Chapter 4: The Party

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Lance's P.O.V
We ran to the central and told everybody that we were okay. Everyone hugged us besides Allura and Coran "Where were y'all? We have been worried this whole time and y'all weren't anywhere!" Keith broke the group hug. I could tell he is getting a little annoyed "We were with Red. Is there a problem with bonding with my lion?" "No there is not. But you could of told one of us so we would know." "So your telling me that if I want to bond with my lion I have to tell y'all? Like WHAT THE HELL ALLURA!!??!!" "DON'T YELL AT ALLURA!" "WELL TO BAD I DID CORAN!" Allura and Coran looked down at the floor "Look Keith I know that you have been through a lot...and me and Coran is sorry for getting mad at you. We just thought that you and him died or something." Allura said, sounding upset.  Keith looked down "It's fine. And I'm sorry. Y'all are right." They smiled and hugged Keith. I smiled at them "Good times." I whispered to myself. They all let go of the hug "Well the place besides the dorm, which no one but yall will be going in, and the central is the only things left to decorate." Pidge smiled and said. I nodded and smiled at her. She came close yo me then tapped on me which was signaling me to bend down "I ship it." I blushed. Everyone now knows, besides Keith, knows that I have a little, and what I mean by little is a big, crush on him. And I always had. I just try my best to not show it. I playfully punch her "Shut up." Keith walks towards Shiro and they start talking. I decided to go ahead and get ready for the party. I walked to my dorm and grabbed the blue and black suit I was going to wear to the party.
Keith's P.O.V
I walked towards Shiro "Hey Shiro. Can I talk to you?" Shiro turned from looking at the computer and smiled "Of course Keith. What's up?"
"I kind of had a mental break down in front of Lance. But Shiro...i think I feel ..more than what I think I feel for him."
"Hm. Only one way to tell."
"What's that way?"
"How do you feel when you see him. Like mentally and physically?"
"Um...well with the Physically. I feel like my legs are turning into noodles. My breathe feels like it's being taken away. My arms feel like I don't have any. And my cheeks are always heated up."
"Okay. Well what do you feel mentally. I can't say anything till I know for sure."
"I feel happy. Safe. Like he was for me? I guess you could say."
"Hm. Well Keith I think I know what's going on."
"What is it?"
"I know half the time yall don't get along. But you clearly like him. And not just as a friend. As boyfriends."
I looked down 'I like Lance? No...that can't be it....can it?' I thought to myself. I hugged Shiro "Thanks Shiro." He hugged back "Anytime Keith." I broke the hug and went to Allura "Hey Allura." She turned and smiled at me "Keith! There you are! I need to talk to you." I looked at at Allura worries but still remained calm. She smiled and grabbed my hand and pulled me to anther room away from everybody "So I have a question Keith. And it's about you and Lonce." I felt my heart raving "O-okay. What i-is it?" I studder. She looked around to make sure anyone wasn't around then turned to me "Do you like Lonce or something? I can tell by how you are around him you don't seem...yourself." I blushed and looked away "U-uh...m-maybe." She made my face look at hers "Keith. You can tell me. I won't tell anyone." I nodded and sighed "Allura can I be honest?"
"Of course Keith."
"Before I came to you I went to Shiro and told him that I feel somethig weird when I was around Lance and I explained how I felt and he said that I might have some feelings. But I don't truly know."
"Oh. Well if you want me and Shiro could get some data on how you and Lance act sound each other and maybe we could tell."
"That sounds nice but how about after tonight."
