chapter 14

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Soon you arrive at Yuno's- actually no, soon you arrive at your new home. You and Yuno step out bags in hand and you thank the officer for driving you home, he smiles and nods.

His expression saddens "I'm sorry for what you had to go through for so long but I hope you can put all that behind you and live happy with each other."

"Thank you officer, um before we head inside if you don't mind I'd like to ask your name?"

"The names Keigo Kurusu and I'm actually a detective not an officer, and as much as I'd like to stay and chat I've gotta go and make my report on what happened tonight." you frown a little in disappointment as not all cops where as nice as Mr Keigo "Alright, goodnight detective Keigo." you wave goodbye and shut the door gently, Yuno grabs your arm hugging it and pretty much drags you inside. You both set the bags filled with your stuff by the door "Hey so (Y/N) what did you forget to grab before we left?"

You go to the bag and grab the blades you had been working on showing them to Yuno "Okay (Y/N) where do you even find these weapons at!?" you wrap them up in an old shirt and place them back in your bag "Actually I didn't buy them, I made them." Yuno just looks away and doesn't bother to even ask how or why you had made them. Yuno sits on the couch and pats the cushion next to her, I have a bad feeling about this.

You sit next to Yuno who holds your hand "Anyways (Y/N) we need to talk about what happened tonight." yup I was afraid she was going to ask about this "(Y/N) why didn't you tell me what that bastard was doing to you?" you just stare and wait a bit before answering "It's because I was afraid if my father found out he might go and kill you. I couldn't care less what happens to me, but I couldn't bring myself to tell you and put you at the risk of my father finding out."

Yuno puts her hand on your shoulder, you look down at the couch cushions "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner love..." Yuno giggles "(Y/N) did you just call me love?" you start to sweat, I didn't mean to say that! "Shit, I'm sorry Yuno I-I say that sometimes." Yuno waves both hands in front of her chest "(Y/N) it's okay, I thinks it's kinda cute you calling me that." now I'm sure she's flirting with me.

"Here let's move the bags to my room we'll figure out where to put your clothes and stuff tomorrow." you jump off the couch and pick up both bags heading down the hall with Yuno as she hums. Her voice is so beautiful, you toss both bags next to Yuno's desk and suddenly feel something drop in your abdomen "I'll be right back Yuno, I gotta use the bathroom."

You leave Yuno and walk down the hall and slide open the door, hm the bathroom is darker than I remember. You flip the lights on. Wait a sec This isn't the bathro- what the.

You see blood smeared everywhere on the walls and the floor, two dismembered rotting corpses sat in the middle of the room "This is what Yuno was hiding!?" you stumble backwards a little covering your nose, god the smell. You weren't really scared, overtime you slowly became desensitized by these sort of things from the games you've seen and played, you just stare at the dismembered corpses. You hear small foot steps and turn, Yuno was standing there tears streaming down her face.

 You hear small foot steps and turn, Yuno was standing there tears streaming down her face

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My Psycho (Yuno gasai x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now