chapter 5

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"Well I'm going to get the water running."

"Okay... oh and (Y/N) it's the first door on the left just whatever you do don't go in the next room next to the bathroom door... please." you stop and turn to face her "Why?" Yuno looks like she's trying to make up some excuse but you decide to stop her before she answered "You know what Yuno forget I asked, if it's something personal then I won't force you to tell me."

Yuno breathed a sigh of relief and you start to walk down the hall, you see the door that Yuno asked you not to go in. As much as you wanted to go inside you didn't want to ruin your chance to have some sort of relationship with the pinkette. You look over at the shower and shiver, when was the last time I took a shower without dad breaking inside the bathroom?

You turn and shut the door gently "I shouldn't dwell on that thought, I'm with Yuno and dads not here right now, I can feel safe showering for once." you start to undress and turn the shower on to a warm temperature and slowly get in. You hiss in pain, the five new cuts you put on your wrist today were still fresh and stung from the water. "Why do I do this to myself?" you lean your back on the wall and slink down to the shower floor crying into your arms.

You sit there crying for a long while until you hear the door click open, you stop crying immediately "(Y/N) are you okay in here?" You don't respond and hug your knees "(Y/N) I'm coming inside."

You just wait on the floor in fear and the shower curtain slides open, you look up, but you don't see the friendly pinkette... instead you see your father with a nasty grin on his face, images flash in your mind of him beating, abusing, and violating you.

You bury your head in your arms "Please dad don't do it, I-I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" you shout the last part and start shaking your head, covering your ears waiting for the hell that was about to come, you cry harder causing your whole body to shake "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Snap out of it, It's me! It's Yuno!!!" Yuno places her hands firmly on your shoulders... you stop shaking as Yuno lightened her grip.

Looking up slowly still terrified of your father being there "Y-Yuno it's-" Yuno shuts the shower off "Yes (Y/N) it's me, I'm here." she hugs your neck not bothered that she was getting wet from your body. You get up shakily covering you "womanhood" and grab her pink towel as she walks you to her room "Put some of my pajamas on, their in the closet. When your done let me know."

Yuno closes the door to let you change, oh god Yuno seemed really... pissed? worried? I don't know. You start to change into a pair of blue pajamas with long sleeves while you walk back over to the door. You open it a little but Yuno burst the door open at this small move "Yuno I can explain- WHA!" Yuno used her leg and swiped at your feet, making you fall off balance and land right in Yuno's arms "Yuno what are you- Put me down!"

You try to break free but fail miserably. Yuno isn't just a giant to you but she's also surprisingly strong. She literally drops you on her bed and climbs on top of you pinning your arms down.

"Yuno let me go now!" she just tightens her grip and looks at you with a hard glare "No (Y/N) not until you let me see your arms." you stopped struggling and look at Yuno paralyzed with fear "Yuno ple-" it was to late she had already rolled down your sleeves in one quick motion.

"No don't!" you try to pull your hands from Yuno but she had a tighter grip on your arms than before "Pease Yuno I can explain, this isn't what you think!"

"(Y/N) you don't need to explain this, I already knew something was wrong when I felt your wrist in the living room. Your skin felt unusually rough, that's why I went to the bathroom to ask you about this and when I heard you crying I walked in and saw you sitting on the floor crying to yourself with those cuts on your wrist."

My Psycho (Yuno gasai x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now