Type Of F•R•I•E•N•D
ARIES: The one that stands up for you, low-key is super protective and would do anything for their friends, EXTREMELY funny and never boring. Better keep them forever!
TAURUS: The one who sorts out your drama and helps you go through any problems, smart and caring, they won't let you do silly things alone
GEMINI: That friend whose life seems perfect because of their funny and friendly personality, they will help you achieve any crazy goal you come up with, always has some great advice
CANCER: They take you everywhere because you mean a lot more than you think to them, they're funny and trustworthy, the mom friend pretty much
LEO: The party animal, the one who boosts up your confidence and makes you feel beautiful, they are inspiring, funny and witty, they will let you borrow anything from them and will always have your back when drama makes it's way into your life
VIRGO: The honest friend who will help you sort out your problems step by step, they'll never lie to you even if the truth is not what you were hoping to hear, they value friendship and can keep a secret 100%. Also, they're pretty funny too
LIBRA: That friend who introduces you to everyone they know because all they truly want is peace and love in this world, they will come to your house with chocolate and ice cream if you have a bad day and will be the shoulder you can cry on anytime you need to be heard
SCORPIO: The one who will literally kill for you. LITERALLY!! They know everything about you and won't let anyone judge you, best buddy ever <3
SAGITTARIUS: There's never a dull moment with them as all they do is joke around and make you laugh all the time, they will take you on crazy adventures and always take your opinion in consideration
CAPRICORN: The smart friend who will help you understand a lot of things and also show you methods in completing your dreams and goals, they'll often make fun of you but just because they love you a lot
AQUARIUS: The one who lets you be yourself, they won't force you into activities that make you feel uncomfortable and will always try their best into giving you intellectual advice
PISCES: The one who really knows how to listen to your problems, they will keep all of your secrets and fight back for you. They're up for some stupid and silly activities and low-key no one will understand what you guys are talking as they only speak using inside jokes

Zodiac Signs
De Todo✓ Completed ✓ Facts, Scenarios, Descriptions, and many other things about the 12 Zodiac Signs!! Book 2 Hope you all like it! *Creds To Original Authors, mainly on tumblr so check them out to give them the praise. I'm just sharing their work!*