Use your, Sun, Moon, Or Venus sign (Whatever applies better!)
Aries: Move! Lethargy and stillness is the death of an Aries. Clean your house, start a new fitness challenge like couch to 5k, join a gym, walk a mall to window shop. Even just going out more to socialize - movement of your laughter and spirit and love. Aries thrive in physical expression, either alone or with others. The more confident of their presence in the world, the easier it is for them to face internal doubt. When they are in tune with their body, it is easier for their mind to be at ease. Productivity of the body will help to distract and brighten an Aries during a tough time.
Taurus: Comfort. Cook, paint or draw, online shop, buy yourself a new candle, hang out with old friends. Treat yourself to comforts - but not any material ones, ones that validate you. The gift you buy yourself can be something expensive that you didn't think you 'deserved' before. But you do. You deserve the happiness it can give you. Eat something you haven't in a while, maybe have dessert for dinner watching your favorite TV/YT show/person. Allow yourself permission to bend the rules a bit to make yourself happiest.
Gemini: Engage! A bored Gemini is a restless one and so for their mental health should always be striving or learning or engaging in something (within reason). Perhaps learn a new language or about its history, fall down a Wikipedia hole, and of course, talk to people. When ideas flow a Gemini is happy, so try and speak with new or old faces. If you're in college maybe speak to a professor you never have before or that classmate you think is cool. At all ages, surround yourself with people who appreciate what you have to say.
Cancer: Care. Self-care and love are crucial for a Cancer's happiness. Take a bubble bath, pet some puppies, read a book that has a happy ending and tolerable characters, visit family, scroll through pretty pictures on pinterest. It's okay not to be burdened by the emotional weight of everyone all the time - it doesn't mean you're a bad person or abandoned them. You allow to take time for yourself and just be obliviously happy. It especially helps if you are doing these things for or with people you love but it's really not necessary.
Leo: Re-brand! When a Leo is down, they can become impulsive and want to completely change themselves. After all, a Leo's happiness is largely based in being comfortable in their own skin (how else can they shine?). However, this doesn't just mean dye your hair or get a tattoo - it could be as simple as deciding you have a new favorite shirt color and wearing that shirt color every day for two weeks. It's also re-branding your mentality about yourself to best deal with your difficulties.
Virgo: Organize! Clean! A happy Virgo has never lived in a messy home. Physical spaces are included in organization but also organization of duties, priorities, relationships, and thoughts. Cleaning out, donating, deciding what is worthy or not will allow a Virgo sense of control and accomplishment. Even as simple as cleaning desk space will make it easier to do work. Start small, you have no pressure on you, so as to not feel anxious about whatever task you set in front of yourself.
Libra: Interact! The happiest I've ever made a Libra was texting them out of the blue to check up on them. You really do need socialization/interaction. This can be the typical form of hanging out with friends but even sending/responding to asks on Tumblr or playing in multi-player games online. It doesn't have to be overwhelming or exhausting, but any kind of positive interaction for Libras really can help. And, honestly, it can even be interactions with your god (of any religion) or with your tarot cards; it doesn't have to be typical.
Scorpio: Transform. A Scorpio that cannot express itself honestly is one that cannot feel truly happy. Perhaps some parts of your life/your self has become dead weight. If it is holding you back, perhaps it is time to let it go and transform into something else. There is a lot of energy in Scorpio, and they can actually find their comfort and control when they are changing and improving especially as they have the fixed sign resolve to carry it through. This transformation can be anything in their life, and they probably already know what they have to do.
Sagittarius: Explore! Sagittarius is associated with the sign of the bow/arrow/archer for a reason - it's because when they are no flying free, they are full of tension. During a tough time, a Sagittarius should look to exploring something new to uplift their spirits once more - it can be more intellectual in that you explore new aspects of astrology/tarot/witchcraft or maybe learn some simple magic tricks or maybe watch some Khan Academy videos or it can be more physical, such as a spontaneous road trip, driving to a new park and taking a hike there or simply just walking while listening to a podcast.
Capricorn: Complete. It can be something so small as organizing one drawer of clothing or adding one more paragraph to the story you're writing but what is important is that you complete something and feel achieved. Success and achievement are crucial to a Capricorn's happiness, if you let yourself feel so!! When there's something tangible before them - a youtube video they finished creating, a new rank on a video game - its harder for them to deny the fruits of their hard work. So focus on completing even just one task and be proud of yourself for it!
Aquarius: Isolate. Most Aquarians need time alone because they find even just being around others all the time exhausting. It's not to the fault of others (they can be well loved!), Aquarius just need to recharge with peace and quiet in isolation. When they isolate (for a reasonable time) they can get lost in their own world and mind and reconnect with themselves. It is then they can be truly themselves and not have to worry about social duties. It is alone that they are able to get their creativity and ingenuity flowing again to express into the world when they are ready.
Pisces: Dream! Pisces are gifted with such a rich internal world and an ability to get lost in it. Set aside time to create and explore new and old worlds that exist in you. Read new books or fan fiction writings or doodle out the scenes you see in your head or play some DnD or other role-playing game; however you want to express yourself, but just give yourself permission to do these things. It's fine if you're not always being productive, you're allowed to just take the time and nurture the internal wealth you have inside.

Zodiac Signs
Random✓ Completed ✓ Facts, Scenarios, Descriptions, and many other things about the 12 Zodiac Signs!! Book 2 Hope you all like it! *Creds To Original Authors, mainly on tumblr so check them out to give them the praise. I'm just sharing their work!*