The Devil Has A Wing Woman

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I pulled the silky blond strand through the first hole of the cap. Slowly. Watching the light move through from the top to the bottom. Weaving hair is my meditation. Something better than writing or reading or anything else I've tried to take my mind off things.


My chest jumps at the zap on my thigh.

It's Eva. He's there. I can see him.

Shaking my head. I told you not to go. What are you doing?

I put on my jacket and get another notification.

Not everyone who RSVP's actually goes. Just making sure.

That's my job. I'll find him one way or another.

Slamming the door I bump into Garry. My landlord. Short, middle aged with harry potter glasses. Before Hermione fixed them.

"Julie. How are you doing?"

"Garry. What are you doing here?"

I'm staying in an Airbnb basement with a PRIVATE entrance, but there's a toolbox in his hands so I assume I know why.

"Just checking on the old water pump. Saw you come in last night. With blood on your shirt"

He looks at me with a weird smile.

"I work at a pizza shop. It's sauce" Jamming my key in the lock.

"Last week you were a taxidermist"

"Now you're blaming me for the economy?"

"I usually don't care about my tenants but I find you interesting"

Humans really do have a 6th sense..

"And I pay you upfront so that we don't have to talk. Now do you mind?" My cheeks burn as if I'm being interrogated.

"Fair enough. If you do need anything, just ask. And I mean anything"

He tips his invisible hat as I rush off. Weirdo. 1 week left.


Scrolling through Russles feed, there doesn't appear to be many girls in his photo's but I notice some of his guy friends immediately, and there he is. Time for work. He's sitting with Steven, A.J and Malorie already at a table so I either have to wait for him to get up.. or join them.

"Excuse me" The table stops laughing and smiles at me.

"Could I sit with you? I was supposed to meet a friend but I can't reach her and my bus wont be here for another.."

"Hey!" A.J shouts "No one should be alone on St. Patricks day. Join us"

Perfect. My eyes go straight to Russle as they make room for me. He's wearing a pink shirt and short brushed hair. He seems shy. Always the quiet ones..

I wave over round of drinks for the table. "Or sober!" Even the bar cheers at that one.

"I think we've just found an angel guys" Aww Malorie.

Everyones grabs a drink and Russle finally speaks. "I'm glad your friend didn't show up. What's you're name?"

"I'm Ki.. Julie" Shit almost forgot. and I only had a sip.

Steven joins in "You should forget about the bus. The parties just starting"

"Thanks! So what were you guys talking about?"

"Just laughing at Russle for choking on a fake grape at Burillo's last week" Malorie spilled.

Karma's already doing my job.

"Awww" I flashed my lashes at him. He laughs embarrassingly.

Half way through our drinks I call over another round so they can finish faster.

"Guys..I actually have a confession to make. I actually came over because I wanted to meet Russle" Steven looks disappointed.

"Aww, you have an admirer" Yes, Mallory. Be my wing woman.

He looks at me "Well it's nice to meet you Julie"

"And lucky for you, he's single" A.J elbows.

"In that case would you guys mind if I borrowed him for a little?"

The whole god damn table blushes. He stiffens. "I appreciate it but.."

"Aww come on Russle. Give her a chance" YES. MALORIE. DO YOUR JOB.

Even Steven helps "Yeah, we'll be here when you get back"


We walk around for about 20 minutes, talking about my made up life in Germany and what classes he's taking. I convince him to take me back to his place because I don't feel well.

"You sure you don't want me to call you a cab?" He closes the door and looks worried.

Okay. Brownie points.

"No, it's just thle alclahal haha" I say slurring my words on purpose and fall on him.

I try to go in for a kiss when he grabs my arm and helps me to the couch.

"You can rest here and join us when you're feeling better. Just don't forget to lock the front door, okay?" He winks.

There's already a stranger in your house dummy.

"Waiiittt" I bounce back up and put my arms around his neck "Stay with meee" I slightly kiss his mouth but miss.

He runs to the toilet and chucks. Pretty big to be a light weight.

He comes back out and sits on the bed "Yeah, maybe we should take it easy"

I climb on his lap and get back to work, trying to get a response. But nothing.

I don't know what to do. He looks at me with no desire what so ever. Did he just have a death in the family? This is my only chance to prove..

Out of no where he flips me over. Show time. As he unbuttons his shirt I check my handbag to make sure everything in place.

He comes back down and presses hard on my lips. I feel his chest. His beating heart..

And then, water?..

On my cheeks.

"I can't" Russel starts weeping.

W . T . F?

He's still on top of me like a statue. This is the part where he hurts me or I hurt him. I didn't mean what I did next. It was just instinct.

I throw him off of me and he screams, falling on the floor.

Shit. My knife pokes out from under his bloodied shin.

Slowly, I pick up my stuff and begin leaving.. him still crying.

He doesn't yell or try to stop me. I look back at him and realize.. I never tasted vomit.

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