chapter 3

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Yuno looks back down at the girl and sees she is now staring at her, her arms half over her face now. Yuno blushes and stares back with a flustered face "Uh hi." the girl covers her face again trying not to look at Yuno, fear still showed in her eyes.

Yuno's heart plummeted as she saw her look away, it was as if she was getting ready for Yuno to beat her like the three girls had "You know I'm not going to hurt you right? You don't have to be afraid." instead of the girl taking Yuno's words to heart she just sobbed even harder "Ya right, that's what my mom said until she passed away and left me by myself."

This hurt Yuno even more, sure she was a psycho and found others pain hilarious but this girl made her feel different than with others. "Just leave me here, and give me back that dagger too." Yuno stared at her then at the dagger, so this is her's? But why does she have it with her?

That's it I can't believe what I'm going to do right now, but I don't care, I can't abandon the only person who's probably been through the same thing I went through with my parents. Yuno gives out a shaky sigh and walked past the girl to put the dagger in her bag.

Yuno picks up her own bag and also picks up the girls bag that she put the dagger in. She begins walking over to the girl who was now back to crying the way she was a few minutes ago. "Thank you-" she was cut off when Yuno came picked her up by her back and legs.

Instead of the girl demanding Yuno put her down she only cried harder as Yuno's grip tightened around the girl, letting her know she wasn't letting her go. Crowd's and groups of students looked at the cotton candy haired girl walk past with the smaller girl in her arms.

Yuno walked down her usual route, but this time she tried taking alleyways and other not as populated areas. She walked up her yard and went inside still carrying the girl, Yuno walked into her room and gently put the girl down on her bed.

As Yuno was about to slide her hands away from the girls back she felt a tight grip on her wrist as she was leaving. Yuno looked back at the girl with a fake smile "Don't worry, I'll be right back. I've just gotta grab a few things in the bathroom." reassuring the girl she'll be right back she let go of Yuno's arm.

(Y/N's POV)

You sit on the pink haired girls bed watching her leave to go get somethings in the bathroom. As she leaves you start looking around for your bag which held your quote unquote collectors item inside "There it is." while reaching for your bag the pink haired girl comes back with gauze and rubbing alcohol

Oh no, if she lifts up my shirt to clean my injuries she might see my scars and how skinny I am! You feel heat rush to your face as the pinkette sits down on her bed next to you, your body tenses as you see her hand go for your shirt.

"Wa-wait!" you push the girls arm away and pretty much throw yourself off her bed and onto the ground "Ow." the pink haired girl jumps off her bed to help you up "Hey you alright?" you nod and look at her while tears formed behind your eyes, I freaked out just because she was going to pull up my shirt to help clean my injuries, she must think I'm such a fre- "Hey are you sure your okay?"

You look at her again, this time you see her face grow with worry "Ya I'm sure." you say this while trying your best not to cry again. "By the way I didn't get your name?" the pink haired girl continues to stare at you, loosening her grip on your cut arm "It's Yuno... Yuno Gasai, what's yours?"

You stare at her "Um Yuno why did you... well why did you help me back in the restroom at school?" Yuno covers her mouth and laughs "First tell me your name then I'll tell you."

"My name is (Y/N)." Yuno gives a smile back to you, oh god she's so adorable "I like your name (Y/N). Well I guess I'll hold up my end of the deal, I helped you because obviously no one else would, when I saw the fear in your eyes well I just couldn't bring myself to just leave you there and let them beat the shit out of you." you jerk your head up, the look of shock and aw forming across your face at her sudden use of language and how quick her personality changed.

My Psycho (Yuno gasai x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now