☆ Mean Girl Quotes ☆

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Aries: "That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets."

Taurus: "Why are you so obsessed with me?"

Gemini: "It's like I have ESPN or something."

Cancer: "Four for you Glen Coco, You go, Glen Coco!"

Leo: [Cough cough] "I'm sick."

Virgo: "On Wednesdays we wear pink."

Libra: "I want my pink shirt back!"

Scorpio: " I can't go to Taco Bell! I'm on an all-carb diet! God, Karen, you are so stupid!"

Sagittarius: "You wanna do something fun? You wanna go to Taco Bell?"

Capricorn: "This is Susan from Planned Parenthood. I have her test results. If you could have her call me as soon as she can? It's urgent. Thank you!"

Aquarius: "You can't sit with us!"

Pisces: "Boo, you whore."

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