chapter 10

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"Hey dad." crap wrong choice of words "And what were you doing this weeke-" he looks down at one of your arms, shit he must've seen my bandages. He grabs your arm "And what do we have here?" you try to pull your arm away from him "It's nothing fathe-ACK." he grabs you by the neck and slams you against the wall slightly cracking it. He comes very close to your face, god I can smell the alcohol on his breath "You wouldn't lie to me would you?" he snarls and you try to choke out a response "N-n-no father I-I-." he throws you to the ground, cracking the tiling of the floor.

You gasp for air and cough heavily, I need to run If I stay here I'm going going to die. You try to get up but your father stomps his foot on your leg, you scream out in pain "Shut the fuck up you little bitch! You've been disobeying me lately you know you deserve this!" your father shouted this out and he grabs you by the neck again "Father please I... I promise I'll never do it again!" you had to shout this out from the lack of oxygen

"You better not." he throws you into the wall and you land on some vases and picture frames "Yuno... please save me." you black out.

Waking up with your head and back throbbing you get up shakily "Ugh what happened?" you look up in a haze and try to get up to walk to your room but you feel a spike of pain in your leg and you fall to the ground "Shit what did dad do to me last night?" you reach down to you leg and hesitantly roll down your stocking.

There was a huge purple and black bruise spread across your calf, you try to roll up your stocking as far as possible but it wasn't enough to cover the bruise entirely, great... how am I supposed to explain this to Yuno if she notices? You crawl up to your room on the way you look at the clock hung in the hallway, it's 1:55.

Have I really been unconscious for that long!? You open the door to your room and climb into your bed, my head is killing me but I need to finish the drawing of Yuno. You reach over to the side of your bed for your bag but you grab nothing but air.

"I must have left it down stairs. Great." you sigh and instead grab a pillow to prop up your leg "Well there's no way I'm going back downstairs just to get my bag." you flip open your diary "Please don't be cracked. Please." your diary was uncracked but Aiko has been texting you like crazy! You go into your messages to see what she wanted.


'(Y/N) have you confessed to Yuno yet?'

'(Y/N) what else has your father done to you!?'


'(Y/N) talk to me please! You don't deserve what your going through please!'

'(Y/N) if you don't talk with me I'm going to tell Yuno that you like her and that your father beats and rapes you.'

You text back frantically, I forgot she had pages of my diary saved on her phone!

(Y/N): wait Aiko don't tell Yuno!

Aiko: and why shouldn't I? she needs to know and you haven't been replying to my texts (Y/N). Why?

(Y/N): My dad wasn't in the best mood when I came home.

Aiko: (Y/N) you have to tell Yuno.

(Y/N): Aiko it's not so easy. Maybe telling a girl that you like her is easy for you since you have a girlfriend, but I don't know if I can tell Yuno I like her AND that my dad is abusive.

Aiko: I don't care how hard it is to tell Yuno, tell her by Friday or I will.

(Y/N): Jeez Aiko your being really harsh.

Aiko: sorry (Y/N) but I take these type of things very seriously. Just try to tell her okay.

(Y/N): fine Aiko.

You start to cry and cover your eyes with your arm "How am I suppose to tell her? Oh hey Yuno by the way did you know my dad beats and rapes me?" you cry for a while, images of Yuno rejecting you play in your head. You lay there for hours with awful thoughts in your head but you knew Aiko was right... you had to tell Yuno, besides weather or not you wanted to you knew that she would find out from Aiko.

You wake up, every part of your body aching from last night "I must've drifted off," you sit up "Hopefully I can walk okay." you limp down stairs, huh my leg doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would, but I hope no one notices my limping. You grab your bag on the way out and try to walk as much as you could to school.

You get to your classes ten minutes early but for some reason Yuno wasn't there in your classes today. Your diary buzzes at lunch, huh Yuno texted me 'Hey (Y/N) I'm not gonna be there for most of today except 6th period so we can still walk home together' sweet, I'm not going to bother asking why she wasn't here for most of the day I could honestly care less, well I might as well try finishing up the drawing since I'm almost finished.

You finish up the drawing of Yuno which by the way was now your favorite drawing you've ever done, man this came out awesomely I almost don't want to give it to Yuno but I promised she could have it when I finished. The drawing was Yuno laying on the ground holding her phone just under her chin with a slightly bloodied knife in her other hand, she looks so adorable. I think I know what I like drawing the most now.

You fly through PE and walk to English but the guy who was bullying you sat right in front of the English teacher, guess he finally got his come up it. The class ends and the guy sitting in front of the teacher sprints out of the room very suspiciously, okay that's weird he's never done that before... maybe I should follow him?

You follow him down the hall and behind the school into the metal shop garage. You hear screaming and what you could barely make out "Shut up you cunt!" okay no way I can walk away after hearing this.

You run to the garage and literally ram against the door making it break off the hinges. aah okay maybe that wasn't the best idea, you rub your shoulder in pain and look up, there were two guys with three other girls, wait... those are the girls that Yuno beat the shit out of when we first met! The girls move away and you see a girl tied up with a bag on her head, I don't like where this is going.

"Grab her too." one of the guys grabs both your hands, slamming you up against the wall. You struggle to escape his grasp but like usual your too weak "Take off the bag." one of the girls goes over and takes off the bag from the tied up girl... it was Yuno.

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