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"You act so differently around those three girls," Mai stated as she had her arms crossed.

It was currently another date that Zuko had to do with a selected girl, "What are you talking about?" He asked as he kept his distance.

"You've also had this anger inside and you were never afraid to hide what you felt. What exactly changed you?" Mai asked as she was interested in who the prince was.

Zuko remained quiet as he remembered the time he had encountered the Avatar and saved him while wearing the blue mask. His primary goal was to save him, and then turn him in.

But, as his mask came off, his identity was revealed and the Avatar was conflicted. He remembered how they were in a base, "You should just run off, and go find your friends," Zuko commented as he stood up.

"And what about you?" Aang asked him concern for the prince.

"I recently was told to come back to the palace," Zuko shrugged not interested on the conversation between the two.

"Don't you think that would be the perfect time to turn me in?" Aang asked confused.

"Something doesn't feel right," Zuko admitted as he placed his mask on, "I better not see you again," Those were the last words he ever said before he dashed off into the woods.

"I'm still the same person," He scoffed towards the girl as she didn't look convinced. She brushed the idea off as she turned around to face the prince.

"You aren't the guy I fell in love with,"

He stopped dead on his tracks as he crossed his arms "Mai, why are you even in the selection?" He asked.

"You know why," She answered honestly without any hesitation. He was taken back but with that confirmation, it was enough, "Also there was a small chance that we could have been together,"

Zuko sighed as he looked directly at the girl. The girl he remembered when he was young, he remembered the countless times Azula would force the two to play, "Do you want to go home?" He asked truthfully as he placed his hand by his neck.

"I can't," Mai answered.

He stayed silent for a moment hoping to see a reaction from her, but nothing. She still had that 'dead' look in her eyes and showed no tone in her voice.

She walked closer to him as she placed a hand on his cheek, "I do love you," She admitted as she placed her lips onto his.

He was caught off guard but didn't do much to stop it or pursue it. He waited for her to pull away, and when she did he grabbed her hand, "I'm sorry Mai," He gave her a sincere smile before she shook her head and went inside her room. He shrugged it off as he headed back into his room where he laid in bed.

That kiss felt nothing to him, and it made him realize if all kisses were like that. He never did really kiss any girl until a couple minutes ago. If he hadn't been worried or traumatized as a child he wouldn't be so mature. He wouldn't have to grow up quickly after all he was banished from his home when he was thirteen.

He had to admit that he was confused about what to do. He didn't see his purpose on being back in the palace, he didn't see the purpose of this selection if he wouldn't be Firelord til his father resigns. But, now he knows that Azula might be threatening Mai to continue and this made him angry that he couldn't say much about it. The Firelord always showed his favoritism towards his sister. He knew that if Azula had assigned Mai to do such a thing it would be for a good cause. There was the remote chance the two planned it, and he has Azula watching it and reporting back to him.

Iroh, despite being the general had different views that were opposite of the Firelord. His uncle wasn't listened to or respected as he once was but instead had only a title. His brother had done that just so he wouldn't be able to overthrow him from the throne.

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