Chapter 2: Keith's Awakening

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Keith's P.O.V
I woke up surrounded in a light blue glass.  I saw no one there yet. "Hello? Guys?" I said. My voice was kinda scratched up you could say. I heard the door to the room open. I tried to see who it was but I couldn't. Then I saw the whole team coming in.  Guy wearing a light purple and grey suit on. He had orange hair and a huge orange mustache on his face. That was Coran. Behind him was a tan tall girl wearing a blue and pink and a Lil bit of purple and grey dress. With white long hair going down.  That was Allura. Then a guy with black short sleeves and on one side he had a robot arm.  His black with some white in the front was combed nicely. He was wearing some black jeans. That was my older brother Shiro. Takashi Shirogane.   Not by blood though.  I was adopted. Behind him was a girl with ginger blonde hair and glasses on. She was wearing shorts green and white long sleeve shirt. And some cacy shorts.  That was Pidge. Pidge Gunderson. Real name Katie Holt. Then there was a chubby guy beside her. Wearing a dark yellow jacket and a light yellow shirt and a yellow headband. And he was wearing some shorts too. That was Hunk. Hunk Garrett. U noticed that the only person that wasn't there was Lance. Lance McClain. He does sleep late. They walk up to where I was "He should be waking up soon." Coran said to the team. "I'm awake. Can't they see that?" I thought to myself. Maybe my mind is awake but my body isn't? Or something like that. I felt my eye lids open.  Then I saw the same people that I described earlier right in front of me. They opened the tripod and I fell to the floor on my knees. Shiro and Coran ran towards me and picked me up. "Hey Keith. How ya feeling?" Shiro asked smiling sweetly at me.  I smiled at him or tried "Better. Where's lance?" Coran and Shiro smiled at each other. I looked at them confused. Allura did the same.  To be honest they all did. Shiro and Coran looked at me "He's sleeping." Shiro said. Coran signaled Shiro to walk. Shiro nodded "You need to change, eat and we got some news!" Allura smiled brightly and said to me. Shiro and Coran walked me to my dorm. They let go of me and I stood up. "Can you make it? Can you walk without us?" Shiro asked, looking at me, worried. I nodded at him "Yes Shiro. I can walk fine. Thanks." He nodded and walked off with Coran. "He's gonna die when he sees what's in his room." Coran giggle at Shiro. "What does Coran mean? What's in my room?" I thought to myself. I was scared to death of what was inside my own room but I had to go in anyway. I walked in with my fists ready. I looked around... Nothing. Then something moved on my bed. I turned and saw a tan tall guy in my bed wearing a light blue T-shirt and dark blue pajama pants. His light brown golden hair was in a mess. It was a person.... "Is that Lance?" I tip toed towards my bed to see who it was and to my surprise I was right. It was Lance. "*yawns* Mhhm.. Morning Keith... Wait... KEITH!!" Lance got up and attacked me. Aka hugged me... He jumped up and hugged me. I fell to the ground "Argh. Ha nice to see you too Lance." I hugged him back. He got off and helped me up. "Um sorry. I forgot your still in some pain." I smiled a little smile at Lance. To show that it was okay. He smiled back.  We both were just standing there. Looking at each other for a hot minute. I looked away and blushed. He did the same just in a different order. "Well I got to get ready for today because Allura said she had some good news and yeah." I rubbed the back of my neck and told him. He nodded and walked off "Oh and Keith." I turned to him "I'm glad your back." He smiled and said. I smiled with a hit blush. He walked out and started to change
Lance's P.O.V
I walked out the room and blushed. I started to walk to the center of the castle where everyone was at. Everyone besides Allura looked at me "Looks like your up. How did you sleep in Keith's room. " Pidge said Keith's room in a cocky tone. I blushed of embarrassment and anger "One I slept well for your information and two how do you know?" I pointed at Pidge. I know she is smart and all but she was asleep... Well everyone was before I went in his room. They all smirked at me "We went to your room and noticed you weren't in there. So we went to check somewhere and I, myself, went to go check Keith's room and there you were on his bed peacefully sleeping." Pidge said. I looked at all of them while they still smirked at me "How do THEY know?" I pointed at the rest of the team and asked Pidge "Well Shiro was with me at the time.  And we ended up telling everyone that you were okay. Just in Keith's room." Everyone was giggling and smirking at me. I looked away "Well you should change. Tonight is a big night for Keith." Coran said to me smiling. I looked at him "What's happening tonight for Keith?" Coran smiled "Since he defeated Lotor we were going to have a celebration in honor of his sacrifice." Everyone smiled when he said that. I did too. He does deserve it. He almost died twice just for us. But this one was even bigger. I walked off to my room and went to go change.
