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The sunlight was bright as it hit directly through the windows. Katara scrunched up her nose as she turned and felt something odd about her bed. The fabric was different, and the scent was different too.

It wasn't a bad scent but it caused her to open her eyes as she looked around and saw a different environment. She sat up, and spotted her dress on the edge of her bed as she wore a night gown. She was confused as she took a few mintues to remembered what happened last night.

"You woke up!" Zhilan clapped her hands as she had just entered the room.

"Did I just..." She got out of the bed as she looked around and spotted the box on the couch.

"You fell asleep on his shoulder, and Zuko carried you to his bed. He called me to change you while he showered. Zuko fell asleep on the couch," She explained as Katara grabbed her dress.

"Where is he?" She asked confused seeing no sight of the prince. Zhilan handed Katara a simple blue dress to wear for the day.

"He had to do early errands," Zhilan explained as Katara took off her nightgown.

She thanked Zhilan for thinking ahead and bringing her a different dress. "Zuko said it would be best if you got ready here and went straight to your duties," She explained further as she sat down the nightgown and brushed the madien's hair.

She tied it into a low pony tail as she left her braids from the day before, "I can't believe I fell asleep," Katara mumbled to herself.

She really did take their relationship to another level. And, they weren't even together. But, it's not like she planned to fall asleep, infact she didn't regret it.

She loved being by his side. He had a feeling that she couldn't wrap what it is, but she needs it. Being with Zuko, made her feel comfortable and safe.

After she was done, she exited the room with Zhilan before the two departed ways. Katara turned to her heels and headed towards the dining hall as today they were going to review the types of dishes used.

She hated it because it was so boring.

She walked in and saw she was one of the first ones. Li noticed as she gestured the madien to take a seat. Listening to the women's orders, she took a seat as she looked around the room.

"Come in," A low voice stated as Zuko took a step inside the room. He spotted the man sitting on the chair as he looked curious of the Prince's presence. "Do you need something?" He asked.

Zuko walked a bit closer towards him, "I wanted to ask how you knew about the Madien's brother," He stated straightforwardly waiting for an answer while the FireLord raised a brow.

"My palace, I get to know whatever I want," He firmly stated as he pointed emphasis on the last word.

Zuko rolled his eyes, "Why did you tell her that her brother was going to be your soldier. I discussed this with uncle and he agreed to me having a personal guard," Zuko explained thoroughly as the FireLord grew mad that the brown colored girl had told his son about his plans.

"I was just informing her, if he showed great skill I might move him up," He answered completely making up the whole thing as Zuko wanted to mentally roll his eyes again.

"I understand if you don't like her, but to make it clear, I am the one choosing not you or Azula," Zuko spatted as the FireLord stood up from his chair.

"You dare to threaten your father?" He questioned angrily as he took a step down.

"You have already done everything," Zuko answered as he referred to his face and recalled the fact that he was a banish prince for four years.

Without anymore to say, he turned around as he left the FireLord's room and headed to his room. He knew he wasn't needed for a couple of days, and he knew his uncle was occupied with other things. He took the chance as he opened the box that he had hidden.

He was going to head out and find Katara's brother. And, he won't return until he does.

"I don't understand why we are here," A short girl stated as she crossed her arms. She looked directly at the ground as she knew exactly where they had taken her to.

"I can't leave my sister in this nation alone," Sokka explained as the gang had returned to the Fire Nation three times already.

"I didn't mean your sister," Toph answered as she pointed to the tall house where Sokka had been practicing swordmens.

Aang was currently sitting on his own as he thought about Katara. He was secretly worried about her falling for the prince.

He didn't think much of it til rumours were flying about. The madien was popular among the common people: Many liked or disliked her.

And, it bothered the avatar so much that Katara is by the prince side. And, what if he falls in love with her? He probably will since Katara is that amazing.

"Twinkle Toes, are you alright?" Toph asked as she took a seat next to him. She felt something bugging him.

"I'm fine," He answered as the two stood outside as Sokka entered the building.

Toph raised her eyebrow, knowing damn well that he was lying. She even knew who he was moping about, and it annoyed her since he's supposed to be the avatar. "What's so special about Katara that she can make you mope,"

Aang looked over the blind girl as he rolled his eyes, "I love her," He stated as she slowly shook her head.

"You are fourteen, I doubt you know what love is; shes probably the first girl you saw, and don't get me started that she's basically older then you too," Toph ranted as she listed many things that she learned about the waterbender. "You need to be independent, if you go around expressing what you feel your enemies will know your weakness," Toph declared as she got up and faced the airbender.

"Toph, I didn't ask for your input," Aang stated as he contiuend to look on the ground.

She sighed as she knelt down in front of him as she placed her hand upwards, "I would lift your chin up to meet my eyes, but" She droned off as she heard Aang slightly laugh.

At the sound of his laugh she managed to find his chin, "Aang, don't be so down. You'll see Katara once this war is over,"

Aang looked at the blind girl as he saw her eyes. They were really pretty, something he has never seen before. He noticed a red bird fly over them but brushed it off, "Thanks Toph, we should sent up for the night,"


The next chapter would be mostly about Aang, Sokka and Toph.

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