Chapter 9: A fun night~

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A/U Note:
This is all smut . Or most of it
So if you don't like or can't handle smut
I think you should move on. Also it's in 3rd person so yeah. Enjoy. Now biiiiii. Its gonna be cringe. Yay. ^-^

Lance smirked and got on top of Keith. Keith blushed more. Lance kissed Keith passionately and Keith kissed back. Lance slipped his tounge in Keith's mouth and Keith slipped his tounge in Lances mouth. Slight moans came from them. They separated for air "L-lance. Is the door locked?" Keith asked. Lance looked at the door "I don't know. But I'll make sure." Lance got up and made sure it was locked. It wasn't. He locked the door and walked back to Keith. Lance got back on top of Keith. Lance started to kiss Keith's neck. Leaving hickeys. Keith let out quite moans. Lance smirked and started to kiss down his chest. Keith blushed more and more as Lance reached to his V-line. Lance kisses his V-line lightly and Keith yelped a little. "Sensitive much~?" Lance smirked and kisses his V-line again. Keith nodded as he moaned lightly. Lance went up to Keith. They started to make out again. Lance starting grinding against Keith. Keith moaned as he grind against him. Lance smirked and went faster and harder. Keith moaned louder. Lance stopped kissing him and grinding against him. Keith watched as Lance grabbed the line of his pants "Ready bae?" Keith blushed and nodded. Lance smirked and pulled down his pants. Along with Keith's red boxers. Keith moaned a little as his member felt the cold air hit it. Lance looked at Keith and licked the tip slowly. "Mhmm~." Keith moaned. Lance sucked on the tip. Keith moaned again. Lance decided to suck father. Keith grabbed the sheets and grinded his teeth a little. Lance kept going but went faster each time. "Gah-" Keith moaned again and again. Lance stopped sucking and tooks off his boxers. Keith blushed at the sight of Lance' s member. Lance smirked "Like what you see~?" Keith nodded "Yes~." They kissed again and Keith grabbed lances member and started to move up and down. Lance, who was hovering over him, moaned quietly. Keith kept stroking but went faster. "D-damn~" Lance moaned again but louder. Keith went faster with the stroking. "A-Ah~!" Lance moaned louder. Keith stopped and smirked "That was a lot for a little while~." Lance blushed and Keith touched his tip, revealing a stran of cum. Lance blushed and Keith did too. Lance moved above Keith then Lance lined his member  up at Keith's entrance "Ready?" Keith nodded and Lance slide it in. Keith moaned loudly and lance moaned too. Lance started to go slow and Keith moans quietly. "Faster~." Keith moaned. Lance nodded and went faster "Mmm~" Keith moaned and Lance did too. Without Keith even asking to go any faster Lance went 2 times faster "F-Fuck!~" Keith moaned loudly. "Oh you like that don't you~" Lance grunted a little in pleasure "Oh fuck yeah daddy~!" Keith moaned and blushed. Lance smirked "Daddy huh~?" Lance went deeper and faster. Keith moaned loudly then lance covered his mouth "N-Not to l-loud baby~" Keith nodded, moaning louder and louder every time Lance thrusted. Lance uncovered his mouth and moaned. "D-Daddy~!" Keith moaned "Yes?" Lance panted "Im close~!" Keith panted and moaned. "Me too~! Let's do it together~!" After a couple thrusts Keith and Lance reached their climates and. Lance cummed inside of him and Keith cummed on his stomach. Lance slipped put and they were panting "Wow." Keith said, panting and sweating. Lance giggled and fell beside him "You felt good baby." Lance wanted and kissed Keith's cheek. Keith blushed and cuddled him. Lance cuddled back. Keith fell asleep and Lance smiled "I'm glad we are together." Lance kissed Keith's  forehead and fell asleep as welll.

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