Chapter 8: Everyone is back

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Keith's p.o.v
I finally finished cleaning my room. I looked at the time "Seems like everyone still isn't back. Maybe I should call Shiro about them first. Then I'll call Hunk." I grabbed my phone and started to call Shiro "Hello?" I heard a deep kind of voice come from the other side of the phone "Shiro?" I asked kind of worried. Shiro's voice never went deep unless he was in pain or doing it. Oh and sick. Don't ask how I know that third one. "Yeah? Who's this?" His voice started to come back to normal "Keith. Your younger brother."
"Oh hey Keith. I was about to call you. How is it going?"
"Okay. Allura,Hunk, and Coran went to grab some stuff for the castle right after yall left so it was just me and Lance."
"Oh. How did that go. Still virgins?"
"Haha wow Shiro. Yes we are. But I should ask the same for you."
"Uh yeah. I mean. I can change that. But until she is ready I'm not going too."
"Shiro your such a sweet person. She is lucky to have you."
"Aw. Thanks Keith."
"No problem."
"Well we are coming back now. She fell asleep."
"Oh okay well I'm about to jump in the shower."
"Okay. We will be there soon. Love ya little brother."
"Love ya too Shiro."
We hung up and I put the phone down. 'I bet Lance is calling Hunk now.' I thought as I grabbed some red sweat pants and boxers and went into my bathroom. I put my clothes down on my counter next to my bathroom sink and started my water for the shower. As I pulled the little peg thingy the shower turned on and I started to get undressed. As I peeled off my boxers I walked into the shower. When the warm water hit my pal skin I started to feel relaxed. I wet my hair and grabbed my shampoo. I started to wash my hair 'Since I'm alone and in the shower...i can sing my one of my favorite songs.' I smiled and took a breathe
~Keef singing moment :3~
Your really cute I must admit.
But I need something deeper than this
I wanna know when I'm looking at you that you don't only see the things you want too
Because I'm not perfect. I'm flawed
And if you don't like that get lost
Cause I don't want it if it's fake
I don't want it if it's just for show
For show
I just want it if it's real and I'm thinking I should let you know
You know
The superficial love thing got me going crazy
Baby if you want me then you better need me cause I'm so done not being your number one
And if you wanna keep me then you better treat me
Like a damn princess, make that an empress
Cause I'm so done. Not being your number one
The Superficial Love❤
~that's all for now ;3~
I sung that song and smiled "Wow Keith. That was amazing." I heard someone say "WHAT THE HELL!?! HOW LONG- WHO ARE YOU- WHY ARE YOU--!" I yelled and looked out the side of the curtain, covering the rest of my body. I saw Lance sitting crisscross on my bathroom floor looking at my face "Haha. Emmbarssed?" I gave him my 'WELL WOULDN'T YOU DUMBASS!' Face and nodded "Wouldn't you if a guy came in while you were showering and you were singing!?!" Lance giggled and nodded "Far point there Keith." I went back to showering "Why are you in here anyway Lance." I heard movement from outside the shower "I was gonna ask you a question but then I heard you singing and I just HAD to listen." I blushed 'Had? I'm dying of a lot of things now.' I thought as I washed my body "Well what's the question." Lance sighed "So how long have you heard of Shiro and Pidge?"
"Yeah. I just stopped talking to Shiro like 10 or 15 minutes ago. Something like that. Why?"
"Just wondering. I'm anyway. I talked to Hunk and they are about to be ba--"
Lance stopped talking "Someone is here. I'll go. See ya Keith." I sighed "Next time knock." He laughed "Cant promise." I giggled "Try at least." I heard someone walking to the door "Yep." The door opened and then shut. I took a breath and closed my eyes "That. Was. Emmbarssing. In. All. Ways." I shook my head and finished showering and stopped the water. I stepped out and grabbed my towel. I threw it over my naked pal skin and started to dry myself off. I threw the towel in the dirty laundry basket, then grabbed my clothes that I set out once I was done. I walked out and shut the bathroom door "Keith. Open ta door." I heard someone say from the other side of the door. It sounded like...pidge? "Hold on a second." I said as I fixed my hair. I walked to my door and opened it to see a short girl with ginger blonde like hair, and yellowish kind if eyes. She was fixing her glasses and then she was looking down at her green dress that she wore on the party night. Yep it was Pidge. Or Katie. "Hey Keith. I need to talk to you.." she said like she was scared or sad "Um sure. You wanna come in?" She nodded and walked in. She sat on the bed and I sat next to her "What's up?" I asked, looking at her "Well...Shiro told you we dating right?"
