Jungkook's POV

"Doctor Jeon. Your friends are here again" the nurse said. What?! It's still 7 in the morning and they come to visit me right now?

"Jungkook!" They all said. I smiled at them. I'm so happy to be with them. Wait! There is a girl beside Jimin-hyung. I thought Jimin-hyung is loyal to Mina?

"Who's the new girl?" I asked. I stare at her. She seemed familiar. VERY FAMILIAR.

"That is my sister, Jung Jihyo" he introduced. Jihyo. She seemed very familiar. Even in the name. But it was like Park Jihyo. Or it is Park Jisoo. Yah!

"Jungkook!" They snapped me out of my thoughts. I must be have staring at that Jihyo. She is beautiful.

"Sorry! I was remembering something" I said. They became weird again.

"About what?" That all said in unison. Why do they have to be so weird? They are creeping me out.

"It keeps me thinking about Park Jihyo or Park Jisoo" I said. Their eyes widened.

"Uhmm... May I hug you for a second?" Jihyo asked. Her voice! It's also VERY FAMILIAR. Hyungs are giving me thumbs up. So, I nodded. Teri wouldn't mind, right?

I don't know why but we hug for like an hour. It makes me the feel that it is so good to be with her in my arms. She finally break the hug.

"Can I hug you longer?" I asked. Yah! Pabo-yah! Why did you ask that?!

"Why Jungkook?" Nayeon-noona asked. Yeah Jungkook! Why?!

"I don't know but I just want to hug her. I keep remembering something" I said. Jihyo nodded and hug me again. I felt like I hug her before. I even kiss her before maybe.

"Jungkook!!!" Oh No! That must be Yeri calling me.

To be continued...

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