Chapter 1

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It was almost the end of 6th period "Just 20 more minutes to go." you sigh for what might have been the hundredth time, today has been full of nothing but people saying you're nothing or useless while they threw trash or rocks at you, making you dive deeper into depression. After another dozen spit balls in you hair you ask the teacher if you could go to the bathroom. Normally he would say no to this in the 6th period, but it seemed he knew that you needed to go the bathroom for a reason as he saw the many spitballs in you hair. "Ya go ahead."

You walk in the girls bathroom. "Good, no one's in here for once." Now normally you would never ask to use a public bathroom. They were so unclean and the disgusting profanity written everywhere, but you couldn't fight this urge because you didn't come to the bathroom to just take the spit balls out. You came here to do something that was such a serious topic no one in your school really joked about it.

You begin to sob. "Why does it have to be me, it could have been anyone else but me." You couldn't believe the teacher hadn't somehow noticed you took your bag with you, but at this point you didn't care if he had or hadn't. You start rummaging through your bag and take out a dagger. Not just any dagger, you had ordered this specific item because it was used by your favorite boss in dark souls 3, the abyss watchers parrying dagger. 

(If you never played dark souls then you don't know how special this sword is)

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(If you never played dark souls then you don't know how special this sword is)

It was real and just as sharp as any other knife too, you had originally only ordered the dagger cause it was from one of your favorite games but you soon found it to be perfect for handling your depression.

You roll up your sleeves, only to be met with multiple gashes and cuts already sprawled across your arms. You pick up the dagger and press it lightly onto your wrist. The dagger is so sharp that it was already cutting through your skin by just pressing it against your wrist, with a few quick swipes you had put three new cuts on your arms.

"I deserve this, no one cares about me anyways. I bet I could do this in class and no one would notice." You sob more as you thought more and more on what you just said, you slash yourself two more times. "Just one more cut..." Just as you press the dagger down, you hear noise coming from the hall "Shit!" You look down at the bloodied dagger and your bleeding wrists. "No no not now no no no!" You shove the dagger back into your bag and quickly, but painfully, roll down your sleeves. You wince "This had better not bleed through the cloth or I'm screwed."

You start to act like you're picking the spit balls and gum out of your hair. Three girls that are some of the worst bullies in your high school are the students that walked into the room. Oh god, what if I wasn't fast enough and they walked in on me cutting myself... What would they have done if they saw!?

You tried not to dwell on the thought, preparing yourself mentally for the barrage of hate about to come from them. However what you didn't know it that these three had a much more devilish idea.

My Psycho (Yuno gasai x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now