"Well yeah. Why?"
"Well..i was gonna ask you a question.."
"Pidge. Your my sister-in-law while y'all are dating. Or I think so anyway. But you get the point."
"That's the thing...i don't want you to think that I'm trying to take Shiro away. If that makes since. Shiro has always been there for my family. And y'all have always had each other's back. No matter what. And I don't you to think I'm taking that away."
"Pidge...thats one very sweet of you to say. But your not."
"So your fine with us dating?"
"Yeah. I think y'all are a cute couple."
"Thanks Keith. Hey wait now that me and Shiro are dating I can call you--"
"Who said?"
"Um no."
"YAY! Thank you keef."
"I feel like Imma baby when you call me that."
"I can turn you into one."
"Heh. I wont."
We laughed and she stood up "Imma go now. Oh and Keith." I stood up and well "Yep?" She smiled "I ship you and Lance. KLANCE!" I blushed and looked at her "What the hell Pidge?" She laughed and walked out and shut the door. I sighed and sat down. "Imma go to sleep." I thought as I laid down under my covers. I grabbed my blade of marmora knife and started to cuddle with it "Goodnight Lance. I love you..." I said as I fell asleep with my knife in my hands
Lances P.O.V
I walked out my room from a quick shower. I kind of felt bad for being in there when Keith was singing and all but he is cute and a good singer. I saw Pidge coming out of Keith's room, laughing. I walked to her "Whats funny?" I asked her. She smiled and went on her tip toes to pat my shoulder "I'm allowed call Keith..keef now." She smiled and got off her tippy toes "Is that what was so funny?" I asked tilting my head a bit at the shortish girl. She shook her head "No. It's not." She started to walk away "Hey! Wait! What was funny!?" I ran to her and she looked at me "Keef will tell you." She walked off and I sighed "I hate her sometimes." I mumbled to myself "I know you do!" She somewhat yelled from Shiros dorm "How did you hear me!?" I asked in disbelief "I just do Lover boy." I heard her say in a cocky tone. I rolled my eyes and headed for Keith's dorm. I opened the door "Keith?" The room was pitch black dark. I looked around. 'Why is it so fucking dark in here? Well...he is emo. But last time I recall he isn't a goth too.' I thought as I walked in the room. I walked slowly around the dark ass room. "Keith? If your trying to scare me...its working. Now come out." I said as I went against a wall to find the light switch. "Ah-ha!" I said as I turned on the light. I looked around and saw a sleeping Keith, who was wearing no shirt and some red sweatpants. His black hair started to get messy, which looked adorable. And he was cuddling his blade of marmora knife. 'Awwwwww Keithy Keith is asleep. He is sooo adorable! Maybe I should turn the light off.' I nodded and turned off the light. I grabbed my phone and used it to guide my way to his nightlight. I turned it on and looked at Keith, which was sleeping. Snoring a bit. I blushed. 'Is it weird that I'm watching him sleep? Nahhh it's...normal? Okay I should let him sleep.' I walked to the door and heard movement from behind me. I turned and saw Keith, still sleeping, but moving his position. I smiled sweetly and walked out. I shut the door quietly and huffed out of relieve "I didn't wake him up." I walked to the central and saw Allura talking to Coran 'Im guessing they are all back.' Allura saw me and smiled big "Hello Lance!" I smiled back at her "Hello Allura." She walked up to me "So we didn't get what we were looking for but we got some stuff." Coran said from behind Allura "Yes. But we found someone." Allura pointed passed me. I turned and saw a galran women. She was wearing something along the lines of the blade of marmora outfit. The middle of it had a red sign instead of the purple. Her hair was pretty cool. It was short then there was a long part going down. I looked closely. 'Is that Krolia?' I thought as I looked at her. Yeah it is Krolia Kogane. I smiled "Hey Mrs. Kogane." She smiled and waved "Hello blue Paladin. Lance right?" She asked while walking to me. I nodded "Yes ma'am! Lance. Lance McCalin." I dud my finger guns and she giggled a little "Well hello. I'm here to talk to Keith." Allura and Coran walked beside me "I haven't seen him." Coran said to Krolia looking around. Allura nodded "Me neither Krolia. Maybe training?" Allura said pointing towards the hall, past the dorms to the training deck "Oh okay. Thank yall." Krolia smiled a little and turned her back towards us "Wait Krolia. I know where he is." I said to her. She turned to me "Where is he?" She asked. I smiled "Follow me." I said to her. She nodded. I walked past her and she followed me as I lead her to Keith's dorm "He is asleep." I said to her, pointing to the door. She sighed "Oh okay. I'll wait till tomorrow then. Do you have anywhere I can sleep for the night? I would sleep with my son but I don't want to disurbe him." Krolia said and looked at the door "Yes my dorm." I walked her to my dorm and opened 'Good thing I cleaned it before she came." I thought as she walked in "But where will you sleep?"
