Chapter 15

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Jihyo's POV

"I still remember that I have a crush on you" he said. I look ate but he is staring at me. It makes me so uncomfortable so I look away.

"Then?" I said. I can still see in the corner of my eyes that he is still staring at me.

"Hmph! That's not a nice way to say it" he pouted. I giggled. Wahh!!! This is just so cute.

"I'm way cuter than you, yah know?" I said. I said it with aegyo. It's okay! I'm cute.

"I know because your my future wife. I'm cute, your cute. We are a perfect pair" he said. I blushed at his words. I tried to hide it but it didn't not work. He grabbed my wrist and look at my face.

"Your even cuter when your blushing" he said. Just the right timing. The car in front of us moved.

"Uhm... you should start driving now" I said. He started to drive and now we're out of the traffic. Once I got home, I bid him goodbye.

"Bye!" I said. I kiss him in his cheeks and go inside my house. I peeked through the window and see him. His still standing there and his face turned into a smirk and go inside his car.

"Why are you late?" Eomma asked. She is not angry but her arms are crossed.

"It's traffic eomma! Mianhae! Is Jimin-oppa and Rosé-unnie there already?" I asked. Eomma shooked her head. Just then, they entered the house too.

"Sorry eomma and appa! It's traffic there" unnie said. Eomma nodded and go to the kitchen. We go to our own rooms and change our clothes.

After that, I came and texted Jungkook.


Cream🍦:Kook! Are you
home yet?

Kookie🍪:Not yet! I'm
still driving tho

Cream🍦:What?! Don't
text me or you'll get in
to an accident.

Kookie🍪:Okay! I'll
just text you once I'm home


Pabo Hyo! Why did you text him?! What if he go into an accident?! Aish!

I go to unnie's room to ask something. I knock three times but no one answered. I knock again three times but, no. The door is open so I open it.

I saw unnie talking to Chanyeol-oppa. Theyare having a video call. I went near her but she haven't notice my presence.

"Hi oppa!" I said and waved. Unnie quickly closed his laptop and faced me.

"What's wrong unnie?" I asked. She let out a sigh and sat her bed. I sat beside her because I feel that she is going to tell me something.

"Don't tell this to eomma and appa. Jebal" she said. I nodded but still have a clueless face.

"Waeyo?" I asked. She rubbed my back and patted my shoulder.

"Because... we're secretly dating" she said. I widened my eyes and cover my mouth.

"Jinja?" I asked. She nodded and stand. I was still sitting at her bed, thinking about that.

"Who knew it? Do you have a plan to tell it to others?" I asked. She raised her shoulders and sat beside me.

"You should sleep now Hyoji" she said. I stand up and bid her a goodnight. I went back to my room and go to my bed. I stared at the ceiling but someone called me. It's Jungkook! He must be home now!


Me:Kookie-ahh! Are you home?

Guy:Hello? This is the police. His name must be Kookie?

Me:Aniyo! His name is Jungkook. Did he do something bad?

Guy:No! We get his phone and you are in the top of his contact. We called you and we need you to go here. Are you somehow related to him?

Me:Ne! He is my boyfriend. What happened to him?

Guy:Well, he got into an car accident. Please come here in the hospital and with his parents. Arasseo? Bye!

Call Ended

I didn't even have a chance to say something. He quickly put the phone down. My tears started to fall. I get my coat and go outside.

"Where are you going?" Eomma asked. I wiped my tears and looked at her.

"Eomma! Jungkook got into an accident" I sobbed. She widened her eyes and hold my shoulder.

"Did you contact his parents?" She asked. I shooked my head and she get her phone. She dialed some number. She put her phone through her ear and talk to it. I didn't listen to it but go outside. He must be waiting for me now.

"Be careful Jihyo" appa said. I nodded and leave. I get my car and drive to the hospital. I parked my car in the parking lot and go inside the hospital quickly. I don't care if it's late in night.

"Nurse! Where is Jeon Jungkook?" I asked. She look at the paper and find his name.

"He is still in the emergency room. Follow me" she said. She started walking and I just follow her. When I saw Jungkook lying on the bed, I quickly go to him. I hold his hand and cry on it.

"Jungkook-ahh! Oh no! You can't be!" I said. I repeated that words. Until I fall asleep.

This is all my fault...

To be continued...

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