Chapter 3: The Secret Door

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Keith's P.O.V
I told Lance after I opened the door, that I found one day when I was bored, and grabbed his hand. He flushed red and I blushed a dark red as well. I walked towards the door and Lance smiled at me "Where are we going?" I ran faster "Somewhere. Just wait and see." He nodded and we kept walking towards the light. We came out in to the Red lion room. He looked at me surprised "How in the hell did we get in here? With Red as well?" I chuckled and pet the red lion "That door that we just went through goes through the central and other rooms. All I know is that it leads to Red. If I want a break I come in here with Red and just talk or play my guitar." He jumped up and smiled widely "YOU HAVE A GUITAR!?!?!??!" I backed up. "Oops. I didn't meant to to tell him that..." I thought to myself. "I..u-uh. No..." I sat down on Reds right paw and blushed a deep red that I blushed earlier. He got up and walked towards me "Keith..its just us. No one else is around besides Red but he is a robot lion." "But he has feelings..." "Are you being soft to Red~?" "N-no. I'm just s-saying." "Come one. Play it. PLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!!" "*sighs* Fine" Lance jumped up and yelped out of happiness. He sits Kris cross apple sauce and waited silently. I walked in the red lion and grabbed my acoustic guitar and my pick. I walked out and sat right in front of him. I started to play

Lance's P.O.V   

He started to play. I watched him smiling a sweet smile. He closed his eyes and started to hum. The sing out loud "Merrily we fall out of line, out of line. I'd fall anywhere with you, I'm by your side. Swinging in  the rain humming melodies, we're not going anywhere till we freeze. I'm not afraid anymore, I'm not afraid. Forever is a long time. But I...wouldn't mind spending it by your side." I blushed a light red. His singing was deep but amazing. His guitar skills are music to my ears. Get it? Because he's playing a guitar and guitars are in music? Yeah you get it. But in all seriousness he is really good. He opened his eyes and started to notice that he was singing out loud. He dropped his guitar and blushed out of embarrassment "Was I s-signing out loud!?!" I giggled at him "Yes you did! It was amazing! And your guitar should play that to everyone in the team!" He stood up "That's never gonna happen.." I stood up and followed him "Why not? Your so good! They will love yo--" "LANCE ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN FOR A REASON!" "What's that reason then?" "...I.." I hugged him "It's just can tell me Keith. Don't be scared." He hugged back tighter than I was holding him "I have a really low self esteem. Ever since my dad died when I was young and then my mom left. And I think she is died too..It's just...I wish I had a family like you. And Hunk, Pidge , and just...II'm a loner. And no except for y'all have cared for me." He started to cry when he said I wish I had a family. We crashed down in the lion "Hey. Hey Keith..its okay. Look at me" He covered his face and looked at me "Un-cover your your face Keith." He un-covered his face showing his very red and teared eyes. There were still some tears on his cheek. "Its okay. Before you burst out again I wanna tell you something..Me and my sister Veronica are adopted in the family."

Keith's P.O.V

I looked at Lance surprised "W-what?" He smiled a weak smile "Ha. Yeah. Our parents went missing when we were younger. So yeah." I smiled a little weak smile "That...actually makes me feel a bit better..." He smiled "Good. Now let's get up." We stood up and he was still holding on me. I blushed and he did too "Come on big guy." He let his arms out open "Huh?" I looked at him confused. He rolled his eye and grabbed my shirt and pulled me in for a hug. How for a minute I thought he was gonna kiss me. But he didn't. Okay once again. I do have a crush on him but I didn't know if he feels the same about me. So I try my hardest to keep it normal. He broke the hug. He smiled and we walked out the lion. "So how did you know about the secret door?" He turned and asked me. I thought for a moment "Remember that one night I did not want to eat?"
"Yea. Why?"
"Well I was bored and just hitting the wall and I hit something in the wall and then yeah."
"Well one that sounds wrong and two only my dorm wall has it."
He smirked at me. I got worried really fast. To be honest whatever he is thinking I did want to know. Buuuttt at the same time I didn't. 'What if he's thinking what I thinking he is thinking?' I thought to myselr. He looked at me still having his cute little smirk "Oh my god what is it!?!?" I yelled out of frustration. He sighed "Remember that you said that what I said was wrong?" I nodded. He went back to that smirk "Maybe I meant it like that~" I blushed a deep dark red and looked away. He started to chuckle. "PALADINS OF VOLTRON!! COME TO THE CENTRAL! LANCE AND KEITH ARE MISSING! HURRY UP!!" Me and Lance heard a worried Allura scream through the speaker.  We looked at each other and giggled "We should go." I said. He nodded "Yeah. Tonight's a BIG night so get ready hero." We blushed and ran out through the door. Then ran to the central and told everyone we were okay.

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