Chapter 2

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(Yuno's POV)

Classes were the same as always, just as easy and boring, soon the bell rang as Yuno's friend Nia ran up to her "Hey Yuno you wanna hang out? Maybe go to the cafe or something?" Yuno tilts her head and smiles "Sorry but I have a test I need to study for." Yuno lies. The real reason she didn't wanna spend time with her friend is because she had a crush on a boy named Amano Yuki and everyday she would follow him to make sure he got home safely.

"Your no fun, why don't you ever wanna have fun with me and Aiko because I know you don't have any test coming up. You forget I'm in all of your classes except for your elective, so what's the real reason you don't want to go?"

Too say the least Yuno was impressed that she had put the pieces together but of course it was true, she was lying and Nia has her backed into a corner so she had might as well tell her why she been avoiding her friends lately. "Okay w-well I kinda have a cr-crush on someone." she says this in a defeated tone as Nia's face lit up with joy, she looked like she was about to pass out from what Yuno just told her.

She started to talk in a fast and loud voice to where everyone could hear their conversation "Oh my god who is he, when are you gonna tell him, how long have yo-"

"Look I'm only telling you that I have a crush I'm not saying anything more about it." Yuno cuts her off before she could finish the last part of her sentence, she looked at Yuno with an annoyed face "Fine."

"Oh and please don't follow me okay." Nia looks at Yuno with a shocked face "How did you-"

"Trust me I know what you do when you find out someone has a crush, Aiko told me you followed her for weeks when you heard she had a crush on a girl." Nia left Yuno, promising to not follow her as long as she kept her updated on what happened. Yuno walks out of English and past the Math classroom, she realizes she needed to go to the bathroom for a while now and couldn't hold it anymore. She walks towards the girls room, sure public restrooms weren't her most uh well... favorite places but Yuno's body didn't seem to care what she thought.

While walking she started hearing cries and heavy sobbing coming from the girls restroom, she walks in and is met with a horrific sight. Three girls beating a curled up girl on the restroom floor as hard as they could "STOP DAD PLEASE STOP!!! I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE OF THIS PAIN PLEASE STOP HURTING ME LIKE THIS AND JUST END IT ALREADY!!!" the girl managed to shout this out through her sobs of pain.

Yuno was frozen dead were she stood watching Horrified at how these heartless girls where hitting a girl on the floor begging for it to all end. Yuno pieced together what that girl on the floor had said, she realized she was having a traumatic flashback from the girls that were beating her.

It was until one of the girls started to pull out her phone, she went to her camera and began to record what was happening. Before moving Yuno sees one of the girls bend down to the curled up girls face "Why don't we show them what you really are?" She snarled. She started to reach down to the girls pants, that was the last straw.

Yuno knew what they were about to do, without any more hesitation Yuno lunged herself towards the girl with the phone and twisted her arm making her drop the phone. Yuno elbowed the girl in the stomach and threw her over her back while grabbing the phone she dropped, the other two girls stopped and looked over at Yuno with anger in their eyes.

"Who the fuck are you and what the hell did you just do to Dee!?" Yuno looked at the girl, still gripping the phone in your hand the girl tries grabbing the phone from Yuno's hand but she was quicker.

"How about you just give us the phone with no struggle and we might forget what you did to Dee, no need to make this get bloodier than it already is." The girl looks at Yuno with a nasty smirk across her face.

"That option was already gone when you three started abusing that girl" Yuno says this while pointing at the girl crying on the ground, her hair droops across both her eyes and Yuno started to have murderous thoughts, she giggles creepily at the girls and crushes the phone in her right hand.

They stare at Yuno, the look of terror starting to form across their faces after they saw her crush the phone in her hand with such ease.

"Fine, but remember you chose this yourse-" not letting the girl finish speaking Yuno sweeps her foot at the girls legs making her fall to the floor and hit her head so hard that it chipped the tilling. Yuno puts her foot on the girls stomach while she groans in pain "YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!" The second girl hurls herself at Yuno, instead of attacking back Yuno ducks and pushes the girls legs making her trip over Yuno and slam her face into a stall.

Yuno stands there staring at them with hatred in her eyes wanting to do so much worse but had to control herself right now not wanting to show her true colors while the other girl curled up on the floor was still here.

The two girls recover and stand, Yuno looks at them with one eye showing while smiling at them "You guys wanna come at me again, cause I'll do so much worse than that." Yuno puts both hands on her face and gives them a psycho death stare 

" Yuno puts both hands on her face and gives them a psycho death stare 

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"Let's grab Dee and get the fuck out of here." The two bloody faced girls grabbed the unconscious girl that Yuno knocked out earlier and run out with terror and hatred in their eyes.

Yuno stood and started to walk to the curled up girl that was still crying on the floor, who badly needed someone to help her.

Normally Yuno wouldn't care for anyone else except for Yukkii and herself, but when she saw how helpless this girl was with the three other girls standing over and abusing her to the point that she started to relive what Yuno had described as a traumatic memory, seeing her like this made Yuno feel an urge to protect this girl at all cost. At that point she pushed any thoughts of Yukiteru Amano away from her mind for the first time since she started to have a crush on him.

She snaps herself out of her fog, realizing she stopped walking. Yuno looks back over to the girl crying on the floor, reaching her hand out to comfort her. Before Yuno's hand reached the girl's body she noticed a strange bloodied dagger on the ground, she walks over and picks up the dagger touching the tip of it. Her finger starts to bleed from the light touch she gave to it.

Horrible thoughts started to form in her head. Oh god, did they use this on her where did they even get this!? Even more importantly what did they mean when they said let's show them what you really are!?

Yuno puts those thoughts in the back of her mind, turning back to the girl Yuno sees that she was right... The girl was still laying on the floor covering her face while tears ran down her face and blood trickled down her arm, she continued to sob quietly to herself unaware that Yuno was even there at all.

How do I approach this situation, I've never even spoke to this girl before. Yuno thinks to herself how to rationally go about this, ok I'm going to start slow on this. One thing I know for sure is that the slightest bad touch in anyway possible could set her off. Yuno starts by lightly tapping her shoulder... The girl flinched at the small touch, this hurt Yuno which isn't common for her. She pulls her hand back slowly, why would they do this to her, just... Why!?

Yuno takes it a step further and begins to try soothing the girl by rubbing her back. Okay she stopped shaking but she's tensed up a lot, how long has it been since she's felt a friendly touch? Yuno does this for the next five or ten minutes trying to further calm the broken girl, what am I supposed to do to help her? Yuno sits there on the bathroom floor with the still weeping girl wondering what she should do.

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