chapter 16

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Aiko and Nia leave and Yuno locks the door "So (Y/N), it's just going to be me and you for a bit." she walks back over and pushes you down on the couch cushions getting on top of you like she had earlier.

"So where were we before Nia interrupted us?" you move your leg up behind Yuno pushing her closer. "Lets se-mmf." Yuno cuts you off as she quickly moves her head and starts french kissing you, I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to Yuno.

Yuno moves her hand away from yours and lifts your shirt up a little, dragging her nails gently on your stomach and sending chills wherever her hand was, how is Yuno so good at this?! It's like she knows exactly what I'll like the most.

She pulls away gasping and tears in her eyes, is she crying from lack of oxygen or that she had to stop the kiss? "Soooo what should I do with you now?" you sweat, looking at Yuno nervously. Suddenly your stomach growls violently "Augh! Ow." Yuno gets off from on top of you and she had a look of extreme worry "Did I hurt you (Y/N) are you alright?" you shake your head, I'm not alright the last time I ate was when Yuno made those pancakes.

"No Yuno you didn't hurt me, you've actually been very gentle with me, but I haven't eaten anything since the day you had made me those pancakes." Yuno suddenly has a look of fury, she's probably thinking about my dad. You cup Yuno's cheek in your hand "Love I know what your thinking about and I know you hate my dad, but trust me when I say that the path of vengeance will give you no feeling of peace."

She touches your hand, closing her eyes at your somewhat comforting touch "I love it when you talk like a geek, but (Y/N) just put yourself in my shoes, a girl that I had a crush on texts me that her dads going to kill her and that he beats and rapes her, how am I not supposed to not hate him to the point that I want to kill him!?" heh I can see her point.

"Aw love I'm sorry I made you worry about me so much." you could see tears beginning to swell in Yuno's eyes, time to return the favor. You turn Yuno around, laying her down on your body and holding her waist, you were comforting Yuno for a change. You breath in the smell of Yuno's hair as she holds your arms, I love this girl. She was more than worth taking my fathers abuse for all those years.

Your diary suddenly rings "Hang on Yuno it's probably Nia calling to make fun o me losing the be- what the?" Yuno looks up at you, her eyes a little red "Who is it?" you look away from your diary and down at your lover "It's my... dad."

Yuno's expression darkens at your answer "(Y/N) don't answer it-" sorry love, but I need to know what he wants, that and the fact that he interrupted my cuddle session with you and I'm pissed off at him for that. You pick up his call angrily "THE FUCK DO YOU WANT JACKASS?! My girlfriend not make it clear enough when she left you on your ass bleeding out?!" Yuno gets up smiling for some reason, she puts a hand out for the phone and you put it on speaker.

"You had better be glad that slut saved your worthless ass before I cou-" Yuno slams her hand on the table "HEY ASSHOLE, THE NAMES YUNO GASAI! You listen to me, if you lay another finger on (Y/N) you'll be lucky if you manage to make it out in a body bag!" Yuno means business with your father. "Don't you ever try to contact (Y/N) ever again you perverted prick."

"When I get out of here I promise you'll wish that bitch hadn't saved you because she's only delaying the inevit-" once again Yuno stops him, now she was really mad "Are you serious?! You really think she's afraid of you any more!? No she's an incredible and sweet person who's suffered more than enough of your abuse." there's silence in the room for a long while "Why do you even care about her? She's nothing but a worthless piece of shit."

"Because she's the only person I've ever met who doesn't look at me like I'm a freak or a psychopathic murderer and if she's such a worthless piece of shit like you say she is then I guess that's what you and her have in common." You stop Yuno before she could go too far "I couldn't care less what you do to me what Yuno says is true, I am not afraid of you anymore but if you hurt Yuno in anyway you'll wish she got to you before I did."

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