1. Do not ask Scorpios stupid questions, you will get a very sarcastic response..
2. They feel emotions so deeply and intensely. Every word, action, positive or negative energy, strongly touches their heart.
3. Scorpios are excellent observers, but they keep their found information only to themselves. They keep the base information just at the tip of their brain just in case.
4. Maybe it is hard to get to know them, but it is even harder to forget them.
5. They can be fully understanding, but they will not tolerate you if you continued to lie to them when they've given you a chance to tell the truth.
6. They are introverts, but they can socialize just like extroverts.
7. Do not play with Scorpios emotions, because that would be like you are playing with the devil.
8. Scorpios feel like they are not supossed to apologize for telling the brutal truth. If you can't accept it you better move along.
9. If they are angry at you, you have no exit.
10. Sometimes they might seem a bit paranoid, but keep in mind that they also possess strong intuition that is almost never wrong about people.
11. One of the realest zodiac signs.
12. They cannot keep their mouth shut if they disagree with something.
13. When they are having a bad day, they may act as if they do not care about anyone or anything in the world.
14. You cannot try and manipulate them. They are masters of psychology, investigation plus they have strong intuition.
15. They like asking a lot of questions when they are suspicious, not to seem curious but to catch you tangled in your own lies.
16. You will have a clue that they like you, when they start sharing their plans with you.
17. Sometimes they might take out their anger or frustration on the person next to them, not necessarily the one they are angry at.
18. They cry, but prefer to cry alone instead in front of the presence of people.
19. They know exactly what to say at the right time.
20. Scorpios approach relationships very seriously. Short flings, adventures are of no value to them.
21. They do not like asking for help, except when they are really desperate and helpless.
22. Scorpios value the truth above all, even if it hurts them.
23. Ignorance irritates them.
24. They are not afraid of the unknown, because they are actually someone who represent the unknown and mysteries.
25. Scorpios are not impressed by expensive things. They do not see the logic or pleasure in being interested in those things.
26. They will more often feel that they are completely alone and very misunderstood.
27. Scorpios will feel fulfilled once they find people who understand them and do not consider them crazy.
28. Many think of them as mean, but if you get to know them they are really sweet, kind , emotional and sensitive beings.
29. Scorpios do not know how to act someone they are not and they will not even try. They will never act or force things.

Zodiac Signs
Casuale✓ Completed ✓ Facts, Scenarios, Descriptions, and many other things about the 12 Zodiac Signs!! Book 2 Hope you all like it! *Creds To Original Authors, mainly on tumblr so check them out to give them the praise. I'm just sharing their work!*