Chapter 3

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Jungkook's POV

"So... shall we go now?" Eomma asked. We nooded and leave. We go to a parking lot and we saw her car.

"Woah! You have a car!" I said in amazed.

"Yup! Wanna ride it?" She asked.

"Of course! It's been a while since we have ride in a car" I said.

We have ride on the car. It's so nice to ride here. After that, we have arrived at her house. It's so big.

"Woah! Are you rich?" Somi asked.

"Well... I have a company... it's the Jeon company. And you two are Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Somi" eomma replied and smiled.

We got in the house and it more beautiful inside.

"Let's go to your room" eomma said. We go to upstairs.

"This is your room Jungkook and Somi this is yours. And you can ask for help of one of the maids" she added.

After that, I lay down to my bed and stared at the ceiling. I feel that I am forgetting something........ Jihyo. She hadn't write me a letter.

Dear Jihyo

I haven't received your letter. But, it's okay. Maybe you haven't received mine either. BTW, I am not anymore an orphan. I have been adopted. My new address is ****.

From, Jeon Jungkook

At the orphanage

"Jungkook, Somi and Eunwoo must be very lucky" one of the workers said.

"Yeah! They are adopted by rich people" the other worker said.

Ding Dong (Twice's Ding Dong)

"A mail!" The mail man said.

"It's for Jungkook!" The worker said.

"Just keep it and gave it to Jungkook when we visited here!" The other worker said.

"Good idea!" The worker said and keep it.

At the House of the Parks in US

"There is a post for Jihyo!" The maid said.

"But Jihyo just leaved a while ago!" The other maid said.

"I'm sure Jihyo will come back for the letter!" The chef said. They nooded.

Author's POV

They have been writing letters for each other until one month later, it's school time.

All the BTS and Twice members are 7 years old. Twice is the popular girl group in their school. And BTS is the most popular boy group in their group.

Jungkook's POV

I think Jihyo has give up. But I keep writing a letter for her, but she is not yet replying.

"Jungkook! Somi! The school bus is here!" Eomma said. We kissed eomma on the cheek.

When we had ride at the school bus, I sitted beside V-hyung. Suga-hyung beside Jin-hyung. And RM-hyung to Hobi-hyung. Somi sitted beside Chaeyeon, her friend.

"Woah! Jungkook! You are not anymore adopted?" V-hyung asked in amazed.

"Yes and the one who adopted me is rich!" I said.

Letters (Jihyo and Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now