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The avatar shot at the prince as he broke the roof and landed on the tree causing him to fall onto the ground," What's wrong with you? You could of hurt Aang!" Katara shouted as she ran over to the prince.

He rolled his eyes, "There was a time you cared about me," He replied as he helped himself up. The waterbender looked at him directly at his eyes as she was hurt by his comment.

Everyone else has caught up to the scene, "What was that all about?" Sokka questioned still mad that he had destroyed his Suki's sand sculpture.

"The comet is in three days!," He shouted pissed off that they weren't going to do anything about it. He was bothered at the fact that they were playing around at the beach.

The rest of the group was silent until Aang took a step forward. He was nervous but managed to say it, "We decided it would be best to wait til after the comet. I still need more time to practice firebending," He explained.

"Your Earthbending still needs some work too," Toph admitted as the Prince was more annoyed.

"You guys thought that you weren't going to tell me about this? We can't wait til after because there's going to be no world to save," Zuko sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" Katara questioned.

"I was called in for my father's meeting. I was thrilled when he had me invited because all I ever wanted was to be by his side and obtain my honor. When I got there, they were all talking about the Earth Kingdom. He wanted to cause more pain and remove any hope that the people still had. You guys do know that my great-grandfather Sozin used the comet to wipe out the airnomads. And, now the firelord wants to do the same with the Earth Kingdom," He exclaimed, "He believes if he wipes out the Earth Kingdom, he will be powerful. He doesn't see the avatar as much of a threat since he knows you are weak. If you were strong you would of had already faced him," Zuko finished as everyone remained silent.

Toph was taken back by the revelation as she knew her parents were left behind. Varo extended out her hand and placed it on Toph's shoulder as she knew it will affect Toph the most.

"Why didn't you tell me about your father's evil plans!" Aang shouted. Zuko began to argue back as Katara watched the two. The firelord has no empathy, and she knew it first hand as she recalled their encounters. His eyes showed no emotions, and his words were always harsh and cold. He couldn't even put up an act if he wanted to.

"You are the avatar! You should be able to stop him!"

"You know I'm only 14 years-old!"

"STOP!" Katara shouted as water pushed the two back, "Arguing isn't going to help with anything," She glared at both.

She was right. They had to stop wasting time, and actually get serious. Sokka proposed that Aang, Zuko and Toph should go and train while the rest figure out something.

They separated as they headed inside the beach house. Katara was sitting with Varo, " Katara, Can I ask you something?" She turned to face the waterbender.

"What is it?"

"I'm finally controlling my visions, but I keep getting the same reoccurring one," She explained, "I end up dead,"

Katara was taken back by her words. How was she so calm and straightforward about the situation? "Maybe it was just another nightmare," Katara reassured the girl.

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