Chapter 7: Another Bonding Moment

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Keith's p.o.v
"THEY WHAT!?!?!" Lance yelled at me surprised. I giggled at his reaction "They are dating." His jawed dropped some "Isn't that pedafealia?" Lance pointed at me and asked. I laughed and they all looked at me "What's so funny Keith?" Allura tilted her head at me. I started to giggle more and sigh "I asked the same thing and Shiro told me to shut up. So yes but don't say that around Shiro and Pidge." They all nodded "Is that all?" Coran asked, looking at Allura. I nodded and the two Alteans smiled "Great because now the princess has some news." Coran pointed at Allura, who was smiling and started to walk towards me "Yes I do. May I pl--" "Allura you are the princess. I don't tell you what you can or cannot do. You tell me. Also Coran usually does that." I interrupted her. She smiles and nodded. Coran laughed "Yes I do." I walked off and went next to Lance. He looked at me "So Kogane."
"So McClain."
"How long did you know?"
"He told me this morning."
"No reason...just...uh wondering."
I tilted my head at Lance. He kept looking away. I decided to ignore why he asked and focused on Allura "So me, Hunk, and Coran are going somewhere to grab some stuff for the castle. So...uh....yall will be alone. Please get along and don't break anything. Thanks yall. Now Hunk and Coran let's go." Allura walked off and me and Lance looked at each other "WHAT!?!?" Me and Lance yelled at them. Hunk smirked at...I'm guessing Lance because  Lance growled and ran off to him but Hunk shut the door fast and Lance fell on his butt and looked at the door "HUNK GARRETT I WILL GET YOU BACK!! YOU FUCKING CINNAMON ROLL!!" I laughed at his stupidity "Wow Lance." He looked at me "What. He started it." He got up and looked at me. I looked back "Ugh." I tilted my head "What?" He sighed a big sigh. It sounded like a sigh of boredom. "Bored?" I asked him. He nodded "There is nothing to do!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes "Clean,run around,train,swim...well now that I mention it..i wanna swim." I said looking up 'weird...but normal?' I shook my head and he looked at me "I wanna swim too." We looked at each other 'Does he remember last night?' I started to get anxious. "You okay?" I looked at him "U-uh...yeah..just u-uh...d-do you remember?" He tilted his head at me "Remeber what?" I looked at him surprised "The...uh..k-kiss.." He raised an eye brow "Keith I think your high or something." Lance walked past me "So no I don't and yeah Imma get ready" I looked at him. Jaw opened "He doesn't remember!?!?" I half yelled at myself. I walked to my dorm "Hmm. Maybe he will remember this moment. Unlike Lance I still remember the first one. I cradled him in my arms. "But....NO HE DOESN'T REMEMBER SO IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!"
I said to myself. "But I will make him remember this one." I started to walk to my dresser and look through my drawers for my swim trunks. 'Hm....they aren't in here. If I were swimming trunks where would I be?' I thought to myself as I got up to my bathroom. I walked in and looked at the dirty laundry basket. 'Maybe in there..' I walked to the basket and started to look for my red with some white on the side swim trunks. "Aha!" I grabbed the swimming trunks and smiled. I walked to the bathroom door and shut it. I started to take off my black pants and my red with some black boxers and changed into the trunks. I took off my shirt and grabbed the white one that was hanging on the back of the door and put it on. I smiled and walked out my bathroom. "Shit! I need a towel." I walked back to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I walked out my room to the elevator. It was open and I walked in 'Where is Lance?' I wondered as the elevator door began to shut. I closed my eyes and started to think about last night and how he doesn't remember the bonding moment. Then as the elevator was close to close two tan, skinny hands went through the crack of elevator to open it. The door began to open to a tall tan boy who had brown messy like hair. He was wearing some blue swim trunks with some white on the side. He was wearing a light blue shirt as well. It was Lance. "Hey."
"Hi." We both looked at each other and blushed. He walked in and stood next to me with his towel on his shoulder. 'Hopefully it won't get stuck like the last time...' I thought to myself as the elevator began to move up.
Lances P.O.V
I stood in there next to him. I was hoping that the elevator wouldn't get stuck like the last time. I was back to back with him....shirtless. It might have looked like I didn't like it but I wanted it to be longer. Sadly it didn't. I looked at Keith, who was looking at the floor, and sighed "So are you?" Keith looked at me "Im....okay. How about you?"
'I'm about to go swimming with my crush who might be fucking perfect.'
" fine."
"That's good."
"Hey I have a question Keith."
"Hit me with what you got Lance."
"Is it weird that I think that the last time we got stuck was because of Pidge and Shiro?"
"Haha. No. I think so too."
"Wow really? How do you think it went down."
"Pidge on her computer and Shiro comes in asking where I was and she says with Lance going to the pool and he asked if we were shirtless and she said yes and he said stop the elevator!"
"Wow. Better than mine."
