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"How is it possible that she's gone," Suki stated in disbelief as she was standing next to Katara. Today was the funeral service for their dear friend. After Aang defeated the FireLord no one in their group celebrated as they were still mourning over the girl with the amazing gift.

The prince has postponed everything about his coronation til a couple weeks after the service. He announced that he needed to spend time with his friends and help one another move on towards the tragedy.

"She was only fourteen," Aang mumbled under his breath as Toph shifted uncomfortably. She knew what he wanted to say because she felt it and because she had the same thought.

"The ceremony is about to begin," One of the staff stated as Zuko grabbed his future wife's hand and led her to the stage with their friends following closely behind them.

"I know you guys are very upset, but think of it this way— she's with her parents now," Sokka reasoned as he followed right behind them.

All of the girls who have met Varo from the Selection came. They couldn't believe that she was gone. The bender looked down at the casket as a few words were said from Iroh.

"Varo was such an amazing girl. When she joined the selection she came in hope of escaping from her home as she has lost her parents at such a young age. No child deserves to grow up without parents," Iroh stated as he looked sympathetic to almost everyone, "Varo did such a heroic act saving Katara, the future FireLady of the Fire Nation, Varo didn't have to do that but she was just that caring about everyone. She was given this gift of seeing the future. At any moment it could be triggered by anything. I have never heard of such a thing until she told me about it during the selection. She explained that she always knew how she was gonna die since it was a reoccurring vision. She would of wanted Katara not to blame herself of the outcome but to move on and take Varo in her memories," Iroh explained as he looked into the bender as she was trying to not cry.

The prince knew that ever since she passed Katara hasn't fully forgiven herself. He held her hand as he gripped it tightly wanting her to know its okay.

Meanwhile from the corner stood Mai, she heard of what happened and quickly returned to the palace. Katara was right. Mai shouldn't have left the girl alone. She slowly walked forward as the former general saw her. He finished his speech as he slowly sent a nod at her direction.

The group noticed as they turned around and spotted Mai. The girl with no emotions looked at the casket as she saw Varo was lifeless, "She left us way too soon," Mai stated as Katara released the Prince's hand.

"I'm so sorry Mai, I broke our promise," She exclaimed as she stood right next to her.

"It's not your fault Katara," She explained, "It was obvious that she knew what was going to happen and she took it to escape from what she see as a curse,"

Suki joined them as she placed a hand on Mai's shoulder, "It's crazy to think that she saw it as a curse but everyone else saw it as a gift," She reasoned.

Everyone looked as they gave her a proper burial and had a drawing of her held by the guards, "You know we never really got to meet her that well," Toph explained as Aang nodded in agreement. They had always acknowledged her and would occasionally talk to her but it seem that Varro preferred being with Katara or Zuko, "Do you think she's reunited with her parents?"

Aang nodded, "Yeah, she's probably hanging out with them," He answered as he held Toph's hand, "It seems that all she really wanted was to be with her parents," He stated as he recalled Iroh's speech.

Suki overheard their conversation as she remembered when Varo would finally tell them about her past. About her mom, dad and her Nana,"Wait, her nana doesn't know what happened,"  Suki said as everyone turned to look her.

Iroh closed his eyes, "I think she does. She probably knew it was going to be the last she will see Varo when she joined the selection,"  He turned to look at his nephew and his fiancé. Katara was crying as he was comforting her. Iroh walked towards the couple, "Katara you shouldn't be so sad," He explained to the bender, "Zuko I think its time you head back to the palace,"

It was already noon and everyone had joined the prince as his staff prepared dinner, "What is the plan now?" The prince questioned the group as they knew not everyone was going to stay in the palace.

"Well, I'm thinking about heading back to the South to see if our dad has returned," Sokka explained as Katara remembered that he must have went back looking for them.

"I'll go with you," Katara explained as her brother was unsure about it.

"Katara you are the FireLady now, aren't you going to be busy?" He asked as Katara shook her head. She didn't care she hasn't seen her father in so long.

"Actually we could go since I pushed everything til next week," Zuko reasoned as Aang looked excited.

"This could be another fun trip!" He exclaimed as he looked at the gang.

Toph looked unsure, "I would love to go but I have some things to get done and maybe check up on my parents," She explained as Suki agreed that she had to look for her fellow Kyoshi Warriors.

Aang's face quickly fell as he realized everyone was going back to their old lives, "I guess I will join you guys since I think Zuko and I should try to figure what to do next," He explained as the prince nodded in agreement.

"Your all welcomed to stay here as long as it's needed," the prince explained as everyone began to emerge in small conversations with one another, "Katara are you okay?" He whispered to his love as she was quiet.

"I feel weird that's all," She stated as she gave him a reassurance. He didn't buy it completely but he trusted her.

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