Keith's P.O.V
I walked out my room with my ripped jean and my black shirt with my new red and black jacket around my waist. I walked towards the central and saw everyone there all dressed in there journal stuff. Everyone besides Lance because he went to change and smiled "When Lance gets done changing we are all gonna give you a big group hug. Because you deserve it so much." Hunk said. He is so sweet at times. I smiled at them.  They were all like family to me since I never really had one. Until I found my mom. I heard something coming down the hall.  I turned to see Lance in some light blue jeans and a white shirt. His eyes looked good with white. Well to be honest he always looks good... Did I just.. O my God... I smiled "Are you always gonna be late for stuff?" He smiled "Shut up mullet." He ran towards me and hugged me. Then Shiro came. Then Allura came from behind me.  Then hunk and Pidge. Then Coran. They all hugged me . I smiled and they did too. I looked at Lance and he looked at me. Once again our faces were inches away from each others. "Good job with Lotor bud." He whispered at me. "Thanks. So much Lance." I whispered back. We both blushed and everyone left the hug. Allura kept her little smile and made it bigger "Soooooo Keith I got some news that I think you will like." I looked at her, kind of worried. And this is why.  I usually don't like new because it's usually BAD news. And the news I apparently "like" is actually news they think I like when really I don't like the news. I nodded so she would know I am ready for the news "So for your bravery of defeating Lotor needs an award. So we all thought that we should have a party just for you and your winning of defeating Lotor!" Allura looked so excited. So did everyone else. To be honest this is the first news that Allura has told me I liked. Besides the "she trusts me even I'm half gulra" thing. Her and Coran walked off and started to decorate. Lance went towards me and smiled "So what was that technique you used in the ring?" I looked at him confused. "I don't think I had a technique." I thought to myself. "I didn't have a technique. What do you mean?"
"You know. You were running and you ducked under the sword and one part you somehow scratched his arm without looking at him till you tuned all the around."
"Lance I have no Fucking idea what you are talking about. I didnt have a technique. I just swing and tried to hit him so he would go down."
"Keith you obviously had one. You can't just guess stuff."
I yelled at Lance. I get short tempered real easy sometimes when it comes to Lance. He looked at me and I glared at him. It was silent. I started to walk away because one it was too silent for me and two I felt bad. Lance ran behind me and tapped my shoulder "What is it Lance?" I turned to him while my arms were crossed "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad. You just got out a coma and I'm not helping at all. You won against the wisest gulra in the evil empire.... I'm sor--" I hugged him before he finished. He hugged back "It's okay. And don't be sorry. I'm the one who yelled. Not you." I backed out the hug and looked at him. He smiled. And I did too. I waited till all the team was away to do something I've been wanting to do.
Lance's P.O.V
He looked at me then started smirking at me.  "What?" I asked him. He shook his head and looked behind me. I waited in confusion to see what he was about to do. Then, out of nowhere, he grabbed my hand and smiled "Follow me." I blushed. One he never does this so this is weird for him. Keith Kogane, the red paladin, and a member of the blade of Marmora, and the only half gulra member, in the team,  that is always emo, is and just grabbed my hand to follow him somewhere. And second I like this guy... Well love so when he grabbed my hand it was an instant blush on my cheeks. I nodded and let him take me wherever he needed to take me. He started to walk past my dorm then through, for no apparent reason, he went in his room. He closed the door and looked at me. I was really nervous. I was actually sweating. I thought we were about to have sex in his room. I mean to be honest he has the room with the sound proof walls so if he did want to do it no one would hear us. "Okay I just want to make this clear right now because Lance I know you and I know exactly what your thinking. No I'm not about to fuck you." He said smirking at me. He knows me too well. I blushed but smirked at him "What if I wanted that to happen~?" His face flushed out red.  Mine did too and I started to laugh "I was just kidding. I'm straight." We stopped blushing and he nodded. He walked to the wall at the end of his bed and started to feel the wall. I looked at him like as if he was meantal or something like that "Um ... Keith?" He doesn't turn but he answers "Yeah Lance?" I walked towards him "What are you- What the hell?!?!" I said. A door in the wall opened. I didnt even know that  was there! He turned around facing me "Follow me. And don't freak out by the way."

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