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"Madien, wake up" An old women softly tugged on the bender's shoulder as she was currently asleep.

Katara woke up hearing those words. She slowly got up, and was ordered to bathe. Her hands brushed against the silk bedsheets. Such an odd but amazing feeling. It was very different from the fur and wool back home, and it did feel nicer then sleeping on the ground. She liked the luxury in the palace there was no denial on that.

After her arrival, she was escorted into a room by one of the guards. They alarmed her to rest since tomorrow would be a big day for her.

She didn't plan to rest, but the moment her body touched the soft bedsheets she knocked out.

The women untangled her ties that secured her braids as Katara entered the bath. "What is your name?"

Her golden eyes looked at the brown skinned girl, "Zhilan," She answered softly. Her fingers continued to brush her wavy hair.

Katara was in thought. She couldn't help but wonder how exactly she was going to do it. How was she going to sneak pass all guards and find information to help end this war. She also had to take in consideration of the prince. She had to stay for a while til she finds her answers.

Soon after her bath was done, she was given a red dress to wear. She picked up the dress, and saw its details. It had gold outlining, and was an off the shoulder sleeves. "Zhilan?" Katara questioned grabbing the servant's attention. "I like this dress, but I was wondering if I can have blue ones,"

The women walked towards her as she helped put the dress on, "I don't know if that's a good idea. The blue symbolizes the Water Tribe,"She explained detailed on how it can anger the firelord.

"It doesn't have to be blue, it could be a very light shade where many can miss that its blue," Katara explained as the servant fixed her hair.

"It will look nice with your eyes," She mumbled softly, "I'll try to see if its allowed," The women smiled as the bender squealed and hugged her servant, "But, for the meantime, this dress will look perfect for today's ball," The women squealed in excitement as Katara giggled at her charisma.

Meanwhile with the prince who was currently pacing around his room was interrupted by his uncle. His uncle who he viewed more as father took a seat on the bed, and was ready to release his words of wisdom. "Zuko this selection would be great,"

The prince shook his head in disagreement, "Once those girls see my scar, I know many would leave," He announced.

The old man placed a hand on his nephew's shoulder, "Zuko you are handsome with or without the scar," He stated firmly before fixing his hair by ruffling it.

The prince had recently returned home with Iroh when the FireLord had called for them. It was a shock to the prince and the general, but listened to the orders that they received.

Zuko was glad to be back home. He missed the area where memories of his mother surrounded the palace. He had hope just the news of him targeting the Avatar would be enough to get on his father's good side. And, according to the guards it did. His encounters with the avatar was good enough to prove that he existed, yes it was more desirable if he actually caught the monk but his father already knew that it would be a difficult task for the weak prince.

Iroh, on the other hand knew that his brother had other plans. Especially when the idea of the Selection being taken place a week after their arrival. The firelord left Iroh in charge of finding the perfect princess for his son, but he knew that his brother will still try to force his inputs on the selection. Iron vowed to not let that happen because he knew that his nephew deserved the chance to find someone he loves that fit all criteria, and not someone that will be a puppet to the FireLord.

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