"Okay. Thank you for being honest." She hugged me and I hugged her back. She broke the hug and smiled "Well it's almost time for the party. You should get ready." I nodded and smiled. We walked out and everyone was dressed up nicely. I noticed that all the guys were wearing tuxs just with a dif color tie. Shiro's tie was black. Hunks was yellow. Pidge was wearing a green dress. "Nice dress there Pidge." I smiled and said. This is her first time wearing a dress or I have saw. She smiled "Thanks there emo." She loved calling me emo. I called her nerd a lot too. Me and her were pretty good frens. Lance walked out. He was wearing a tux with a blue tie. His hair looked like he put some stuff in it. He looked like he just finished getting ready. Coran walked in wearing the same thing "Your still not ready Allura? You better hurry up." Allura nodded and ran to her room. Everyone looked at me "Are you going to get ready?" Lance asked me, smirking a little bit. I smirked a bit back at him "Yeah." I walked to my dorm and started to decide to wear a tux or if I shouldn't.
Lance' s P.O.V
Keith walked to his dorm. I walked over to the lounge. Pidge and Hunk walked in talking about some math stuff "Hey Lance!" Hunk smiled and waved. I smiled and waved back
"Hey Hunk." Pidge sat next to me and Hunk day next to Pidge "So how are you and Keith~?" I blushed. I looked at her "We are cool." She and Hunk smiled at each other. I looked at them, worriedly "Guys yall are scaring me. Stop smiling like that." They nodded. I got up "Well Imma go now. See yall later. " They smiled and waved "See you later too Lance." I walked out, looking behind me to see if they weren't stalking me. But they were. "Weirdos." I whispered playfully to myself. I looked towards and ran into someone "Ow! Hey! Watch where your go-" "Oh! I'm so sorry Lance. I didn't notice you there." I got interupped by the one and only Keith. He got up and put his hand out "Need a hand?" I smiled and took his hand "Thanks. Sorry for bumping into you." I said as I brushed the dust off of me. He looked at me and smiled "No I'm sorry." I looked at him and noticed he was wearing a tux with a red tie. I blushed. He looked really good in a tux "Nice tux." OH MY GOD! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT OUT LOUD!!! I blushed a deep red and looked away. He blushed and smiled sweetly "T-thanks." We stood there blushing in silence "Well I got to go. See you later Keith." I smiled and walked off. He nodded and waved me goodbye. I walked to my dorm and laid on the bed starting to think about tonight.
Keith's P.O.V
It was time for the party. I was really nervous. I looked around at everyone who seemed calm as fuck. 'How are they so fucking calm?' It thought looking at Shiro, who was next to Pidge, smiling. I felt something was up between them. But I will find that our later. I looked around. Before this party starts I want to be next to someone I can trust. I looked around. Hunk, Allura, and Coran were standing next to each other. Shiro and Pidge were standing next to each other. I was looking for Lance. I am starting to trust him. He walked out the hall. I ran up to him "Lance. I need to talk." I said. I was kind of freaking out. He looked at me and smiled "I'm here for you Keith." I exhaled and smiled "I'm nervous....this party was made for me...but...Im not a party person." I looked dpwn, frowning a bit. He made my face look at him "I'll try my best to be next to you the whole time okay." I felt I smiled and blushed "Thank you." He nodded "No problem." Allura and Coran smiled and looked at the group "Alright guys. It's time. Have fun everyone!" They opened the doors and I looked at Lance, who was standing next to me smiling "I'm right here." I smiled at him. I looked at the doors and saw aliens and people walking in the castle. Me and Lance started to walk to the table where the food was at. Hunk and Shay were there talking "Well hello there you two love birds." Lance smiled and said to them. Shay blushed and so did Hunk "Shut up Lance!" Hunk said playfully punching him. They laughed and I did too "So Keith. I heard about your victory against Lotor. Are you okay?" Shay asked, smiling a sweet smile at me "I'm fine now. I just passed out afterwards. But I am okay. I'm glad that Lotor is gone now. That's one less problem to deal with." I smiled at Shay. She looked at Hunk, who was talking to Lance on the other side of the table. I don't know what but the look on her face seemed like she was worried or sad about something. She turned back to me "Keith I have a question about Hunk." I looked at her and smiled "What's up Shay?"
"Does Hunk have a girlfriend?"
" I don't think so."
"Oh okay."
