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"Katara, you must get ready as today you will have your date with the prince," Zhilan announced happily in the room as she opened the curtains revealing the sunlight into the bender's room.

Katara turned in her sleep, "I'm tired," She whined as she returned into her sleep. Zhilan crossed her arms, but an idea came into mind;

"Zuko, what brings you here!" The servant exclaimed loudly as the bender opened her eyes and ran out of her bed to hide in the bathroom. Zhilan clasped her hand as she knew that Katara would be showering.

She exited her room, and headed into the kitchen quarter. She hummed a sweet tune before she was interrupted by the firelord, "You are in charge of that water tribe girl?" He questioned.


"I don't care what her name is, but you make sure she isn't a spy," He warned her before he turned and left the quarters.

Zhilan furrowed her brows but was soon approached by Peng who greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "Don't take it personal but hes just cautious around her," Her husband explained as he removed his helmet.

"Can you accompany me with these morning dishes?" Zhilan asked as she picked up the completed tray and handed it to Peng.

Peng nodded as he placed his helmet on the counter and followed his wife to her destination. "Do you like being in charge of her?" He asked.

Zhilan nodded. "She's such a sweetheart." She stated as he listened to his wife's comments.

He recalled as the FireLord had ordered him to keep an eye on the girl. "That's good to hear," He replied as they arrived to the door.

Zhilan took the tray from his hands,"I don't want to keep you from your duties," She began but was stopped as he talked over her.

"The FireLord had assign an amount of us to watch over the maidens, and he was kind enough to let me be with you," Peng explained scratching the back of his neck.

She looked at her husband before nodding and opening the door. "Your breakfast is here," She announced as the bender turned around in a robe.

Katara took a seat on the side of the bed as her hair was down allowing it to air dry. "Do you want some?" Katara offered as she held out a piece of bread. Zhilan shook her head.

"I already ate earlier," Katara looked at how Zhilan headed into the dresser and took out a dress. "This one will bring your eyes out," It was a purple dress with gold rims. "These were the ones with mix of both blue and red,"

Katara looked at the dress and never once thought of the color purple. She tried it on since she knew Zhilan worked hard on these dresses. "It's actually not that bad," She mumbled under breath as she looked into the mirror.

Zhilan began to work on her hair as Katara opened up a letter. She had recieved a letter which threw her off since she recalled telling Aang and Sokka to never sent letters as the guards could end up reading it. She unfolded the paper, and saw Zhilan was to occupy to see what what written.

Madam Katara,

I saw your speech yesterday and was willing to know if you can speak with me. There are some things that I believe are very important to discuss. Please come find me at ten sharp at a small cottage by the lettuce market.

a fellow water tribe

Her blue eyes widen and she immediately placed her letter down. Was this someone she knew? Was it true? She couldn't help but know that the letter would be in her mind for the rest of the day. And, it upset her since she couldn't be so out of focus when shes out with the prince. She placed the letter on the table and continued to get ready.

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