F = Female
M = Male
aries (f) - i love how she is so mature, strong minded, and strong willed. she is so assertive and isnt afraid to put someone in their place. i love how she knows what she wants and what she doesnt want and it is so admirable.
aries (m) - i love his ability to make me feel cared for with the amount of effort he puts into messages of love and support. i love his positive outlook on life and the future. i love how he has so much strength and always gets through obstacles life puts in front of him.
taurus (f) - i love her passion and intensity. how she loves so entirely with her whole heart, body and soul. i love her strength and her tolerance and her methods of doing things and dealing with everything in life.
taurus (m) - i love his newfound fire for life. i love his practical view on things and his way of knowing when things are realistic or not. i love his wide knowledge about the universe and the way things are.
gemini (f) - i love the way she has developed and changed with the world and the way things are. she is responsible and incredibly mature. she makes life look effortless and fun. she makes life fun for others too.
gemini (m) - i love his vulnerability and the way he speaks with true thoughtfulness and caring for himself and other people. i love his strong connection with both the earth and the universe.
cancer (f) - i love how she places such a high importance onto others' feelings. but she doesnt forget to look at herself. i love her passion and dedication to the things she loves.
cancer (m) - i love that he is a homebody, and welcomes others into his space with open arms. i love how sympathetic he is with others and how honest he is with his feelings.
leo (f) - i love her raw open emotion. her fire n her belly and her sparkle in her soul. i love how she is passionate, strong, and powerful.
leo (m) - i love his selflessness. his ability to always care for others but also look after himself. how big his heart is and how much room he allows other people. his ability to deny people the right to his heart if they take advantage of it. his kind and open spirit.
virgo (f) - i love how she is so vulnerable and raw. she speaks her mind and isnt afraid to get it all out. she is a leader, who is determined and ambitious. she always makes time for other people while still trying her best to look after herself. she is balance and she is calm and she is strength.
virgo (m) - i love his humour. he makes me laugh more than anyone else i know. i love they way he can open up to me even though being vulnerable is hard for him. i love our connection which is deeper than surface.
libra (f) - i love her fearlessness physically and most importantly emotionally. i love how she isnt afraid of speaking her mind and laying it all out on the table. she doesn't care what other people think and i look up to her because of that.
libra (m) - i love how he goes for what he wants. he always stay dedicated and true to his wishes and needs. i love how he thinks about other people as much as he thinks about himself.
scorpio (f) - i love that even though life throws everything it has at her, she comes out at the end stronger and fiercer than ever. i love her fire and i love her connection to the universe and finding out what it has in store for her.
scorpio (m) - i love his charisma, and his ability to make friends in one conversation. i love his calming nature and openness, but also the juxtaposition of his edgyness and quiet side.
sagittarius (f) - i love her kindness and thoughtfulness. i love the way she makes me and others feel so welcome into her life and friendship. i love her empathy.
sagittarius (m) - i love his independence and they way he always lives his life to the fullest. i love the excitement he has for all aspects of his life. i love that he is social and loveable, and cares about others with his whole heart
aquarius (f) - i love her drive for life and the things she wants to achieve. i love that no matter what is going on in her life she still has her goals which bring her comfort and a sense of security. i love her ability to bring others such joy no matter how she feels. i love her ability to open up and let it out.
aquarius (m) - i love his passion for the world and other people. i love how he cares so much about things that aren't personal and still makes time for himself. i love his progressive mindset.
capricorn (f) - i love her free spirit. i love how she has so much love to give. she is a natural born leader and handles authority and responsibility fairly and kindly. i love her kind nature and full heart.
capricorn (m) - i love how connected he is with himself, his beliefs, and what he wants for himself in life. i love how tightly he holds these things to himself and doesnt care what anyone else says about them or anything else to do with his life. i love his kind and big heart.
pisces (f) - i love how she is finally opening up to people. big and impactful events affect her so heavily but she always makes it through which is so wonderful to see and fills my heart with so much love for her.
pisces (m) - i love the way he takes charge, and the way he can take on responsibility with ease. i love his dominant, out there personality, and his engaging presence. i love the bits of softness that seep through and that special sparkle in his eyes.

Zodiac Signs
Random✓ Completed ✓ Facts, Scenarios, Descriptions, and many other things about the 12 Zodiac Signs!! Book 2 Hope you all like it! *Creds To Original Authors, mainly on tumblr so check them out to give them the praise. I'm just sharing their work!*