"Are you okay?"
"Hm? Oh yes. I'm just thinking."
"Oh okay. Well if you need me I will be here to help you."
"Okay. Thanks Keith."
Shay smiled and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged back. We broke the hug and Lance came waking back to me "How is it going so far?" Lance smiled and asked. I looked at him with a small smile "Well so far." Lance smiled at me, like as if I got an award...well I guess this is an award but still "Good. You hungry?" I looked at the table. There was really good food, but I don't think I want to eat "No thanks."
"You sure?"
"Yeah..I  d-dont eat at party's."
"What!? Why not!?!"
"Well one I am the drunk kind of person. I like getting drunk more than eating and two I dont really know why. It's just a thing I do."
"Oh wow. So you will drink beer at a party but you won't eat food? That's so--"
"Stupid. I know."
"Well not exactly stupid. It's just a little weird."
I looked at Lance and he looked at me. We were having a very out of no where stare down. We stared at each other in silence. "Hahaha!" I brushed out laughing. I couldn't help it. Lances face was too funny to handle. He smiled and started to brush out laughing too. We both smiled and looked at each. We started to walk to the drinks. I grabbed a beer and he did too "You drink?" I asked after taking a sip of mine. He looked at me then took a small sip of his "Yeah sometimes." I laughed a little bit "What's so funny?" He asked looking at me. "I can imagine you drunk walking around like 'HEY GUYS IN LONCEY LANE AND I LOVE BITCHES!' Hahaha." I laughed with the beer in my hand. I drinked my drink and so did Lance.
Lance' s P.O.V
After a while of dancing, talking, eating and drinking Allura called everyone to calm down for some news "Okay I just want to say. Thank you for giving the stuff needed for the victory of Keith Kogane against Lotor. Congrats Keith. Please come up here." Allura smiled and said to the group of people and aliens. I looked at Keith, who was standing next to me, smiling "Wish me luck." He smiled at me and started to walk "Good luck." I whispered. He turned his head still walking and smiled. He was standing up there next to Allura. She smiled and hugged him. He hugged back smiling a big smile. She broke the hug and turned to the crowd "This is Keith Kogane. The red paladin when started. Black paladin when Shiro was gone. A member of the blade of Marmora. A human. A gulra. A paladin. A brother. A family member. When all is lost for us he is there. This person you see here next to me is a person that has been through a lot. On earth and in space. He lost stuff. People. Hope. But always knew how to handle it. This is Keith Kogane. One of the most important people in Voltron. Keith Kogane." Allura said her speech. Everyone was teared eyed once she was finished. She turned to Keith, who was smiling a little bit teared eyed, and smiled "Look behind you Keith." Allura pointed behind him. Keith wiped his eyes and turned. Everyone looked pasted Allura and Keith and saw a big sheet or blanket 'Oh my god...what is that?' I thought to myself. I watched silently. Allura turned towards the thing and said "Pull it!" Coran smiled and pulled the string. The sheet came down and it showed a huge glass art of him in front of all of us. Pidge was on left bottom wearing her regular clothes with her banard in her hand. Her face looked mad with some light On her glasses.  On the right bottom it was Hunk wearing his regular clothes with his banard in both hands since it was a cannon. His face was looked mad as well. In front of Pidge was me in my regular clothes with my sharp shooter gun on don't of me. I was doing a smirk. I will say I am looking good. I smiled and laughed a little at myself. In front of Hunk Shiro was in his regular clothes and his robot hand glowing pink and his face looking mad. Then in front of everyone was Keith in his blade of Marmora suit and his knife with him. His faced looked really serious. It looked amazing. Everyone ohed and wowed. Keith smiled big and turned to Allura who was smiling big smile "Thankyou Allura." He hugged her and she hugged him back "Your welcome." He walked back and everyone shook his hand and paladins hugged him. He stode next to me and smiled. I smiled back and hugged him "Congrats." He hugged back "Thanks. " We broke the hug and looked at Allura
