1. Sometimes Virgos, won't even continue explaining you something, because they know they are right and do not feel the need to prove themselves.
2. Virgos often do not say some things and keep to themselves, because they know words can sometimes be like daggers.
3. Virgos are ready to turn the world upside down if it is necessary to find whatever it is they love.
4. Instead of them putting a burden on you with their problems, they prefer pretending everything is okay.
5. When Virgos admit to loving you, it is very really and they are totally and fully dedicated to you.
6. Virgos are not manipulative people. Maybe sometimes they like to lecture you, but would never use you or take advantage of you.
7. Virgos get upset over a lot of little things, so be careful of your usage of words.
8. On the contrary of their sense of reality, Virgos still dream of experiencing romance from books.
9. Virgos have knowledge on many things, which means they possess a lot of facts, do not fight them on that.
10. The worst feeling for them is, feeling helpless.
11. Virgos will be suspicious of all things that make them feel uncomfortable or they think is inappropiate in a given situation.
12. Virgos will always find alternative ways of dealing with situations. They always ask themselves what could have they done differently and what they need to change in the future. These people have a lot of doubts.
13. No one will keep your secrets better than Virgos.
14. They are in the search for a partner who is full of passion and romance, but at the same time is their best friend.
15. Maybe sometimes you will misunderstand them for mean, but Virgos only critique you out of love and care.
16. When you argue with them, everything will be used against you.
17. Virgos feel amazing and so fulfilled when they are helping someone, rather than getting help themselves. Their happiness is your happiness.
18. They dislike people who postpone things.
19. When they find the love of their life, they are loyal for life.
20. They have a hard time expresing their thoughts, and that is understandable they have a lot of thoughts running in their head.
21. When you feel your whole world crushing down, just call a Virgo, they will always have your back, some great advice and be a shoulder for you to cry on.
22. Virgos are aware that they can be misunderstood very often, and their complex nature can be a reason to irritate others.
23. They will never settle for anything less, they will do anything for their loved ones of course if they are worth everything.
24. They worry a lot, knowing it is not necessary.
25. Virgos always look at things the way they truly are, not how people want them to see.

Zodiac Signs
Random✓ Completed ✓ Facts, Scenarios, Descriptions, and many other things about the 12 Zodiac Signs!! Book 2 Hope you all like it! *Creds To Original Authors, mainly on tumblr so check them out to give them the praise. I'm just sharing their work!*