chapter 12

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You wake up still in Yuno's arms her breathing soft and slow, second time cuddling with Yuno and this time I asked her! I'd say that's a win in my book. You move one of your hands to your diary to see if anyone texted you, hm no one texted me, well this isn't the first- actually wait there is something on my news app.

You tap your news app, what in the- three female and two male students have been arrested for physical abuse, kidnapping charges, and attempt at sexual assault. As happy as you were to read this there was something you didn't understand, how did the news already post this? It only happened like two hours ago.

You decide to check the time, it was 3:44 and school ends at three thirty and Yuno took you both back to her house at 4:11, this doesn't make sense. How is it 3:44?

You check your calendar instead, wait... its Thursday!? But it was just Tuesday, have we both been asleep for that long!? I must've been really exhausted after what happened, sure I did get the shit beaten out of me but Christ!

You notice you were now sleeping in Yuno's bed and you stare down at your knuckles, they had bandages around them. Yuno must've woken up at some point and wrapped my knuckle she must've also moved me from the couch to her bed too. You decide to put on the bloodborne soundtrack at a low volume and nuzzle back into the crook of Yuno's neck again, as much as I don't want to admit it Nia was right, my body does fit perfectly with Yuno's.

Whatever, I don't care how long I've been resting I'm just glad I'm with Yuno. You give a sigh, I would do anything if it meant I could wake up every morning in Yuno's arms. You close your eyes but you don't go back to sleep, instead you listen to your beautiful soundtrack playlist but when It played your favorite soundtrack (lady Maria of the astral clock tower) all you could think of was Yuno.

Yuno was so much like lady Maria not her looks, but her personality reminded you of nothing but her. I never really thought I would fall in love with anyone that wasn't a character in a game or book. You wrap your arms back around Yuno and she uses her legs to bring your waist closer to hers, fuck fuck fuck fuck I'm so close to Yuno's private area and I can't move away from her, she's hugging me so tightly!

You try not to think about it to much, luckily Yuno was starting to move a bit, thank god she must be waking up, I don't know how much longer I could have kept that up. "Morning Yuno."

She rubs her eyes and props herself up on one of her elbows "Hey (Y/N) how'd you sleep?"

"Wonderfully. I just think its a bit bizarre that I've been asleep for like two days." Yuno laughs "Well (Y/N) you did look pretty tiered when we got here, and I don't blame you considering how badly you were hurt." Yuno takes your diary and she starts scrolling through your playlist "(Y/N) this song sounds kinda depressing but I like it, what's it called?" time for my inner geek to be unleashed.

"It's the theme for lady Maria of the astral clock tower, my favorite character and soundtrack from bloodborne." Yuno smiles at your love for the soundtrack. "So why is Maria your favorite character?" your face lights up, no one has ever been interested in what you play.

You explain the lore of lady Maria, how she unwillingly tore off the heads of some towns people and brutally ripped out their eyes from their skulls. You stop at that as Yuno's face darkened at what she heard but try to bring the romantic mood back "But the real reason I love lady Maria so much is because... uh well." Yuno looks at you with a slightly frightened face "Because?"

"Uh well... because she reminds me of you." Yuno looks at you with a little bit of shock and a small blush forms across her face. "(Y/N) I'm pretty sure I didn't tear peoples heads off with my bear hands." you shake your head in response "That's not what reminds me of you... it's her beauty in fighting and her elegance in well... everything, her porcelain skin and her beautiful eyes."

Yuno blushes harder than before, you pull up an image of her then a video "Wow... okay now I can see why you like her so much. It's scary how she fights so much like me." Yuno whispered this last part like she really didn't want you to hear this. "And didn't you say someone made a recreation of her from a doll right?" you nod and show her a picture of the doll but before you could explain anything Yuno gets up and walks towards her desk, she opens her computer.

"What are you doing Yuno-" she quiets you "It's a surprise (Y/N), trust me your going to love it." you decide to go back to the bed and wait. "Aaaaand done!" you rush over to Yuno to see what she did but she quickly closed her laptop "What did you do?" she smiles and picks you up "You'll see tomorrow (Y/N)." you look at her annoyed, you didn't like being picked up but it seems like Yuno found this cute.

"Yuno you know I can walk right?" she smiles "I know, I just like picking you up cause you make such an adorable face when I do." you blush, earning the most cutest laugh from Yuno. She sets you down on the couch and goes over to the stove "What do you want for breakfast (Y/N)?"

"Yuno it's like 4:00." she looks up in shock "What!? Have we really been asleep for such a long time?" well maybe but who could blame us after what happened "Well if ye want I could make us some lunch instead."

"No I'm alright, I ate a while ago. But help yourself to whatever you can find in the fridge." as much as I need something to eat I don't want to be a burden to Yuno.

"No I'm alright Yuno." she looks at you a bit worried "(Y/N) you need something to eat you've been asleep almost two days." Yuno you needn't worry about me it's not the first time I've gone a few days without eating. "I'll be fine Yuno I can eat when I get home." a face of worry forms on Yuno's face, I think she knows I'm lying. "Besides I need to get home, my dad will kill me if I don't come home soon."

You grab your things and walk towards the door still limping a little but Yuno grabs your wrist "Hey (Y/N)... what are you not telling me? I know somethings up, you haven't been cutting yourself again have you?" you roll up your sleeves showing the bandages Yuno had wrapped were still there "Yuno don't worry I promised you I would not cut myself anymore, I just don't want to worry my father so much."

Yuno gives you a weak smile and hugs you "Hey be safe on the way home okay." you laugh and hug her back, having to stand on your toes just to give her a proper hug "See ya Yuno." you wave goodbye and Yuno hesitantly closes the door. You give a loud sigh, I wasn't lying about how my dad might kill me today he's getting more and more bored of abusing me every day and I said I wouldn't disobey his orders, he'll probably just get rid of me for good eventually.

And if he doesn't do it then I'll do it myself, I just can't take my fathers abuse anymore. You start your walk home while thinking of how to tell Yuno goodbye for good, you loved Yuno too much to make her care about someone like you.

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