Chapter 1: The Fight

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Keith's P.O.V

"You cannot defeat me alone. Even if you did have people with you, you still wouldn't defeat me. So keep trying....its funny. " Lotor said to me. I stood up still holding my sword. He grinned an evil grin when he saw me holding my arm where he hit me with the laser gun. "It may look like I'm losing... but I will DEFEAT YOU!! NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!!" I yelled then ran towards him with my sword pointing towards him. He dodged it. I swing my sword towards his arm for revenge from earlier. I hit his arm and then quickly kicked him so he would fall. He looked at me with a surprising look on his face. Like as if he didn't think I could get him back. I pointed the sword to his face "Looks like I won this ba--GA! " He kicked me off from him and then punched me in the face once I was standing. He started to grab his sword and run towards me. I looked up and ducked under him. I turned and swong my sword once again. I missed him. He swong his and got the same arm in the same place. "GAH! " I yelled in pain. He laughed at me. I looked out the ring. All the people that were there was my team. They were tied up and they couldn't move. "KKEEEIITTTHH!!" I heard one of the guys yell. I turned back to Lotor and he was running again. I got up and jumped over him. I kicked him in the face then stabbed his arm "AHHHHHHH!!! " Lotor yelled in pain. He feel to the floor holding his arm. I walked up to him "Now you have a choice here Lotor. You could either one be our prisoner or die. Which one? " I said to him pointing my sword towards his face. He growled at me "I will never be your prisoner!" I looked at the team "I guess death it is." I said to him. He looked at me. Fear in his eyes and sadness at the same time. I stabbed his chest so it wouldn't be as horrible and walked off. I started to walk to the door where the team was. I started to wabbel and my vision started to turn blurry. I could feel my body getting hotter and getting heavier. I calabed to the ground, painting and sweating. "KEITH! NO! LET ME GO! LET US GO HE WON!! " I heard someone in the team yell. I saw some figures coming towards me. One black one and a blue figure went to me and picked me up. Then from that moment on I didn't remember anything.
Lance's P.O.V
Me and Shiro went running towards Keith which was laying on the ground passed out. I went on his right and Shiro went on his left. I looked at Keith. He didn't look good at all. Pidge, Hunk, Allura, and Matt went to the entrance with their weapons in their hands. They were making sure no gulra was chasing us. We ran to the ship "GUYS THERE IS GULRA CHASING US!! GET IN THE CASTLE! " Allura yelled at us to hurry. We nodded and ran. They started to fight off the gulra till we got on. Allura ran to the central and started to run the ship "Coran! Set the ship ready to wormhole! We gotta get somewhere safe!" Allura said to him. He nodded and started the ship for wormhole. A big portal thing came in front of us and the castle went in. "Okay guys..we are good. " Coran said wipping sweat off his forehead. Shiro and I looked at Keith. He was still passed out not okay "Allura we need to get Keith to somewhere where he can get some health." I said to her. She nodded "Lance and Shiro put him in the tripods that we put Lance in when he was in a coma." Me and Shiro nodded and walked in the room. We put him in it and Allura turned it on. She told us that it will be done in a day. We started to walk out but then I stopped "Shiro can I talk to you... Alone? " He turned to me and smiled a Lil smile "Of course Lance. What's up? " I sighed and walked to the passed out Keith. Shiro walked with me and sat down on the floor with me. "Is it bad that... I feel bad for him? " I asked Shiro looking down at the floor. Shiro looked at me confused "I mean he just got in a fight with Lotor the wise gulra in the galaxy and he is passed out so no it's not. Why? " I looked at the tripod "I didn't mean like that.... Shiro I'm scared to tell anyone this but... I'm bi.... And I like and have always like Keith... " I blushed when I said that. I haven't told anyone this. Not even anyone in my family so Shiro has earned my trust. "Oh. Well I'm glad you told me. And don't be ashamed of it. You wanna know a secret about me? " Shiro put his hand on my shoulder and asked. I nodded at him. He smiled "I used to be gay. " I looked at Shiro surprised "Haha surprised aren't you? Well you see I was dating this guy named Adam. He was an amazing person. I loved him so much. But one night we got into a fight. He walked off. He went to a mission and he died in a space craft when I came back.... I've missed him. And I always have but I think I'm bi now. But I don't know. " I smiled. Knowing that our leader is gay or bi makes me feel better than before. "How did you know?" I asked Shiro. He looked at me "Well it's a long story but all I can say is that I was never interested in girls. For some reason I never liked them like my frens did. That's when I found out I liked Adam." I smiled. He got up and I did too. "Well we should go to sleep. We will see you tomorrow Keith. Hope you get better brother." Shiro said to Keith. "Brother?" I thought to myself. He looked at me and smiled "Why did you call him brother?" I asked looking at Keith and pointing at him. He smiled at me and sighed "That's a story for tomorrow. Let's go Lance." I smiled then turned to the tripod "Goodnight Keith. I hope you feel better soon.... I need you. i love you.... " I whispered the "I love you" part just in case. I walked off with Shiro and went to my dorm. Hoping that he would be okay. "Man I really miss him.." I said to myself in my lil Room. I got up and grabbed my pillow and blanket and tip toed to Keith's room. I smiled and went on his bed. I put my pillow down then my blanket on top of me and went to sleep happily in Keith's room.

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