We started to laugh. Man I'm glad we are getting along. This is so much fun and we haven't even got to the pool. We looked at each other and stopped laughing. Keith smiled and I did too "Bonding moment." Keith said staring at me "Huh? What about it?" I asked rolling my eyes. Yeah I remembered that moment. I just said that so the team wouldn't think I'm weird. I also remembered the kiss from when we were drunk. I just wanted to make a better one out the next time. His jawed dropped and his purple eyes grew big of surprisement "Y-you...YOU REMEMBER!?!?!" He yelled at me and I laughed "I don't forget stuff I love the most Mullet. I mean....not the most." We blushed and looked away from each other "So do remember." He said still looking away "Yeah..sorry I probally made you mad." He looked at me "It's fine." I looked up "Okay." We smiled and then the elevator dung "We are now here. Ready to go McClain?" Keith said smiling. I smiled too "Yes I am Kogane." We walked out and looked up at the Altean pool "Hmmm well let's look around to see if there is anything to help us swim." Keith said and looked at me. I nodded and started to look around. 'Hmm...nun. Not over here. Ugh this is going to be a whi- What's that?' I thought as I walked to a button. I looked at the white words above it "Gravity button. Press two times for Anti gravity and once for gravity." I read out loud. 'I might be dumb but I think this is it.' I turned towards Keith "Found it." Keith ran over to me and smiled "Gravity button. Nice one Lance." I smiled and he did too "Should I press it?" I asked, looking over at him "Yeah. But make sure that your where the ground is so your shirt won't get wet." I nodded and press the button twice. We went flying up to the pool. "Whoa. Welp there went my towel." Keith said, rubbing the back of his neck as he watched his towel fall below us slowly. We laughed and I looked at him "I'll share mine." He smiled and I did too "Thanks Lance." I nodded "No prob-oof." My ass hit the ceiling or now floor and Keith laughed "Wow. Oof. Out of all the words." He said, in between laughs. I laughed too "Yea. I don't even know why." We started to laugh cry. Keith stopped and looked at me "Need help up?" I nodded and he helped me up "Thanks."
"No problem."
"Ready to swim Mr. Kogane?"
"Ready as I'll ever be. How about you Mr. I hit my ass on the floor/ceiling because I don't pay attention."
"Hey at least I called you by your last name meany."
"Haha. Yep that's me." I stook my tounge out at Keith and he smiled "I'm soooo offended." I heard his sarcasm come out at me "Good." I laughed and he giggled "Well let's go." I said as I went to take off my light blue shirt. I threw it at a wall and I turned to Keith, who was blushing "Like what you see?" I smirked at him "Maybe...maybe not." He smiled and started to take off his shirt. He threw it to me and I cought it. After I threw it at my shirt I looked at Keith, who was looking at the pool. I blushed "Damn he is hot..." I whispered to myself. He looked at me "What was that?" I started to blush a darker shade of red "N-nothing. I w-was tal-talking about my-myself." He laughed and rolled his eyes. 'Lance you need to start thinking to your self more. One day he is gonna catch you saying something about his hot body. So...SHUT THE HELL UP DUMBASS!' I nodded at myself and Keith looked at me with a confused facial expression "Okay then?" I walked next to him "I'm jumping in!" I yelled. I looked to my right and Keith was gone "Keith? Keith!?! Where in the fuck did you--" *SPLASH!* I noticed that Keith has jumped in the pool on the left side. I laughed and Keith popped out the water "Jumping in or your just gonna stand there?" Keith smiled at me and I ran back "I'M COMING IN!" I ran and did a cannon ball in the pool. I swam up and shook my head "Whew! Nice jump Lance!" Keith said shaking his head from the water I gave him from my jump "Yeah I know it was." I smirked. Keith swan under and I did too. I opened my eyes under the water and started to look around for him. 'Now how in the Quiznack do you lose a pal, black haired mullet boy in the pool Lance?' I thought to myself as I swam around under the water. I popped up and started to take some breathes. I started to swim around on the top of the water "Keith! Come out! YOU have to breathe soon anyway!" I said as I stopped at a wall. I looked down "Well I guess I'll--WHOA!" I yelled as something grabbed my foot and pulled me into the water. I opened my eyes  under the water and saw Keith, his eyes were open and looking at me. I smiled and he did too. His hair was flowing up and I blushed. He turned and started to swim straight. I followed him ' How in the hell does he hold his breathe for so long?' I thought as we stopped at a wall. We both swam up and started to breath some of the fresh air. I turned to him "How the fuck did you hold your breath for so long?" I said in between breathes. He smiled "I have my ways." He said shaking his head. We smiled and started to take a break 'So far this is going great.' I thought as he swam under the water again. I stayed st the wall watching him going to the other side

~After the swim~

Keith's p.o.v
After a while of swimming me and Lance decided to get out and start cleaning up our rooms and our selfs. Lance got out and started to dry his hair 'damn...he is..taking my breath away.' I blushed and got up out the pool. He threw the towel and I cought it "Get dry mullet. We need to clean out rooms sooner or later." I rolled my eyes "Shut up lover boy." He rolled his eyes and grabbed my shirt "Well meet me in the elevator." He started to put on my shirt. I blushed and dried my hair quickly "L-Lance." I studdered. He turned towards me "Yeah?"
"Your...uh wearing m-my shirt."
"Hm? Oh! I'm sorry. You want me to take it off and you wear it or--"
"Keep it on. I just wanted you to know."
"Oh okay." We smiled and I grabbed his shirt and put it on. We walked out the pool room, went to the elevator and it started to take it down to the first floor. It finally stopped and we walked out "See you in a minute Keith." He walked to the left "See ya Lance." I walked to the right and walked to my dorm "Get ready to be cleaned room. Then myself get ready." I said as I started to clean my messy room and think about Lance.

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