Aries: You are now releasing old waysand patterns,listen to the voices of the universe and your heart if you are ever in doubt or fear. Accept what the universe nownow wishes to deliver onto you.
Taurus: You are safe and free toto express yourself! you are protected from all outside and negative influences. This also includes the protection of your loved ones and home. Continue to create your dream life! know that you have only just begun.
Gemini:The universe at this time is now working to heal your romantic relationships,they are helping you plan out and build a new foundation that is surrounded around love! Be gentle with yourself at this time, and do not be afraid to spread your wings!
Cancer: Have patience with yourself at this time,the universe is bringing wonderful things into your life now!Know that everything is working out in divine order, that including your relationship and finances. There is no need to overwork yourself,just breath.
Leo: Remember who you are Leo, you are much more then the titles you have gained, and more then the difficulties you have experienced. You are a powerful, loving and creative piece of the Universe! Have compassion for yourself and everyone at this time, go back into your heart because it wants to show you something. Spread your wings Leo! go outside and get some fresh air! Ideas and insights are waiting for you.
Virgo: You have much help at this time, even if you cannot see where it is coming from.The universe is teaching you how to transmute the pains and hurt of your past into something new and beautiful! These lessons have made you stronger, wiser and even more kindhearted towards yourself and the world. Know that all is well, and that your heart is now guiding the way. Your time to "pass on" what you have learned, is near.
Libra: The ideas and visions that come to your mind at this time, are divine insights from the universe and your guides and the angels. There are messages all around you, all you have to do is be open to how they will be received and given. The Universe is helping you to realizing something much deeper about yourself. Something that you were once aware of when you where only a child.You were meant for something bigger, the universe will help you remember this.
Scorpio: Although it might seem as if your efforts are now going to ruin, there is something you are still working with the universe to see more clearly! and while it might seem as if everything if falling apart, this is only meant to happen so that you can rebuild this structure even stronger and lasting! You are going though changes that are even beeper then bone and flesh,know that you are being guided at this time. You have much wisdom within you, use your experiences to help and guides others at this time.
Sagittarius: The hard work you have put into yourself and your heart will not go to waste! everything you have done, every tear you have shed and prayer you have made has been heard. The universe is now moving you to where it is that you have to be! Have faith and know that your destination is one that was designed and planed out by the divine and its workers. Be true to your emotions and feelings at this time,honor them. know that you have nothing to worry about, everything will work out just fine.Be at peace now.
Capricorn: At this time, the universe is helping you to dig deeper to see, and understand the more "inner" pieces of yourself. There are parts of yourself that you still have not "recognized" yet, but everything will continue to unfold with time. Be patience with yourself, for your dreams are blooming at a much quicker pace then you have anticipated! and yet it still needs time to grow and be nurtured!Know that your prayers have been heard and answered! your thoughts and ideas will lead you to these insights!
Aquarius: The times now call for some patience,for the universe is now working things out so that movement can continue. While this is happening, you should place your focus on the things that bring you the most joy and happiness! If there is a project or goal that you have in mind, go after it! Remember that where your thoughts and intentions go, that is what creates your tomorrow and reality. concentrate on the things that bring you love and joy and it will become your reality.
Pisces: Although you might be having some fear and doubt in our head at this moment, your heart already knows what to do. You just have to follow and go with what it is asking of you. You already have what you need to create what it is that you wish to create, and the universe will always stand by your side and guide you.Have courage at this time! speak with your heart, take deep breaths and move forward with strength and determination.

Zodiac Signs
Random✓ Completed ✓ Facts, Scenarios, Descriptions, and many other things about the 12 Zodiac Signs!! Book 2 Hope you all like it! *Creds To Original Authors, mainly on tumblr so check them out to give them the praise. I'm just sharing their work!*