Advice For The Signs
Dear Aries, You're full of energy and you're ready to take on the world. You exude confidence and optimism and that attracts people. You work harder than most. But remember that it's okay to burn out sometimes. You're an active person with an active personality but that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to cool it once in a while. You may learn something by taking a step back and watching others. It will also give you a chance to explore another side of yourself.
Dear Taurus, You are someone that people generally trust and rely on. You're a good friend and those around you appreciate your loyalty. But sometimes your loyalty limits your outlook on other people and other ideas. Your loyalty can turn possessive. That may push people you love away from you. Learn to become more open-minded about things you wouldn't normally being willing to explore and you may grow and expand your views on life. It also won't leave you feeling so restrained all the time.
Dear Gemini, Even if you don't consider yourself a social butterfly, you generally have a natural talent for communicating well with others. People enjoy your company because, well, you make good company. However, watch what you say because you may end up contradicting yourself. You don't always need to be a people pleaser to the wrong people. Stay consistent with your words. This will make it easier for the right people to find you.
Dear Cancer, You are a homebody. You love to relax, especially if it is by the water. People love your calming nature. You are also highly imaginative. But sometimes you let your own imagination get the best of you. You overthink and it makes you pessimistic and insecure. Try to remind yourself that everyone has these thoughts and you are not the only one. People are so worried about how they present themselves that they don't even pay attention to your own faults nor do they remember that embarrassing thing you did that one time.
Dear Leo, You are one of the most passionate signs. You are always looking ahead with a smile and you have a warm heart. You also love being admired and people seem to admire you whether you know it or not due to your loud and cheerful nature. However, you get uncomfortable when the spotlight isn't on you. You should learn how to give others a chance to speak up instead of you always leading the conversation. While your loud personality draws people in, it does sometimes push people away as well. Others besides yourself also have things to say.
Dear Virgo, You are the kind and quiet type. You're definitely a hard worker. You always try your best even when you don't even know if it's worth it anymore. When it comes to relationships, you're always willing to sacrifice for the other person. While this is admirable, it is also sometimes your downfall. You become disappointed easily because you give more than you get. You then blame yourself. You need to learn that sometimes you need to come first. Do what's best for you. Don't be so critical of yourself and you may find that life will get a little easier.
Dear Libra, You are a sign of peace. You are not one to argue and loudmouths make your skin crawl- it doesn't even have to be someone spewing hate. You just aren't very fond of those who say every single thing they're thinking. Despite your dislike for them, you're always gracious and keep an open mind. The only issue with this is sometimes when you're met with a confrontation, you become indecisive and you don't stick up for what you think is right. You want harmony but sometimes to get harmony you have to fight for it. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion once in a while.
Dear Scorpio, You are the definition of a true friend. You are loyal and brave and passionate. However, you get jealous easily and because of this you find it hard to trust others and also to make new friends. You keep to yourself because getting close to others means there is a higher chance of getting hurt. You should learn how to open up more because it will bring new opportunity when it comes to relationships, both romantic and platonic. Putting trust in them means they're more likely to put their trust in you. You need to communicate otherwise the relationship won't thrive. Not everyone has malicious intent or is out to get you.
Dear Sagittarius, You are an idealist. You want the best for yourself and especially for others. You're one of the most generous signs. However, because of this, you sometimes end up promising more than you can deliver. You say what others want to hear whether you fully agree with it or not. While you love your freedom, you sometimes hold yourself back by doing this. Learn to free your mind just like you learned to free your spirit. You will be much happier the day you start giving as much to yourself as you give to others.
Dear Capricorn, You have a good hold on life. When you want something, you go after it with all that you've got, all while maintaining regal poise. You have a lot of self-control and self-discipline. But when others don't meet your expectations, you get frustrated and you act condescending. You need to learn how to be more patient and accepting of people's faults because no one is perfect, not even you. You'd want others to be patient with you, so you should treat others the same.
Dear Aquarius, You are one of a kind. Most people envy your eccentricity and originality. Your independence allows you to be who you want to be. However sometimes your independent nature causes you to act aloof and it puts a strain on your relationships. You should learn to express your emotions just as much as you express your ideas and passions. It will bring about healthier relationships and you may learn something about yourself. It can also bring about some deep conversations that you seem to love.
Dear Pisces, You are the creative type. Whether it's drawing, painting, video, woodwork, or just thinking outside the box in general, people see you as someone who can come up with the best ideas. Your gentle and compassionate nature is your strength, but also sometimes your weakness. You're overly trusting, which a lot of times ends up hurting you.You become sad and victimized and you want to escape reality. You should learn how to turn that negative energy towards your passions. Use it to fuel your work, your music, your art. Don't wallow in sadness. When negativity shoves, shove it back. Use it to grow, don't let it consume you. Turn bad luck into something beautiful. If someone were to do it, it'd be a pisces.

Zodiac Signs
Random✓ Completed ✓ Facts, Scenarios, Descriptions, and many other things about the 12 Zodiac Signs!! Book 2 Hope you all like it! *Creds To Original Authors, mainly on tumblr so check them out to give them the praise. I'm just sharing their work!*