Chapter 6: They WHAT!!?!?!

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Lance's P.O.V
I walked out and went to the kitchen to see Shiro and Pidge sitting next to each talking "Hey guys!" I waved at them. Shiro, who was drinking coffee with his black lion robe on, smiled and waved back. "Morning Loverboy." Pidge, who was in her green pj's, drinking some peanut butter coffee she made, and smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully "Shut up." Shiro smiles and sighs "Last night was crazy. I cant believe that the castle is still in good shape. Like cleaning wise." I looked around and noticed that it was. Pidge got up and walked towards me. Then she tapped on my shoulder. Which was a signal to kneel down so she can whisper in my era. I went on one knee because it felt more comfortable. "You and Keith were sleeping together~." She said in a cocky like tone and smirked. I blushed madly and looked at her "Shut up nerd." Shiro laughed at me and her. He got up and walked to the lounge then turned back "Lance." I turned towards him and nodded "Whats up Shiro?" I walked to him and he looked at the dorm hall "Is Keith awake?" "Uh yeah. I mean he was when I woke up."
"Oh okay." He smiled and nodded. I nodded and he started to walk towards Keith's dorm.
Shiro's P.O.V
I walked to Keith's dorm and knocked "Keith. You in here?" I asked as I knocked. I heard some movement and ruffled noises then the door opened to see a milky white skinned boy with purplish blue eyes and and a black as midnight mullet. He was wearing black ripped jean and a red shirt with a black leather short jacket. That was Keith. Keith Kogane. I smiled at him and he smiled back "Hey Keith. How you so far this morning?" I waved at him. He looked down like as if he didn't know how to answer that "Okay I guess." I looked at him worried a bit "You okay?" He nodded still kinda frowning "Can your big brother, that you love so much, come in?" I asked all nicely to him. He giggled at me "Sure." I walked in and he shut the door. I sat on the bed and he sat next to me. I put my hand on his shoulder "What's wrong Keith?" He looked at me with an upset but his usual face "Just...what happened last night with me and Lance. And I kissed him but...what does that make us? And I wanna be with him but the rest of the group...I.." He started to get sad. I smiled sweetly and sighed "Keith. Y'all were drunk last night. Unless it was true y'all are friends with benefits. And who cares about what the group thinks? I dated a guy and they knew that. But didn't care. They supported me. It's okay." He looked at me and smiled "Yeah your right." I sighed, smiling "Anyways....Keith that's not the only reason why I came in here." He tilted his head a little and looked at me "What's  up Shiro?" I took a deep breathe 'Here goes nothing Shiro...tell him.' I thought to myself. " and Pidge are dating. And uh..well I was wondering if you could tell everyone for me. Like in....i don't know...3 or 2 hours later. We are going out later soooo yeah. I trust you to tell everyone for me." He looked at me. His jaw was opened a little bit. He looked surprised but at the same time he understood "Y-yeah. Of course Shiro. But I have a question." I looked at him "Yeah?" "Isnt that pedafealia since yoyr 26 and she--" "Shut up Keith...I know this. But I lobe her so no matter what her age is I will love her." Keoth nodded laughing a bit. We both get up "Thanks Keith." He hugged me "No problem big brother." I hugged back. "Well Imma go back now. Remember to tell them okay." I broke the hug and said to him. He nodded and walked behind me. I walked to Pidge and he went to the central.

~Time Skip ~

Keith's p.o.v
It was 6 in the afternoon. All day today I talked to Pidge about Shiro and her. And also I went talking to Allura some. But now Pidge and Shiro was going on their date. Shiro looked at me and gave me his 'Please do it. For me Keith.' Face. I nodded and they left. I walked back to the central "EVERYONE I HAVE SOME NEWS!!" I yelled from the room. Allura and Coran came walking in "What is it Keith?" Allura looked around and asked sweetly. Coran nodded, like as if he was agreeing to what Allura was asking "I'll tell yall when everyone gets here." I crossed my arms waiting for them. Hunk walked in with a took in his hand "What's happening? Gulra here?" Allura turned towards Hunk "I think it would be more hectic if the gulra were here Hunk." Hunk giggled "Yeah true. But what's happening?" Allura pointed at me. I looked at them "Guys wait for a minute." I looked up 'hurry up Lance.' I thought to myself annoyed a but about how long he was taking. "Sorry guys I had a but of a room problem." Lance ran in. I smiled to myself "Finally Lance. Took you a while." Hunk laughed at Lance a bit. Lance rolled his eyes and looked at me "What's up Keith?" I looked at everyone and uncrossed my arms "So Shiro--" "Wait everyone isn't here." Coran interrupted me while looking around "Well maybe if you let me FINISH I would tell you where he is. And Pidge." I rolled my eyes at Coran. He nodded "Right." I sighed "As I was saying. Shiro wanted me to tell that him and Pidge are dating and they are on a date now. There." Everyone looked at me surprised but happy. Lance was just surprised "THEY WHAT!?!!?"

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