chapter 6

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You wake up hazily, the morning sun coming through the curtains. You try rubbing your eyes, but can't raise your hands to your face. Eventually your vision comes into focus... you see white pale skin very close to your face and look up to see Yuno sleeping soundly, breathing through slightly parted lips. Her arms around your head and back, well back to sleep then. Wait... WHAT THE FUUUUCK! Yuno is cuddling me! You look down and see your hands were around her waist, and I'm cuddling her back!

Oh god what am I doing!? Even though you kinda liked what was happening You didn't know how Yuno would react when she wakes up, you try moving your arms from Yuno but this makes her shift and move you closer to her. Oh god I'm so close to Yuno's chest, I can feel her heart beating and she sounds so peaceful too. You think about what was happening for a moment and decided on what to do, you know what forget it, this might be the only chance I have to cuddle with my crush, I'm going to enjoy this. You put your arms to your chest and move as close to Yuno as possible, her breathing was so steady and soothing, suddenly Yuno presses you against her too.

"Damn it Yuno, why do you have to be straight!? I want to wake up like this every morning instead of my father." you close your eyes and go back to sleep, the smell of lavender and jasmine filled your nose as Yuno's hair fell onto your face. You dream of Yuno and how she saved you yesterday, the loving pinkett was all you could think of, how she said she didn't care if she got the crap kicked out of her if it meant she could help you.

All of your wondrous thoughts and dreams of Yuno were interrupted as you wake up to the sound of giggles. You were still curled up next to Yuno, who was still holding you very close to her with both of your legs tangled with each others.

You rub your eyes with the one hand you had free "Ugh... what time is it?" you try to look up but Yuno's head was placed firmly on top of yours. "Heeey (Y/N) how'd you sleep?" aaaaand I'm screwed, Nia and Aiko walk behind Yuno so they could see you and you could see them, not that it mattered since Yuno's hair was in your face "You look like you had a nice sleep (Y/N)."

"Oh shut it Aiko." you blow some of Yuno's hair out of your face and Nia pulls out her phone "Oh by way (Y/N) lookie what I've got." Nia shows you a photo, it was you and Yuno cuddling each other. Your eyes widen "Did you take a photo of us!?" Nia and Aiko smile "Nooo." Nia clearly lies "Can you blame me though? You both cuddling is like the best, you fit so perfectly with Yuno's body, it's like you were made for each other!" you start whisper yelling "Delete that right now!"

"What, are you afraid your lover will see it?" you don't answer and your face goes red "You can't even get up to fight for the phone either can you?" Nia teases.

Yes that was very true, you were afraid of her seeing the picture but you didn't want your cuddle session with her to end "When I can move I'm going to get that phone!" Yuno moves slightly, a small "Mm" escapes from her lips, fuck fuck fuck why is she so cute when she's asleep!? You look up eyes wide, she's waking up! You try pushing away from her, but she started holding onto you like her life depended on it. Goddamnit, Yuno let me go- "ACK!" she grabs one of your cut wrist.

You stop trying to pull away and Yuno loosens her grip on your arm, god kill me now. "Ngh... Y-(Y/N)?" You look up at Yuno, her eyes were drowsy and she was clearly in a haze "Hey Aiko let's go get some breakfast." Nia pretty much drags Aiko out of the room "Bye (Y/N)." Aiko and Nia leave the room and give a taunting wave. You growl "Your both so dead when I can get up!" Yuno rubs her eyes but still doesn't let go of you "Morning (Y/N) how did you sleep?" did she not care how close you are to her?

"Uh Yuno why were you well... cuddling me?" she looks down at you and her eyes widen, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it. "Oh crap (Y/N) I'm so sorry I didn't mean to get so close to you like this." she's so cute when shes flustered, GAH shut up gay thoughts! This time Yuno tries to pull away from you but you weren't about to let her get out of this unpunished. You hold onto her waist and back, not showing any sign to let her go "(Y/N) what are yo-"

"Yuno you didn't answer my question?" she starts to sweat, and her face burns red.

"So why were you cuddling me Yuno?" she tries to pull away again but you had her hands locked "I-I uh well I-" wow she was stuttering! You might only have known Yuno since yesterday but you could tell it wasn't common for her to stutter. "Yuno tell me." you say this with a firmer voice than you meant, Yuno breaths and collects herself "Well... you remember when we both woke up in the middle of the night?" You nod, where is she going with this?

"Well I had trouble going back to sleep, I just couldn't stop thinking of how peaceful you looked when you were sound asleep. I just kept staring and suddenly I saw something wet start to slide down your cheek, I realized that... you were crying." wait I was crying in my sleep? I didn't even know that was a thing! "Not to long after you started mumbling my name." wait since when do I ever mumble in my sleep? Are my feelings for Yuno that strong!?

"Eventually you started sobbing and were pretty much shouting for me, I didn't have the heart to wake you up so I tried putting my hand on your shoulder. You just shuddered at the touch I gave you, I said your name and that I was here with you, then you pretty much threw yourself on me and clutched onto the back of my shirt."

You just laid there still in Yuno's arms, listening to the soft voice of the pinkette as she spoke of the events that unfolded the night before. "I returned the hug and you stopped crying after awhile. I guess I fell asleep cuddling with you." the room was silent as you thought about everything that Yuno just told you "(Y/N) I'm sorry I got so close to you, I understand if you don't like this kind of attention right now." is Yuno apologizing for comforting me?

"Yuno... don't apologize for cuddling me." you move as close as you could to Yuno, so close that once again you felt the beat of her heart "You don't know how many times I wished for my pillow not to be drenched from my tears before I go to sleep." Yuno puts her hand behind your head "I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'm glad that you cuddled me all night." and I've said to much, god why'd I have to make this moment all sappy?

"(Y/N) I like this side of you more." you smile "You know what Yuno... I do too." what I'm about to ask is probably a stretch in Yuno's comfort zone but I'll ask anyways. "Yuno can... can we stay like this for a bit longer?" she chuckles "Sure (Y/N) as long as your cool with it." you snuggle you face back into the crook of Yuno's neck.

"And what do we have here?" you stare down and see Nia with your diary in her hand, how'd she even grab my diary!? She flips it open "Hm Yuno is pretty, very beautiful I wish I could-" that's it Nia has crossed the line. You push Yuno away gently and get up from the bed "Nia give me my diary." you back her into a corner and look down at her menacingly, she laughs nervously "Uh o-okay." she hands your diary back but you weren't done just yet.

"Now delete. that. photo." you snarl at her with a hard glare.

"(Y/N) what picture are you talking about?" Nia blurts out an answer before you can "Me and Aiko took a picture of you cuddling (Y/N)." Yuno almost chokes on her words "You what!?" Nia pushes past you "Ehehe nothiingg." she slams the door before you and Yuno could chase after her. "That little asshole." you sigh "So (Y/N) you wanna go get some breakfast?" you nod "Sure, besides I still need to scold Aiko about earlier too." Yuno laughs and you both walk to the door but the thoughts of Yuno's touch and her comforting voice filled your mind.

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