chapter 9

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Your woken up to the soundtrack of Gehrman the first hunter, god how I love this soundtrack. You get up and dress yourself and go down stairs passing your father "(Y/N) where the fuck have you bee-" you slam the door and run to school almost late to class, you make it just in the nick of time. Through all your classes apart from PE and 6th period you notice Yuno was in all your classes and constantly walking with this black haired student with a beni.

You try finding her throughout the day but only see glimpses of her when she walks to the next class. Finally the day ends and you see Yuno waiting at the entrance, is she waiting for me? "Hey (Y/N) ready to walk home?" well that answers my question "Sure... but why are you walking home with me rather than that guy I saw you with all day, isn't he like your crush or something?"

"Well he was but I saw him kissing a girl earlier as I was going up to tell him that I like him, I was a little heart broken but I'm over it already." you could tell she was lying, when Yuno was passionate about something she didn't just brush off how she felt "Who was the guy?" I probably shouldn't ask but I'm too curious "His name is Amano Yuki." hang on I know that name, he's the one guy who shot to the top of the classes right? "Aw Yuno I'm sorry." secretly you were very happy that she didn't have an interest in anyone now, you start to walk while trying to cheer Yuno up.

"Well Yuno if it's any consolation I haven't had a single depressing thought all day." of course you were lying but for Yuno it was worth it, she made you feel like life had a purpose. Her face lit up like she had accomplished something amazing "That's awesome coming from you (Y/N), after seeing the type of stuff you're into kinda scares me." wow that was almost a compliment.

"Kinda scares you huh? Then why do I remember a certain pink haired girl literally on my lap weeping because of how scared she was from a movie hmm?" you arrive at Yuno's house "Touche (Y/N)."

The pinkett walks inside waving goodbye to you and you walk home, you arrive home and open the door greeted once again to the smell of alcohol but your father wasn't home. He must be out drinking thank god, you walk to the fridge and try to open it but there's a lock on it and all the pantries for that matter. You notice a note "Huh what's this (good luck getting anything to eat little bitch. this is for slamming the door on my face this morning and if your really hungry meet me in my bedroom later tonight)".

Ugh my father is a sick bastard he might as well just make me suck him off like he usually does, that and the fact that I'm a pathetic piece of shit and can't ever fight back towards him and when I do I get the crap kicked out of me then raped. You head up to your room and do your nightly routine, do your homework, cut yourself once and go to sleep but this time minus the cutting part. You hop on your bed and roll up your sleeves "Hm I should check how the cuts are healing."

You unwrap the bandages carefully, your wrist were still badly cut, you sigh and go to the bathroom to grab some disinfectant.

"And of course he locked the medical supplies too." you walk back to your room empty handed and your cuts now showing, I'll ask Yuno if she can re-wrap my arms again tomorrow at school. Well no use staring at my arms, you grab the one blanket you had, not that it helped you were so skinny from how little you've eaten that even with the blanket it was still freezing but you were able to fall asleep.

You awake and exhale "Another depressing morning." you get up hazily and get ready for school, you creep down the stairs and look around the apartment cautiously for your father, he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Maybe my luck is beginning to change? sure it was a bit strange he's usually waiting for me to come down and make my life a living hell, but I'm not complaining.

You go to the door and open it to see someone standing outside "Hey (Y/N)- holy crap! Have you been drinking?" you close the door and see it was Yuno "Oh hey Yuno, no I haven't been drinking it's my dad." hang on how does she know where I live? "Uh Yuno how do you know where I live?" she bites her lip "Ehehe about that." she followed me home didn't she. "Uh I sorta well... followed you home." fuckin knew it "Wow Yuno that's-" Yuno cuts you off "I know. Freaky, weird, means I'm a crazy stalker." well yes she was a bit of a stalker but I kinda like that about her, you put a finger to her lips "No I was going to say sweet."

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