'Negative' Words For That Signs That I Find Positive
Aries: Confrontational, Impatient, Jealous // They are able to fight for the things they want. They don't like to wait around they want to take action, they don't like wasting time and in this day and age it makes sense. They are afraid of losing who they love or want their person to be for them only and jealousy is one way they express that.
Taurus: Lazy, Stubborn // At least they don't stress about every single little thing and being lazy is relaxing and fun sometimes. They believe in what they believe in. I don't see what's negative about that.
Gemini: Two-Faced, Restless // They don't like being confined to just one way of thinking so they explore different opinions on things. They don't like to be bored. It's what makes them have fun because they are always doing doing and doing.
Cancer: Emotional, Moody // They know how to feel and how to show it. They feel a lot, and sometimes it's hard to get their emotions in check so they feel everything at once.
Leo: Vain, Melodramatic // They like to take pride in who they are. They want people to understand what they feel so they exaggerate.
Virgo: Close-minded, Critical // They like to live their life simply and as normal as they can. They like everything to be perfect because perfect is safe it's normal and right to them.
Libra: Indecisive, Superficial // They're afraid of making a wrong decision. They like appreciating outer beauty but it's until they know people in depth that they see the beauty inside too.
Scorpio: Secretive, Resentful, Possessive // They don't want their personal life out in the open. They don't like being betrayed and don't feel like trusting again only to be betrayed again. They love with all they have and expect the same in return.
Sagittarius: Impulsive, Blunt, Irresponsible // They like to do things in the moment. They're honest but not to hurt people but to express how they feel and what they've experienced. They don't like the pressure of responsibility, who can blame 'em?
Capricorn: Reserved, Controlling // They choose who to open up to. They feel safe when they're in control; nothing wrong can happen when they're in control.
Aquarius: Unpredictable, Rebellious, Aloof // Being unpredictable makes life fun. To defy rules and laws isn't bad. It's bad because we are told it is. Being cool and distant isn't a bad thing, we don't want to get hurt or we just don't know how to show how much we care.
Pisces: Gullible, Over-sensitive, Unrealistic // They like to see the good in people. They get hurt sometimes it's not bad, everyone gets hurt. What's wrong with being unrealistic? It's like saying it's wrong to dream.

Zodiac Signs
Random✓ Completed ✓ Facts, Scenarios, Descriptions, and many other things about the 12 Zodiac Signs!! Book 2 Hope you all like it! *Creds To Original Authors, mainly on tumblr so check them out to give them the praise. I'm just sharing their work!*