Keith's P.O.V
Once the speech was done we all went back to having a good time. Me and Lance was drinking and talking. I felt myself get woozy. Yeah I feel I am getting drunk. Lance wasn't drunk. We started to dance to a song called "Thinking out Loud". I started to laugh at Lance "What's so funny mullet?" He asked smirking "You trying to dance to an Ed Shareen song." I pointed at him
"Oh yeah. Let's see you try." Lance smirked and pointed at me. I smirked "Me, Shiro and Adam danced to this a lot so I think I got it. Even if I am drunk." Lance smiled and moved. I went in his spot "And darling your soul will never grow old it's ever green. I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways. Maybe just a touch of a hand. And I'll just keep on making the same mistakes hoping that you'll understand." I tried to dance to that part of that song . He laughed at me and I laughed laughed with him "I'm used to dancing with people." I said blushing. Lance smirked and pulled me close "Well let's both try and dance." He smirked and said.i smirked as well "Okay then." We started to spin and dance. He was smiling and laughing and I was too. 'I haven't had this much fun in forever.' I thought looking at Lance. At the end of the song he dipped me in the middle of the crowd and we smiled. Everyone clapped and cheered. We stood up and looked at each other blushing. We walked to the coner of the room "That was fun wasn't it?" Lance smiled and asked. I smiled "Yes it was. You are a good dance partner."
"Same to you Kogane."
"Thanks. But I'm more of a singer. And--"
"Gutair player?"
"Yeah I guess."
We smiled and blushed. He looked into my eyes and I looked at his. We stayed there for a minute. His blue eyes were like the sky. Blue and beautiful. Our faces were closer than ever. I was blushing madly and he was too. About a minute or so I felt his breathe against me and we finally noticed what was happening "U-u-uh..sorry L-lance..." I looked away and said studdering "I a-am too." We looked away then Lance smiled "I have a question Kogane." I smiled "Yes McClain?" He looked at me "Are you drunk?" I bust out laughing "Yes!" He busted out laughing too. He put me in my room "Here. So you don't have too bad of a hangover." I smiled and went on my bed "Thanks." Lance smiled "No problem." He started to walk to the door. I thought for a moment "Lance..."
"C-could you sleep with me?"
"Thank you."
He smiled and shut the door. "Come onnn~." I said, rolling around a little on my bed. He smiled "Wait. I gotta take my shirt off. I sleep with it off." I blushed. "I do too. But I don't want you to think I'm weird so I'm--"
"Keith...your a guy. Your gonna sleep with your shirt off. Besides I am so why can't you?" He interrupted me, throwing his shirt on the ground. I blushed and examined the Cuban boy. 'HOLY SHIT!!! IS IT THIS LEGAL TO BE THIS CUTE!?!?!' I thought to myself, blushing madly. I nodded at what Lance said "Yeah I guess your right." I started to take off my shirt and threw it on the ground. He blushed and turned off the light. He came and laid down with me. I smiled and laid on his chest "Ha..stright on huh?" Lance giggled at me. I blushed "Yes. " I looked at him 'Should I?' I thought. He looked at me. Once again. Just like earlier our eyes met. Thus time our faces were almost touching. 'This is your chance Keith. Do it.' I thought once again then I did it.
Lance's P.O.V
Me and Keith were staring at each other again. Then Keith did something I thought he would NEVER do. He kissed me softly. I was caught at surprise at first but then kissed back softly. He broke the kiss "Wow...your lips tasted exactly like I thought they would." Keith whispered. I blushed and smiled "You imagined what my lips tasted like?" He smirked "Yeah like strawberries." I smirked at him "Well same with your lips." He giggled "You imagined mine too?" I giggled "Like white Chocolate. Just with a hint of beer." He smiled and I did too. He cuddled with my chest and I cuddled with him "Goodnight Keith." He mumbled "Goodnight Lance." We both fell asleep. Shirtless and happy

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