"Lounge or something. I'll figure it out."
"But this is your dorm Lance."
"So. I'm a Paladin."
"Okay? What does that have to--"
"A Paladin will do anything for a person, alein, or anything of that nature to be safe, comfortable, and anything else. No matter what."
"Oh..well okay. If you say so."
"I got that from your son."
"I figured. He is just like his father."
"Hey maybe one day if it's okay with you we can look at pictures of Keith when he was younger and talk about his dad. He sounds like a good person."
"Im perfectly fine with that. Thank you Lance."
"No problem Krolia."
We smiled and I walked out "Goodnight Krolia." I said as I walked out a bit "Goodnight Lance." She smiled and said. I smiled and closed the door. I walked to the lounge and laid on the couch "Lance why are you on the couch? You have a dorm." I heard Shiro say from behind the couch "Oh well I gave Krolia my room so she could sleep." Shiro smiled a little and looked at me "That was nice Lance." I nodded "I'm a Paladin. And a Paladin--"
"I heard you. And Keith said that before." Shiro interupped me and smiled. He yawned and I did too "Well Imma go to bed. You sure you don't wanna sleep in my room or something?" I smiled at him "I'm fine Shiro." He nodded "Goodnight Lance."
"Goodnight Shiro."
I smiled and he walked into his dorm. I laid on the couch, squirming a bit "I can't." I said as I got up and tipped toed to Keith's dorm. I opened his door and he was still laying there, peacefully sleeping. I walked to his bed and he moved around "L-lance?" Keith said, triedly. I stood there 'When the the fuck? Just act kwel Lance. Act...*ahem* SEXY!' He kept looking at me, waiting for an answer "Oh uh..your mom--"
"Don't do those stupid 'Ya mom jokes' on me Lance."
"If you let me finish I wasn't. "
"Oh well finish."
"Your mom came and wanted to talk to you and I gave her my dorm to sleep in since I didn't want her to sleep on the couch. And I was gonna sleep on the couch but it's too uncomfortable."
"Oh well then sleep up here and I'll sleep on the floor."
"Why not."
"Cause one I feel bad and two it's your room, your bed. Stay there."
"Okay. Well we will sleep up here I guess? I'll sleep by out feet."
"Nope. I will."
"Nope. How about we both sleep up here."
I rubbed the back of my neck and walked to his bed. Keith moved towards the wall. I laid next to him, blushing like all 4 hells. I looked at Keith and he was looking at me 'This is gonna be fun...and lots of other things.'
Keith's P.O.V 
I looked at him, I was blushing a lot. I was tried and very awkward right now. I noticed he was looking back at me. "You comfortable with this?" I smiled "Yes I'm ok with this?" He smiled and yawned a little. I did too. He started to move around, making really weird noises. They sounded like moans. I liked them. I blushed "You wanna go change or something?" I asked. "Yes. These jeans and shirt. I'm not sleeping in." I giggled and he did too. He got up and went to my bathroom and shut the door. I sat up a little. 'Well Damn it. I have another boner. It's....very....noticeable.  Shittttt.' I blushed. I put the cover over me and then Lance came out with no shirt and his boxers. 'Well fuck you too Lance. Your trying to get me more horny than I already am. First your gay moaning trying to get comfy now your in just your blue like boxers. Ah.' I covered my face and lance laid next to me "You ok Keith?" I peaked my head and little out the cover "Yeash." He giggled and pulled the cover down more. I blushed and I could tell he noticed my boner. He blushed and smirked a little "Oh. That's how you feel~" My face turned really red as he said that, sexually. "M-Maybe." I said back. 'This is gonna be fun~. But at the same time nervereacking.'

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