★ Signs At 3am ★

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Aries: Playing extremely loud music & dancing & singing along with it

Taurus: Snoring, drooling a bit because they're fast asleep

Gemini: Violently reading while they struggle to keep their eyes open

Cancer: Binge watching Netflix & maybe chilling too

Leo: Having an extremely late night snack

Virgo: Sleeping, but only after staying up until 2:00 AM on Tumblr

Libra: Scrolling through their phone, still live on all social media

Scorpio: Attempting to summon Satan via Ouija board & not having any luck

Sagittarius: At work because they take the night shifts

Capricorn: Walking their dog after the dog demanded to be walked

Aquarius: Asleep & having a nightmare that morphs into a dream & then back into a nightmare

Pisces: They just can't sleep & random thoughts keep popping into their head

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